177 research outputs found

    MIAME/Plant – adding value to plant microarrray experiments

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    Appropriate biological interpretation of microarray data calls for relevant experimental annotation. The widely accepted MIAME guidelines provide a generic, organism-independant standard for minimal information about microarray experiments. In its overall structure, MIAME is very general and specifications cover mostly technical aspects, while relevant organism-specific information useful to understand the underlying experiments is largely missing. If plant biologists want to use results from published microarray experiments, they need detailed information about biological aspects, such as growth conditions, harvesting time or harvested organ(s). Here, we propose MIAME/Plant, a standard describing which biological details to be captured for describing microarray experiments involving plants. We expect that a more detailed and more systematic annotation of microarray experiments will greatly increase the use of transcriptome data sets for the scientific community. The power and value of systematic annotation of microarray data is convincingly demonstrated by data warehouses such as Genevestigator(® )or NASCArrays, and better experimental annotation will make these applications even more powerful

    Brassica ASTRA: an integrated database for Brassica genomic research

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    Brassica ASTRA is a public database for genomic information on Brassica species. The database incorporates expressed sequences with Swiss-Prot and GenBank comparative sequence annotation as well as secondary Gene Ontology (GO) annotation derived from the comparison with Arabidopsis TAIR GO annotations. Simple sequence repeat molecular markers are identified within resident sequences and mapped onto the closely related Arabidopsis genome sequence. Bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) end sequences derived from the Multinational Brassica Genome Project are also mapped onto the Arabidopsis genome sequence enabling users to identify candidate Brassica BACs corresponding to syntenic regions of Arabidopsis. This information is maintained in a MySQL database with a web interface providing the primary means of interrogation. The database is accessible at http://hornbill.cspp.latrobe.edu.au

    Wheat Estimated Transcript Server (WhETS): a tool to provide best estimate of hexaploid wheat transcript sequence

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    Wheat biologists face particular problems because of the lack of genomic sequence and the three homoeologous genomes which give rise to three very similar forms for many transcripts. However, over 1.3 million available public-domain Triticeae ESTs (of which ∼850 000 are wheat) and the full rice genomic sequence can be used to estimate likely transcript sequences present in any wheat cDNA sample to which PCR primers may then be designed. Wheat Estimated Transcript Server (WhETS) is designed to do this in a convenient form, and to provide information on the number of matching EST and high quality cDNA (hq-cDNA) sequences, tissue distribution and likely intron position inferred from rice. Triticeae EST and hq-cDNA sequences are mapped onto rice loci and stored in a database. The user selects a rice locus (directly or via Arabidopsis) and the matching Triticeae sequences are assembled according to user-defined filter and stringency settings. Assembly is achieved initially with the CAP3 program and then with a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-analysis algorithm designed to separate homoeologues. Alignment of the resulting contigs and singlets against the rice template sequence is then displayed. Sequences and assembly details are available for download in fasta and ace formats, respectively. WhETS is accessible at http://www4.rothamsted.bbsrc.ac.uk/whets

    Update of ASRP: the Arabidopsis Small RNA Project database

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    Development of the Arabidopsis Small RNA Project (ASRP) Database, which provides information and tools for the analysis of microRNA, endogenous siRNA and other small RNA-related features, has been driven by the introduction of high-throughput sequencing technology. To accommodate the demands of increased data, numerous improvements and updates have been made to ASRP, including new ways to access data, more efficient algorithms for handling data, and increased integration with community-wide resources. New search and visualization tools have also been developed to improve access to small RNA classes and their targets. ASRP is publicly available through a web interface at http://asrp.cgrb.oregonstate.edu/db

    The SYSTERS Protein Family Database in 2005

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    The SYSTERS project aims to provide a meaningful partitioning of the whole protein sequence space by a fully automatic procedure. A refined two-step algorithm assigns each protein to a family and a superfamily. The sequence data underlying SYSTERS release 4 now comprise several protein sequence databases derived from completely sequenced genomes (ENSEMBL, TAIR, SGD and GeneDB), in addition to the comprehensive Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL databases. The SYSTERS web server (http://systers.molgen.mpg.de) provides access to 158 153 SYSTERS protein families. To augment the automatically derived results, information from external databases like Pfam and Gene Ontology are added to the web server. Furthermore, users can retrieve pre-processed analyses of families like multiple alignments and phylogenetic trees. New query options comprise a batch retrieval tool for functional inference about families based on automatic keyword extraction from sequence annotations. A new access point, PhyloMatrix, allows the retrieval of phylogenetic profiles of SYSTERS families across organisms with completely sequenced genomes

    Evaluation of the coexpressed gene network of DREB2A

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    Different proteins in the cell perform their function in a unified way, interacting with the other proteins involved in completion of the particular metabolic pathway. The information about a single protein estimated from an organism subjected to a particular treatment will reveal only part of the process. To understand the process completely it is very essential to have an assessment of the different proteins linked together in different pathways and also the level of expression of different genes under different conditions. The coexpressed genes reveal the part of the genome which is intricately involved in carrying the process being studied. The network of coexpressed genes with DREB2A was analyzed. DREB2A is involved in different processes related to drought and salt stress. Out of the genes coexpressed with it, At1g16030 is Hsp70b/ Heat Shock Protein 70B, and is reported to be involved in virus attack and in protective processes under heat stress. Similarly At2g26150 was also observed to be closely networked with DREB2A, and is a member of heat stress transcription factor. The information from the coexpressed network of DREB2A shows that the interacting proteins play important role in protection of plants from pathogen attack and also in protecting the protein repertoire of the plant from denaturation when it is subjected to salt and heat stress. Copyright © www.iiste.org Keywords: DREB2A, Heat shock protein, transcription factor, coexpressed gene

    YOGY: a web-based, integrated database to retrieve protein orthologs and associated Gene Ontology terms

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    We present YOGY a web-based resource for orthologous proteins from nine eukaryotic organisms: Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Arabidopsis thaliana, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, Plasmodium falciparum, Schizosaccharomyces pombe and Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Using a gene name from any of these organisms as a query, this database provides comprehensive, combined information on orthologs in other species using data from five independent resources: KOGs, Inparanoid, HomoloGene, OrthoMCL and a table of curated fission and budding yeast orthologs. Associated Gene Ontology (GO) terms of orthologs can also be retrieved for functional inference. Integrating these different and complementary datasets provides a straightforward tool to identify known and predicted orthologs of proteins from a variety of species. This resource should be useful for bench scientists looking for functional clues for their genes of interest as well as for curators looking for information that can be transferred based on orthology and for rapidly identifying the relevant GO terms as an aid to literature curation. YOGY is accessible online at

    PatMatch: a program for finding patterns in peptide and nucleotide sequences

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    Here, we present PatMatch, an efficient, web-based pattern-matching program that enables searches for short nucleotide or peptide sequences such as cis-elements in nucleotide sequences or small domains and motifs in protein sequences. The program can be used to find matches to a user-specified sequence pattern that can be described using ambiguous sequence codes and a powerful and flexible pattern syntax based on regular expressions. A recent upgrade has improved performance and now supports both mismatches and wildcards in a single pattern. This enhancement has been achieved by replacing the previous searching algorithm, scan_for_matches [D'Souza et al. (1997), Trends in Genetics, 13, 497–498], with nondeterministic-reverse grep (NR-grep), a general pattern matching tool that allows for approximate string matching [Navarro (2001), Software Practice and Experience, 31, 1265–1312]. We have tailored NR-grep to be used for DNA and protein searches with PatMatch. The stand-alone version of the software can be adapted for use with any sequence dataset and is available for download at The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR) at . The PatMatch server is available on the web at for searching Arabidopsis thaliana sequences

    PathoPlant(®): a platform for microarray expression data to analyze co-regulated genes involved in plant defense responses

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    Plants react to pathogen attack by expressing specific proteins directed toward the infecting pathogens. This involves the transcriptional activation of specific gene sets. PathoPlant(®), a database on plant–pathogen interactions and signal transduction reactions, has now been complemented by microarray gene expression data from Arabidopsis thaliana subjected to pathogen infection and elicitor treatment. New web tools enable identification of plant genes regulated by specific stimuli. Sets of genes co-regulated by multiple stimuli can be displayed as well. A user-friendly web interface was created for the submission of gene sets to be analyzed. This results in a table, listing the stimuli that act either inducing or repressing on the respective genes. The search can be restricted to certain induction factors to identify, e.g. strongly up- or down-regulated genes. Up to three stimuli can be combined with the option of induction factor restriction to determine similarly regulated genes. To identify common cis-regulatory elements in co-regulated genes, a resulting gene list can directly be exported to the AthaMap database for analysis. PathoPlant is freely accessible at