37 research outputs found

    On some low distortion metric Ramsey problems

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    In this note, we consider the metric Ramsey problem for the normed spaces l_p. Namely, given some 1=1, and an integer n, we ask for the largest m such that every n-point metric space contains an m-point subspace which embeds into l_p with distortion at most alpha. In [arXiv:math.MG/0406353] it is shown that in the case of l_2, the dependence of mm on alpha undergoes a phase transition at alpha=2. Here we consider this problem for other l_p, and specifically the occurrence of a phase transition for p other than 2. It is shown that a phase transition does occur at alpha=2 for every p in the interval [1,2]. For p>2 we are unable to determine the answer, but estimates are provided for the possible location of such a phase transition. We also study the analogous problem for isometric embedding and show that for every 1<p<infinity there are arbitrarily large metric spaces, no four points of which embed isometrically in l_p.Comment: 14 pages, to be published in Discrete and Computational Geometr

    Advice Complexity of the Online Induced Subgraph Problem

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    Several well-studied graph problems aim to select a largest (or smallest) induced subgraph with a given property of the input graph. Examples of such problems include maximum independent set, maximum planar graph, and many others. We consider these problems, where the vertices are presented online. With each vertex, the online algorithm must decide whether to include it into the constructed subgraph, based only on the subgraph induced by the vertices presented so far. We study the properties that are common to all these problems by investigating the generalized problem: for a hereditary property \pty, find some maximal induced subgraph having \pty. We study this problem from the point of view of advice complexity. Using a result from Boyar et al. [STACS 2015], we give a tight trade-off relationship stating that for inputs of length n roughly n/c bits of advice are both needed and sufficient to obtain a solution with competitive ratio c, regardless of the choice of \pty, for any c (possibly a function of n). Surprisingly, a similar result cannot be obtained for the symmetric problem: for a given cohereditary property \pty, find a minimum subgraph having \pty. We show that the advice complexity of this problem varies significantly with the choice of \pty. We also consider preemptive online model, where the decision of the algorithm is not completely irreversible. In particular, the algorithm may discard some vertices previously assigned to the constructed set, but discarded vertices cannot be reinserted into the set again. We show that, for the maximum induced subgraph problem, preemption cannot help much, giving a lower bound of Ω(n/(c2logc))\Omega(n/(c^2\log c)) bits of advice needed to obtain competitive ratio cc, where cc is any increasing function bounded by \sqrt{n/log n}. We also give a linear lower bound for c close to 1

    Reoptimization of Some Maximum Weight Induced Hereditary Subgraph Problems

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    The reoptimization issue studied in this paper can be described as follows: given an instance I of some problem Π, an optimal solution OPT for Π in I and an instance I′ resulting from a local perturbation of I that consists of insertions or removals of a small number of data, we wish to use OPT in order to solve Π in I', either optimally or by guaranteeing an approximation ratio better than that guaranteed by an ex nihilo computation and with running time better than that needed for such a computation. We use this setting in order to study weighted versions of several representatives of a broad class of problems known in the literature as maximum induced hereditary subgraph problems. The main problems studied are max independent set, max k-colorable subgraph and max split subgraph under vertex insertions and deletion

    On maximizing clique, clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly induced subgraphs

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    Clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly graphs are polynomial-time recognizable. Recently, we presented a proof that the clique graph recognition problem is NP-complete [L. Alcón, L. Faria, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez, Clique graph recognition is NP-complete, in: Proc. WG 2006, in: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 4271, Springer, 2006, pp. 269-277]. In this work, we consider the decision problems: given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k ≥ 0, we ask whether there exists a subset V ′ ⊆ V with | V ′ | ≥ k such that the induced subgraph G [V ′ ] of G is, variously, a clique, clique-Helly or hereditary clique-Helly graph. The first problem is clearly NP-complete, from the above reference; we prove that the other two decision problems mentioned are NP-complete, even for maximum degree 6 planar graphs. We consider the corresponding maximization problems of finding a maximum induced subgraph that is, respectively, clique, clique-Helly or hereditary clique-Helly. We show that these problems are Max SNP-hard, even for maximum degree 6 graphs. We show a general polynomial-time frac(1, Δ + 1)-approximation algorithm for these problems when restricted to graphs with fixed maximum degree Δ. We generalize these results to other graph classes. We exhibit a polynomial 6-approximation algorithm to minimize the number of vertices to be removed in order to obtain a hereditary clique-Helly subgraph.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    On maximizing clique, clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly induced subgraphs

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    Clique-Helly and hereditary clique-Helly graphs are polynomial-time recognizable. Recently, we presented a proof that the clique graph recognition problem is NP-complete [L. Alcón, L. Faria, C.M.H. de Figueiredo, M. Gutierrez, Clique graph recognition is NP-complete, in: Proc. WG 2006, in: Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., vol. 4271, Springer, 2006, pp. 269-277]. In this work, we consider the decision problems: given a graph G = (V, E) and an integer k ≥ 0, we ask whether there exists a subset V ′ ⊆ V with | V ′ | ≥ k such that the induced subgraph G [V ′ ] of G is, variously, a clique, clique-Helly or hereditary clique-Helly graph. The first problem is clearly NP-complete, from the above reference; we prove that the other two decision problems mentioned are NP-complete, even for maximum degree 6 planar graphs. We consider the corresponding maximization problems of finding a maximum induced subgraph that is, respectively, clique, clique-Helly or hereditary clique-Helly. We show that these problems are Max SNP-hard, even for maximum degree 6 graphs. We show a general polynomial-time frac(1, Δ + 1)-approximation algorithm for these problems when restricted to graphs with fixed maximum degree Δ. We generalize these results to other graph classes. We exhibit a polynomial 6-approximation algorithm to minimize the number of vertices to be removed in order to obtain a hereditary clique-Helly subgraph.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    On recognizing words that are squares for the shuffle product

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