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    Decyzje wielokryterialne i negocjacje: wybrane aspekty teoretyczne i badania eksperymentalne

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    Praca powstaƂa w wyniku realizacji projektu badawczego nr 2016/21/B/HS4/01583 finansowego ze ƛrodkĂłw Narodowego Centrum Nauki.Wydanie publikacji zostaƂo dofinansowane ze ƛrodkĂłw WydziaƂu Ekonomii i FinansĂłw Uniwersytetu w BiaƂymstoku.Aaldering H., Greer L.L., Van Kleef G.A., De Dreu C.K.W. (2013), Interest (mis)alignments in representative negotiations: Do pro-social agents fuel or reduce inter-group conflict?, „Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes” 120(2), s. 240-250.Adamus-MatuszyƄska A. (2020), Heuristics and biases as sources of negotiators’ errors in the pre-negotiation phase. Review of Literature and Empirical research, „Optimum. Economic Studies” 101, s. 79-90.Akinci C., Sadler-Smith E. (2013), Assessing individual differences in experiential (intuitive) and rational (analytical) cognitive styles, „International Journal of Selection and Assessment” 21(2), s. 211-221.Allinson C.W., Hayes J. (1996), The cognitive style index: A measure of intuition-analysis for organizational research, „Journal of Management Studies” 33(1), s. 119-135.Alter S. (1980), Decision support systems: Current practice and continuing challenges, Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA.Andreoni J., Sprenger C. (2010), Certain and Uncertain Utility: The Allais Paradox and Five Decision Theory Phenomena, „Levine’s Working Paper Archive” 26.Appelt K.C., Milch K.F., Handgraaf M.J., Weber E.U. (2011), The decision making individual differences inventory and guidelines for the study of individual differences in judgment and decision-making research, „Judgment and Decision Making”.Armstrong, S.J., Cools, E. (2009), Cognitive styles and their relevance for business and management: A review of development over the past two decades, [w:] L.-F. Zhang, R. Sternberg (red.), Perspectives on the nature of intellectual styles, Springer Publishing, New York, s. 253-290.Armstrong S.J., Cools E., Sadler‐Smith E. (2012), Role of Cognitive Styles in Business and Management: Reviewing 40 Years of Research, „International Journal of Management Reviews” 14(3), s. 238-262.Arnott D. (2006), Cognitive biases and decision support systems development: A design science approach, „Information Systems Journal” 16(1), s. 55-78.Axelrod S., May, J.G. (1968), Effect of Increased Reward on the Two-Person Non-Zero-Sum Game, „Psychological Reports” 23, s. 675-678.Mastenbroek W. (1997), Negocjowanie, PWN, Warszawa.Matsatsinis N., Grigoroudis E., Siskos E. (2018), Disaggregation Approach to Value Elicitation, [w:] L.C. Dias, A. Morton, J. Quigley (red.), Elicitation: The Science and Art of Structuring Judgement, Springer Science & Business Media, New York, s. 313-348.Matwin S., Szapiro T., Haigh K. (1991), Genetic algorithms approach to a negotiation support system, „IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics” 21(1), s. 102–114.McDermott R. (2009), Prospect Theory and Negotiation, [w:] G. Sjöstedt, R. Avenhaus (red.), Negotiated Risks International Talks on Hazardous Issues, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, s. 1-23.McShane M., Nirenburg S., Jarrell B. (2013), Modeling decision-making biases, „Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures” 3, s. 39-50.Bell D.E., Raiffa H., Tversky A. (1988), Decision Making: Descriptive, Normative, and Prescriptive Interactions, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.Mela K., Tiainen T., Heinisuo M. (2012), Comparative study of multiple criteria decision making methods for building design, „Advanced Engineering Informatics” 26(4), s. 716-726.Mesjasz C. (1996), ZaƂoĆŒenia analizy negocjacji, „Organizacja i Kierowanie” 3(85), s. 33-44.Mesjasz C. (2000), Determinanty i modele procesĂłw negocjacji kredytowych pomiędzy bankiem a przedsiębiorstwem, „Zeszyty Naukowe. Akademia Ekonomiczna w Krakowie”, Seria Specjalna, Monografie, t. 142.Forgas J.P. (1998), On feeling good and getting your way: Mood effects on negotiator cognition and bargaining strategies, „Journal of Personality and Social Psychology” 74(3), s. 565-577.Kaiser H.F. (1974), An index of factorial simplicity, „Psychometrika” 39(1), s. 31-36.Messick, S. (1976), Personality consistencies in cognition and creativity, [w:] S. Messick (red.), Individuality in learning, t. 4, Jossey-Bass, Oxford, s. 4-23.Meyer C.J., McCormick B., Clement A., Woods R., Fifield C. (2012), Scissors cut paper: Purposive and contingent strategies in a conflict situation, „International Journal of Conflict Management” 23(4), s. 344-361.Miettinen K. (2014), Survey of methods to visualize alternatives in multiple criteria decision making problems, „OR Spectrum” 36(1), s. 3-37.Miller D.T., Ross M. (1975), Self-serving biases in the attribution of causality: Fact or fiction?, „Psychological Bulletin” 82(2), s. 213-225.Miller G.A. (1956), The magical number seven, plus or minus two: Some limits on our capacity for processing information, „Psychological Review” 63(2), s. 81-97.Mingers J., Rosenhead J. (2004), Problem structuring methods in action, „European Journal of Operational Research” 152(3), s. 530-554.Montibeller G., von Winterfeldt D. (2015), Cognitive and Motivational Biases in Decision and Risk Analysis, „Risk Analysis” 35(7), s. 1230-1251.BĂ©nabou R., Tirole J. (2006), Incentives and prosocial behavior, „American Economic Review” 96(5), s. 1652-1678.Moon Y. (2003), Don’t blame the computer: When self-disclosure moderates the self-serving bias, „Journal of Consumer Psychology” 13(1-2), s. 125-137.Morewedge C.K., Yoon H., Scopelliti I., Symborski C.W., Korris J.H., Kassam K.S. (2015), Debiasing decisions: Improved decision making with a single training intervention, „Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences” 2(1), s. 129-140.KaĆ‚Ä…ĆŒna-DrewiƄska U. (2006), Negocjacje w biznesie: Kluczowe problemy, Wydawnictwo Akademii Ekonomicznej im. Oskara Langego, WrocƂaw.Frank M.J., Cohen M.X., Sanfey A.G. (2009), Multiple systems in decision making: A neurocomputational perspective, „Current Directions in Psychological Science” 18(2), s. 73-77.Moshkovich H.M., Gomes L.F.A.M., Mechitov A.I., Rangel L.A.D. (2012), Influence of models and scales on the ranking of multiattribute alternatives, „Pesquisa Operacional” 32(3), s. 523-542.Moshkovich H., Mechitov A., Olson D. (2016), Verbal decision analysis, [w:] S. Greco (red.), Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: State of the Art Surveys, Springer, New York, s. 605-636.Mouton J.S., Blake R.R. (1964), The managerial grid, Gulf Publishing, Houston.Movius H. (2008), The effectiveness of negotiation training, „Negotiation Journal” 24(4), s. 509-531.Mumpower J.L., Sheffield J., Darling T.A., Milter R.G. (2004), The accuracy of post-negotiation estimates of the other negotiator’s payoff, „Group Decision and Negotiation” 13(3), s. 259-290.Murnighan J.K. (1992), Bargaining games. A new approach to strategic thinking in negotiations, William Morrow and Company Inc., New York.Murnighan J.K., Babcock L., Thompson L., Pillutla M. (1999), The information dilemma in negotiations: Effects of experience, incentives and integrative potential, „International Journal of Conflict Management” 10(4), s. 313-339.Mustajoki J., HĂ€mĂ€lĂ€inen R.P. (2000), Web-Hipre: Global Decision Support By Value Tree And AHP Analysis, „INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research” 38(3), s. 208-220.Benbasat I., Dexter A.S. (1982), Individual differences in the use of decision support aids, „Journal of Accounting Research” 20(1), s. 1-11.KamiƄski J. (2000), Modele procesĂłw negocjacji, „Optimum. Studia Ekonomiczne” 1(5), s. 55-73.Mustajoki J., HĂ€mĂ€lĂ€inen R.P. 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(2017), Zastosowanie teorii odpowiadania na pozycje testowe do oceny zdolnoƛci przetwarzania informacji preferencyjnej w negocjacjach elektronicznych, „Prace Naukowe Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we WrocƂawiu” 468(28), s. 188-197.Roszkowska E., Kacprzak D. (2016), The fuzzy saw and fuzzy TOPSIS procedures based on ordered fuzzy numbers, „Information Sciences” 369, s. 564-584.Gelfand M.J., Brett J.M. (2004), The Handbook of Negotiation and Culture, Stanford University Press, Stanford.Roszkowska, E., Wachowicz T. (2013), Metoda TOPSIS i jej rozszerzenia-studium metodologiczne, „Prace Naukowe. Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach”, s. 11-40.Roszkowska E., Wachowicz T. (2015a), Application of fuzzy TOPSIS to scoring the negotiation offers in ill-structured negotiation problems, „European Journal of Operational Research” 242(3), s. 920-932.Roszkowska E., Wachowicz T. (2015b), Inaccuracy in Defining Preferences by the Electronic Negotiation System Users, [w:] B. KamiƄski, G. Kersten, T. 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(2019a), Cognitive Style and the Expectations Towards the Preference Representation in Decision Support Systems, [w:] D. Costa Morais, A. Carreras, A. Teixeira de Almeida, R. Vetschera, Group Decision and Negotiation: Behavior, Models, and Support, Springer, Cham, s. 163-177.Gershon M.E. (1981), Model choice in multi-objective decision-making in natural resource systems, Dissertation, University of Arizona, Arizona.Roszkowska E., Wachowicz T. (2019b), The impact of decision-making profiles on the consistency of rankings obtained by means of selected multiple criteria decision-aiding methods, „Econometics. Advances in Applied Data Analysis” 23(2), s. 1-11.Roszkowska E., Wachowicz T., Kersten G. (2017), Can the Holistic Preference Elicitation be Used to Determine an Accurate Negotiation Offer Scoring System? A Comparison of Direct Rating and UTASTAR Techniques, [w:] M. Schoop, D.M. Kilgour (red.), Group Decision and Negotiation. 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