2,227 research outputs found

    Electroosmotic flow in small-scale channels induced by surface-acoustic waves

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    Numerical simulations of the Navier-Stokes, Nernst-Planck, and the Poisson equations are employed to describe the transport processes in an aqueous electrolyte in a parallel-plate nanochannel, where surface-acoustic waves (SAWs) are standing or traveling along (piezo-active) channel walls. It is found that -- in addition to the conventional acoustic streaming flow -- a time-averaged electroosmotic flow is induced. Employing the stream function-vorticity formulation, it is shown that the Maxwell stress term causes an electroosmotic propulsion that is qualitatively identical to the one discussed in the context of alternating current (AC) electroosmosis (EOF). Differences arise mainly due to the high actuation frequencies of SAWs, which are in the MHz range rather than in the kHz regime typical for ACEOF. Moreover, the instantaneous spatial periodicity of the EOF in the travel direction of the SAW is intrinsically linked to the dispersion relation of the latter rather than a free geometric parameter. This leads to a specific frequency band where an EOF of sizable magnitude can be found. On the low frequency end, the ratio between the electric double layer (EDL) thickness and the SAW wavelength becomes extremely small so that the net force leading to a non-vanishing time-averaged flow becomes equally small. On the high frequency end, the RC time of the EDL is much larger than the inverse of the SAW frequency leading to a vanishing effective charge density of the EDL. For a parallel-plate channel, the EOF can be maximized by using two SAWs on both channel walls that have the same frequency but are phase-shifted by 180180^\circ. It appears that the SAW-EOF is the dominant pumping mechanism for such a scenario. The proposed actuation might be a viable alternative for driving liquid electrolytes through narrow ducts and channels, without the need for electric interconnects and electrodes.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Efficient solution of 3D electromagnetic eddy-current problems within the finite volume framework of OpenFOAM

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    Eddy-current problems occur in a wide range of industrial and metallurgical applications where conducting material is processed inductively. Motivated by realising coupled multi-physics simulations, we present a new method for the solution of such problems in the finite volume framework of foam-extend, an extended version of the very popular OpenFOAM software. The numerical procedure involves a semi-coupled multi-mesh approach to solve Maxwell's equations for non-magnetic materials by means of the Coulomb gauged magnetic vector potential and the electric scalar potential. The concept is further extended on the basis of the impressed and reduced magnetic vector potential and its usage in accordance with Biot-Savart's law to achieve a very efficient overall modelling even for complex three-dimensional geometries. Moreover, we present a special discretisation scheme to account for possible discontinuities in the electrical conductivity. To complement our numerical method, an extensive validation is completing the paper, which provides insight into the behaviour and the potential of our approach.Comment: 47 pages, improved figures, updated references, fixed typos, reverse phase shift, consistent use of inner produc

    Three dimensional simulations of space charge dominated heavy ion beams with applications to inertial fusion energy

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    Heavy ion fusion requires injection, transport and acceleration of high current beams. Detailed simulation of such beams requires fully self-consistent space charge fields and three dimensions. WARP3D, developed for this purpose, is a particle-in-cell plasma simulation code optimized to work within the framework of an accelerator`s lattice of accelerating, focusing, and bending elements. The code has been used to study several test problems and for simulations and design of experiments. Two applications are drift compression experiments on the MBE-4 facility at LBL and design of the electrostatic quadrupole injector for the proposed ILSE facility. With aggressive drift compression on MBE-4, anomalous emittance growth was observed. Simulations carried out to examine possible causes showed that essentially all the emittance growth is result of external forces on the beam and not of internal beam space-charge fields. Dominant external forces are the dodecapole component of focusing fields, the image forces on the surrounding pipe and conductors, and the octopole fields that result from the structure of the quadrupole focusing elements. Goal of the design of the electrostatic quadrupole injector is to produce a beam of as low emittance as possible. The simulations show that the dominant effects that increase the emittance are the nonlinear octopole fields and the energy effect (fields in the axial direction that are off-axis). Injectors were designed that minimized the beam envelope in order to reduce the effect of the nonlinear fields. Alterations to the quadrupole structure that reduce the nonlinear fields further were examined. Comparisons were done with a scaled experiment resulted in very good agreement

    Computational investigations of atmospheric pressure discharges

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    This research work presents the numerical simulations of multispecies multi-dimensional fluid model of atmospheric pressure discharge. The semi-implicit sequential iterative scheme is used to solve the coupled system of plasma fluid model equations with a proper set of boundary conditions. A one- dimensional self consistent drift-diffusion fluid model is developed to investigate the characteristics of atmospheric pressure discharge in pure helium and He-N2 gases. The uniform atmospheric pressure glow and Townsend discharge modes are examined under different operating conditions. The intricate dynamic patterns are evolved with the temporal evolution of discharge current densities at lower frequencies (≲7 kHz), which represent the discharge plasma operation between atypical lower and higher ionization modes in several consecutive cycles. To deduce different aspects of internal distributions of atmospheric pressure discharge, a two-dimensional fluid model is advanced with symmetric boundary conditions in the parallel plate reactor geometry. The filamentary and uniform behavior of discharge is emerged by the presence and removal of specific imposed conditions in APD. The periodic stationary pattern of various discharge parameters are exhibited at different times during the prebreakdown, breakdown, formation of cathode fall layer and decay phases. The Penning ionization process performs an outstanding role during the different phases of a complete cycle, which is explored with the temporal evolution of averaged chemical reaction rates. The analysis of spatio- temporal species distribution demonstrates that they are distinguished with their distinctive properties in various regimes of APD. In the presence of bulk gas flow, the two-dimensional symmetric uniform distributions of discharge species are transformed into non-symmetric form. The transport effects of heavy species, such as He+, He2+, N2+, He* and He2* are considered for the numerical solution of gas temperature equation and the numerical magnitude of gas temperature in the glow mode decreases with the increase of imposed bulk gas flow speed. The temporal profiles of discharge current density provide an insight in different bulk gas flow regimes, which are elucidated with the spatial structures of discharge species densities in the uniform, filamentary and constricted filamentary modes of APD. Finally, the three-dimensional fluid model is developed and employed to describe the space and time variations of discharge variables in the uniform and filamentary discharges. The homogeneous uniform slice distributions of electrons density are compared at different frequencies, which show the trapping of electrons in the positive column at higher frequencies. The non-uniform distribution of axial electric field illustrates that the field strength is higher in the constricted part than the smooth part of the dielectric barrier surface. The shape and configuration of filaments exhibit that they are directed from the anode towards the cathode barrier in the filamentary APD. The noticeable structures of filaments are prominently observed from 5 to 20 kHz than higher frequencies because of the coalescence of filaments at higher frequencies, leading to the formation of uniform APD. The temporal evolution of discharge current density exhibits that it represents the composite behavior in different driving frequency regimes from 20 to 100 kHz. The numerical simulation study reveals that it is useful to deliver a satisfactory information for the uniform and filamentary atmospheric pressure discharges, and describes the origin of non-uniformities

    Continuous Electrode Inertial Electrostatic Confinement Fusion

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    The NIAC Phase I project on Inertial Electrostatic Confinement was a continuation of early stage research that was funded by an NSTRF. The student on the project, Andrew Chap, was funded by the NSTRF from Fall 2013 through the Summer of 2017, and then was funded on the NIAC through the completion of his PhD. A significant amount of work targeting the plasma confinement physics was the focus of his NSTRF, and over the course of that effort he developed a number of analyses and computational tools that leveraged GPU parallelization. A detailed discussion of these models can be found in his dissertation, which has been included as Appendix D in this report. As a requirement for the NSTRF, Andrew's full dissertation was submitted at the end of the program.Having developed the computational tools, a substantial amount of simulation and analyses leveraging those tools were conducted during the Fall of 2017, under the auspices of the NIAC funded research. Much of this work targeted optimization of the confinement fields, investigating their structure and the possible advantages of having them be time-varying. The results of these simulations can also be found in Appendix D.One of the main results from this research is that the density of ions electrostatically confined within the system can indeed be increased by several orders of magnitude by optimizing the radial potential distribution, and by dynamically varying these fields to maintain compressed ion bunches. An electron population can also be confined within the core by a static radial cusped magnetic field,which helps to support a greater ion density within the core. The issue with the confinement mechanism is that as the ion densities are increased toward fusion-relevant levels, the electrostatic forces generated by the confined electron population become so great that the ions are no longer energetic enough to leave the device core. As their excursions into the outer channels are diminished, the mechanism that is used to maintain their non-thermal velocity distributions becomes ineffective, and eventually the ions become fully confined within the core, where they thermalize. A possible fix to the problem comes by discarding the active ion control (a main pillar of the concept)but retaining the structure of the permanent magnet confinement of the electron population. Such cusped field confinement has been the focus of other IEC approaches (e.g. Polywell), but the high transparency of the permanent magnet structure lends itself to better ion extraction and power conversion (a second pillar of the concept). The question then becomes whether any influence on the ion evolution within the core can be achieved to slow the thermalization of the ions. Such approaches have been studied in highly idealized analytic models, but face major criticisms within the literature. While this is a possible path forward, the uncertainty in the approach did not warrant committing NIAC Phase II resources to investigating the concept at this time