20 research outputs found

    Dependently Typed Languages in Statix

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    Static type systems can greatly enhance the quality of programs, but implementing a type checker that is both expressive and user-friendly is challenging and error-prone. The Statix meta-language (part of the Spoofax language workbench) aims to make this task easier by automatically deriving a type checker from a declarative specification of a type system. However, so far Statix has not been used to implement dependent types, which is a class of type systems which require evaluation of terms during type checking. In this paper, we present an implementation of a simple dependently typed language in Statix, and discuss how to extend it with several common features such as inductive data types, universes, and inference of implicit arguments. While we encountered some challenges in the implementation, our conclusion is that Statix is already usable as a tool for implementing dependent types

    Formalizing a lazy substitution proof system for \u3bc-calculus in the Calculus of Inductive Constructions

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    We present a Natural Deduction proof system for the pro- positional modal \u3bc-calculus, and its formalization in the Calculus of In- ductive Constructions. We address several problematic issues, such as the use of higher-order abstract syntax in inductive sets in presence of recursive constructors, the encoding of modal (sequent-style) rules and of context sensitive grammars. The formalization can be used in the sy- stem Coq, providing an experimental computer-aided proof environment for the interactive development of error-free proofs in the \u3bc-calculus. The techniques we adopt can be readily ported to other languages and proof systems featuring similar problematic issues. \ua9 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 1999

    Dependent Types for Nominal Terms with Atom Substitutions

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    Nominal terms are an extended first-order language for specifying and verifying properties of syntax with binding. Founded upon the semantics of nominal sets, the success of nominal terms with regard to systems of equational reasoning is already well established. This work first extends the untyped language of nominal terms with a notion of non-capturing atom substitution for object-level names and then proposes a dependent type system for this extended language. Both these contributions are intended to serve as a prelude to a future nominal logical framework based upon nominal equational reasoning and thus an extended example is given to demonstrate that this system is capable of encoding various other formal systems of interest


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    The paper presents an approach to system modelling in design of both hardware and software systems. It is based on the definition of models of machines that can be directly implemented. The paper shows how to render less abstract and more realistic the abstract machines defined by theoreticians, so that they can capture implementation and technological-oriented aspects, such as testability, and allow an easy transition to final implementations. A realistic abstract machine for lambda-calculus is then presented and the design of system for lambda-expressions evaluation is illustrated. The architecture chosen for the system is based on a collection of finite state automata, evolving concurrently and communicating via a broadcast system. Some conclusive remarks about the use of realistic models arc finally drawn

    A two-level approach towards lean proof-checking

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    Practical dependent type checking using twin types

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    People writing proofs or programs in dependently typed languages can omit some function arguments in order to decrease the code size and improve readability. Type checking such a program involves filling in each of these implicit arguments in a type-correct way. This is typically done using some form of unification.One approach to unification, taken by Agda, involves sometimes starting to unify terms before their types are known to be equal: in some cases one can make progress on unifying the terms, and then use information gleaned in this way to unify the types. This flexibility allows Agda to solve implicit arguments that are not found by several other systems. However, Agda\u27s implementation is buggy: sometimes the solutions chosen are ill-typed, which can cause the type checker to crash.With Gundry and McBride\u27s twin variable technique one can also start to unify terms before their types are known to be equal, and furthermore this technique is accompanied by correctness proofs. However, so far this technique has not been tested in practice as part of a full type checker.We have reformulated Gundry and McBride\u27s technique without twin variables, using only twin types, with the aim of making the technique easier to implement in existing type checkers (in particular Agda). We have also introduced a type-agnostic syntactic equality rule that seems to be useful in practice. The reformulated technique has been tested in a type checker for a tiny variant of Agda. This type checker handles at least one example that Coq, Idris, Lean and Matita cannot handle, and does so in time and space comparable to that used by Agda. This suggests that the reformulated technique is usable in practice

    Towards efficient subsumption

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    Coqoon An IDE for interactive proof development in Coq

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    International audienceUser interfaces for interactive proof assistants have always lagged behind those for mainstream programming languages. Whereas integrated development environments—IDEs—have support for features like project management, version control, dependency analysis and in-cremental project compilation, " IDE " s for proof assistants typically only operate on files in isolation, relying on external tools to integrate those files into larger projects. In this paper we present Coqoon, an IDE for Coq developments integrated into Eclipse. Coqoon manages proofs as projects rather than isolated source files, and compiles these projects using the Eclipse common build system. Coqoon takes advantage of the latest features of Coq, including asynchronous and parallel processing of proofs, and—when used together with a third-party OCaml extension for Eclipse—can even be used to work on large developments containing Coq plugins