5 research outputs found

    Remote Bio-Sensing: Open Source Benchmark Framework for Fair Evaluation of rPPG

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    Remote Photoplethysmography (rPPG) is a technology that utilizes the light absorption properties of hemoglobin, captured via camera, to analyze and measure blood volume pulse (BVP). By analyzing the measured BVP, various physiological signals such as heart rate, stress levels, and blood pressure can be derived, enabling applications such as the early prediction of cardiovascular diseases. rPPG is a rapidly evolving field as it allows the measurement of vital signals using camera-equipped devices without the need for additional devices such as blood pressure monitors or pulse oximeters, and without the assistance of medical experts. Despite extensive efforts and advances in this field, serious challenges remain, including issues related to skin color, camera characteristics, ambient lighting, and other sources of noise, which degrade performance accuracy. We argue that fair and evaluable benchmarking is urgently required to overcome these challenges and make any meaningful progress from both academic and commercial perspectives. In most existing work, models are trained, tested, and validated only on limited datasets. Worse still, some studies lack available code or reproducibility, making it difficult to fairly evaluate and compare performance. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide a benchmarking framework to evaluate various rPPG techniques across a wide range of datasets for fair evaluation and comparison, including both conventional non-deep neural network (non-DNN) and deep neural network (DNN) methods. GitHub URL: https://github.com/remotebiosensing/rppg.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figure

    Academic competitions

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    Academic challenges comprise effective means for (i) advancing the state of the art, (ii) putting in the spotlight of a scientific community specific topics and problems, as well as (iii) closing the gap for under represented communities in terms of accessing and participating in the shaping of research fields. Competitions can be traced back for centuries and their achievements have had great influence in our modern world. Recently, they (re)gained popularity, with the overwhelming amounts of data that is being generated in different domains, as well as the need of pushing the barriers of existing methods, and available tools to handle such data. This chapter provides a survey of academic challenges in the context of machine learning and related fields. We review the most influential competitions in the last few years and analyze challenges per area of knowledge. The aims of scientific challenges, their goals, major achievements and expectations for the next few years are reviewed

    The 1st challenge on remote physiological signal sensing (RePSS)

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    Abstract Remote measurement of physiological signals from videos is an emerging topic. The topic draws great interests, but the lack of publicly available benchmark databases and a fair validation platform are hindering its further development. For this concern, we organize the first challenge on Remote Physiological Signal Sensing (RePSS), in which two databases of VIPL and OBF are provided as the benchmark for kin researchers to evaluate their approaches. The 1st challenge of RePSS focuses on measuring the average heart rate from facial videos, which is the basic problem of remote physiological measurement. This paper presents an overview of the challenge, including data, protocol, analysis of results and discussion. The top ranked solutions are highlighted to provide insights for researchers, and future directions are outlined for this topic and this challenge