11,535 research outputs found

    Linking Data Across Universities: An Integrated Video Lectures Dataset

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    This paper presents our work and experience interlinking educational information across universities through the use of Linked Data principles and technologies. More specifically this paper is focused on selecting, extracting, structuring and interlinking information of video lectures produced by 27 different educational institutions. For this purpose, selected information from several websites and YouTube channels have been scraped and structured according to well-known vocabularies, like FOAF 1, or the W3C Ontology for Media Resources 2. To integrate this information, the extracted videos have been categorized under a common classification space, the taxonomy defined by the Open Directory Project 3. An evaluation of this categorization process has been conducted obtaining a 98% degree of coverage and 89% degree of correctness. As a result of this process a new Linked Data dataset has been released containing more than 14,000 video lectures from 27 different institutions and categorized under a common classification scheme

    A New Hybrid Method of IPv6 Addressing in the Internet of Things

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    Humans have always been seeking greater control over their surrounding objects. Today, with the help of Internet of Things (IoT), we can fulfill this goal. In order for objects to be connected to the internet, they should have an address, so that they can be detected and tracked. Since the number of these objects are very large and never stop growing, addressing space should be used, which can respond to this number of objects. In this regard, the best option is IPv6. Addressing has different methods, the most important of which are introduced in this paper. The method presented in this paper is a hybrid addressing method which uses EPC and ONS IP. The method proposed in this paper provides a unique and hierarchical IPv6 address for each object. This method is simple and does not require additional hardware for implantation. Further, the addressing time of this method is short while its scalability is high, and is compatible with different EPC standards

    The Semantic Web Revisited

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    The original Scientific American article on the Semantic Web appeared in 2001. It described the evolution of a Web that consisted largely of documents for humans to read to one that included data and information for computers to manipulate. The Semantic Web is a Web of actionable information--information derived from data through a semantic theory for interpreting the symbols.This simple idea, however, remains largely unrealized. Shopbots and auction bots abound on the Web, but these are essentially handcrafted for particular tasks; they have little ability to interact with heterogeneous data and information types. Because we haven't yet delivered large-scale, agent-based mediation, some commentators argue that the Semantic Web has failed to deliver. We argue that agents can only flourish when standards are well established and that the Web standards for expressing shared meaning have progressed steadily over the past five years. Furthermore, we see the use of ontologies in the e-science community presaging ultimate success for the Semantic Web--just as the use of HTTP within the CERN particle physics community led to the revolutionary success of the original Web. This article is part of a special issue on the Future of AI

    Community next steps for making globally unique identifiers work for biocollections data

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    Biodiversity data is being digitized and made available online at a rapidly increasing rate but current practices typically do not preserve linkages between these data, which impedes interoperation, provenance tracking, and assembly of larger datasets. For data associated with biocollections, the biodiversity community has long recognized that an essential part of establishing and preserving linkages is to apply globally unique identifiers at the point when data are generated in the field and to persist these identifiers downstream, but this is seldom implemented in practice. There has neither been coalescence towards one single identifier solution (as in some other domains), nor even a set of recommended best practices and standards to support multiple identifier schemes sharing consistent responses. In order to further progress towards a broader community consensus, a group of biocollections and informatics experts assembled in Stockholm in October 2014 to discuss community next steps to overcome current roadblocks. The workshop participants divided into four groups focusing on: identifier practice in current field biocollections; identifier application for legacy biocollections; identifiers as applied to biodiversity data records as they are published and made available in semantically marked-up publications; and cross-cutting identifier solutions that bridge across these domains. The main outcome was consensus on key issues, including recognition of differences between legacy and new biocollections processes, the need for identifier metadata profiles that can report information on identifier persistence missions, and the unambiguous indication of the type of object associated with the identifier. Current identifier characteristics are also summarized, and an overview of available schemes and practices is provided
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