4 research outputs found

    Towards a New Architectural Framework – The Nth Stratum Concept

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    Current architectures and solutions are about to reach the limits of sustainable developments. Over the years, many new requirements have emerged, and there are observations pointing to an ever-increasing diversity in applications, services, devices, types of networks at the edge and the access. Meanwhile, the infrastructures for internetworking, connectivity, and also management remain fairly the same. A new paradigm is needed that can support a continuous high pace of innovations in all the different parts and aspects of a communication system, while at the same time keeping costs of deployment and maintenance down. This new paradigm has to embrace current trends towards increased heterogeneity, but on the other hands provide support for co-existence and interoperability between alternative and various solutions all residing within a global communication system. This paper presents a new architectural framework called the Nth Stratum concept, and which takes a holistic approach to tackle these new needs and requirements on a future communication system

    The ‘pure-IP’ Moby Dick 4G architecture

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    Network operators, service providers and customers are players who have different interests and raise different requirements on the functionality of future mobile communication networks. However, some new capabilities, such as mobility, security, ubiquity and quality are spelled out by all, which means that there exist some fundamental mechanisms which are in fact needed in every network. This paper concentrates on critical elements of the network infrastructure which need to be deployed in 4G networks before services can be offered. In the paper we discuss these elements, and show how they can be combined to satisfy versatile service requirements. Furthermore, the paper shows how to combine these mechanisms of three traditionally quite separate architectures-for Authentication, Authorisation, Accounting and Charging (AAAC), for Mobility (Mobile IP with Fast Handover), and Quality-of-Service (QoS). A technology-independent paging concept is also integrated in this system. The resulting integrated system architecture is general and can be deployed in heterogeneous environments. Our implementation has recently been completed, validated and verified with applications such as data transfer, voice-over-IP, video streaming and real time concurrent gaming. This prototypical implementation incorporates TD-CDMA, 802.11 WLANs and Ethernet, and treats all transmission technologies as physical and data-link layers, while higher-level functions are supported in a uniform way with an all-IPv6-based signalling

    Qualidade de serviço em redes de acesso IEEE 802.16

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA procura de serviços e de aplicações com elevadas exigências de largura de banda, e a vontade crescente para aceder a este tipo de serviços em qualquer lugar, torna necessária a integração da Internet actual com as redes móveis de próxima geração. No entanto, existirão sempre àreas remotas onde o acesso à Internet, e nomeadamente a serviços de banda larga, será difícil de conseguir. O protocolo IEEE 802.16 é uma tecnologia de banda larga sem fios que pode ser usada neste tipo de cenários. Esta dissertação apresenta uma arquitectura de rede capaz de suportar serviços de tempo real com integração de QoS em ambientes IPv6 através da utilização de redes IEEE 802.16. Nomeadamente, a arquitectura definida suporta o acesso dinâmico e rápido por parte dos terminais móveis aos serviços de rede, tal como reservas e modificações dinâmicas de serviços de tempo real, característica essencial para o suporte de alta mobilidade. Para além disto, a solução proposta fornece também suporte IPv6 e diferenciação de serviços direccionados para o mesmo terminal móvel. Esta dissertação apresenta a arquitectura desenvolvida, os módulos necessários para a integração da tecnologia IEEE 802.16 num ambiente de próxima geração, a implementação desses módulos para a construção de uma rede real, e testes para avaliar o desempenho da rede em termos de QoS num ambiente de rede de acesso mista, composta por IEEE 802.16 e IEEE 802.11. São também efectuados testes de mobilidade para avaliar o desempenho da solução descrita neste tipo de ambientes. Os resultados obtidos com a arquitectura desenvolvida mostram que a arquitectura pode fornecer QoS fima- fim sobre a concatenação de redes metropolitanas e locais, com suporte de mobilidade.The growing demand of high bandwidth services and applications, and the increasing will of access to these services anywhere, is motivating the requirement to integrate the current Internet with the future mobile networks. However, there will always be remote areas where Internet access will be difficult to achieve. The IEEE 802.16 is an attractive broadband wireless technology for these scenarios, non-withstanding its limitations for dynamic environments. This Thesis discusses a network architecture able to support IPv6 QoS aware real time services using 802.16 networks. Specifically, this solution supports dynamic and fast access from the Mobile Nodes to the network services, as well as dynamic reservations and modifications of services. These fast and dynamic reservations are crucial to the support of fast mobility approaches. Moreover, the proposed solution is also able to provide IPv6 support and efficient traffic differentiation for services running on the same MN. This Thesis presents the envisioned architecture, the modules required to provide the integrated QoS approach over the 802.16 network, the implementation of the modules to build a real network, and address main implementation results in terms of QoS performance, and in terms of mobility with QoS support for converged networks comprising WiMAX and Wi-Fi technologies. The obtained results show that our architecture is able to provide end-to-end QoS over the concatenation of metro and local area networks, and that seamless mobility is achieved with high performance measures, thus being able to support real-time services

    Models of internet connectivity for secondary schools in the Grahamstown circuit

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    Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are becoming more pervasive in South African schools and are increasingly considered valuable tools in education, promoting the development of higher cognitive processes and allowing teachers and learners access to a plethora of information. This study investigates models of Internet connectivity for secondary schools in the Grahamstown Circuit. The various networking technologies currently available to South African schools, or likely to become available to South African schools in the future, are described along with the telecommunications legislation which governs their use in South Africa. Furthermore, current ICT in education projects taking place in South Africa are described together with current ICT in education policy in South Africa. This information forms the backdrop of a detailed schools survey that was conducted at all the 13 secondary schools in the Grahamstown Circuit and enriched with experimental work in the provision of metropolitan network links to selected schools, mostly via Wi-Fi. The result of the investigation is the proposal of a Grahamstown Circuit Metropolitan Education Network