26,195 research outputs found

    There is a VaR beyond usual approximations

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    Basel II and Solvency 2 both use the Value-at-Risk (VaR) as the risk measure to compute the Capital Requirements. In practice, to calibrate the VaR, a normal approximation is often chosen for the unknown distribution of the yearly log returns of financial assets. This is usually justified by the use of the Central Limit Theorem (CLT), when assuming aggregation of independent and identically distributed (iid) observations in the portfolio model. Such a choice of modeling, in particular using light tail distributions, has proven during the crisis of 2008/2009 to be an inadequate approximation when dealing with the presence of extreme returns; as a consequence, it leads to a gross underestimation of the risks. The main objective of our study is to obtain the most accurate evaluations of the aggregated risks distribution and risk measures when working on financial or insurance data under the presence of heavy tail and to provide practical solutions for accurately estimating high quantiles of aggregated risks. We explore a new method, called Normex, to handle this problem numerically as well as theoretically, based on properties of upper order statistics. Normex provides accurate results, only weakly dependent upon the sample size and the tail index. We compare it with existing methods.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figure

    Extreme value analysis for the sample autocovariance matrices of heavy-tailed multivariate time series

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    We provide some asymptotic theory for the largest eigenvalues of a sample covariance matrix of a p-dimensional time series where the dimension p = p_n converges to infinity when the sample size n increases. We give a short overview of the literature on the topic both in the light- and heavy-tailed cases when the data have finite (infinite) fourth moment, respectively. Our main focus is on the heavytailed case. In this case, one has a theory for the point process of the normalized eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrix in the iid case but also when rows and columns of the data are linearly dependent. We provide limit results for the weak convergence of these point processes to Poisson or cluster Poisson processes. Based on this convergence we can also derive the limit laws of various function als of the ordered eigenvalues such as the joint convergence of a finite number of the largest order statistics, the joint limit law of the largest eigenvalue and the trace, limit laws for successive ratios of ordered eigenvalues, etc. We also develop some limit theory for the singular values of the sample autocovariance matrices and their sums of squares. The theory is illustrated for simulated data and for the components of the S&P 500 stock index.Comment: in Extremes; Statistical Theory and Applications in Science, Engineering and Economics; ISSN 1386-1999; (2016

    Level crossings and other level functionals of stationary Gaussian processes

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    This paper presents a synthesis on the mathematical work done on level crossings of stationary Gaussian processes, with some extensions. The main results [(factorial) moments, representation into the Wiener Chaos, asymptotic results, rate of convergence, local time and number of crossings] are described, as well as the different approaches [normal comparison method, Rice method, Stein-Chen method, a general mm-dependent method] used to obtain them; these methods are also very useful in the general context of Gaussian fields. Finally some extensions [time occupation functionals, number of maxima in an interval, process indexed by a bidimensional set] are proposed, illustrating the generality of the methods. A large inventory of papers and books on the subject ends the survey.Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/154957806000000087 in the Probability Surveys (http://www.i-journals.org/ps/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Growth Estimators and Confidence Intervals for the Mean of Negative Binomial Random Variables with Unknown Dispersion

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    The Negative Binomial distribution becomes highly skewed under extreme dispersion. Even at moderately large sample sizes, the sample mean exhibits a heavy right tail. The standard Normal approximation often does not provide adequate inferences about the data's mean in this setting. In previous work, we have examined alternative methods of generating confidence intervals for the expected value. These methods were based upon Gamma and Chi Square approximations or tail probability bounds such as Bernstein's Inequality. We now propose growth estimators of the Negative Binomial mean. Under high dispersion, zero values are likely to be overrepresented in the data. A growth estimator constructs a Normal-style confidence interval by effectively removing a small, pre--determined number of zeros from the data. We propose growth estimators based upon multiplicative adjustments of the sample mean and direct removal of zeros from the sample. These methods do not require estimating the nuisance dispersion parameter. We will demonstrate that the growth estimators' confidence intervals provide improved coverage over a wide range of parameter values and asymptotically converge to the sample mean. Interestingly, the proposed methods succeed despite adding both bias and variance to the Normal approximation

    Exact convergence rate and leading term in central limit theorem for student's t statistic

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    The leading term in the normal approximation to the distribution of Student's t statistic is derived in a general setting, with the sole assumption being that the sampled distribution is in the domain of attraction of a normal law. The form of the leading term is shown to have its origin in the way in which extreme data influence properties of the Studentized sum. The leading-term approximation is used to give the exact rate of convergence in the central limit theorem up to order n⁻¹/², where n denotes sample size. It is proved that the exact rate uniformly on the whole real line is identical to the exact rate on sets of just three points. Moreover, the exact rate is identical to that for the non-Studentized sum when the latter is normalized for scale using a truncated form of variance, but when the corresponding truncated centering constant is omitted. Examples of characterizations of convergence rates are also given. It is shown that, in some instances, their validity uniformly on the whole real line is equivalent to their validity on just two symmetric points