41,226 research outputs found

    Crystal Structure of DIM-1, an Acquired Subclass B1 Metallo-β-Lactamase from Pseudomonas stutzeri

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    Metallo-β-lactamases (MBLs) hydrolyze almost all classes of β-lactam antibiotic, including carbapenems—currently first choice drugs for opportunistic infections by Gram-negative bacterial pathogens. MBL inhibitor development is complicated by the diversity within this group of enzymes, and by the appearance of new enzymes that continue to be identified both as chromosomal genes and on mobile genetic elements. One such newly discovered MBL is DIM-1, a mobile enzyme originally discovered in the opportunist pathogen Pseudomonas stutzeri but subsequently identified in other species and locations. DIM-1 is a subclass B1 MBL more closely related to the TMB-1, GIM-1 and IMP enzymes than to other clinically encountered MBLs such as VIM and NDM; and possesses Arg, rather than the more usual Lys, at position 224 in the putative substrate binding site. Here we report the crystallization and structure determination of DIM-1. DIM-1 possesses a binuclear metal center with a 5 (rather than the more usual 4) co-ordinate tri-histidine (Zn1) site and both 4- and 5-co-ordinate Cys-His-Asp- (Zn2) sites observed in the two molecules of the crystallographic asymmetric unit. These data indicate a degree of variability in metal co-ordination geometry in the DIM-1 active site, as well as facilitating inclusion of DIM-1 in structure-based MBL inhibitor discovery programmes

    D-branes in 2d Lorentzian black hole

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    We study D-branes in the Lorentzian signature 2D black hole string theory. We use the technique of gauged WZW models to construct the associated boundary conformal field theories. The main focus of this work is to discuss the (semi-classical) world-volume geometries of the D-branes. We also discuss comparison of our work with results in related gauged WZW models.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figures, uses JHEP3.cl

    On the Crepant Resolution Conjecture in the Local Case

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    In this paper we analyze four examples of birational transformations between local Calabi-Yau 3-folds: two crepant resolutions, a crepant partial resolution, and a flop. We study the effect of these transformations on genus-zero Gromov-Witten invariants, proving the Coates-Corti-Iritani-Tseng/Ruan form of the Crepant Resolution Conjecture in each case. Our results suggest that this form of the Crepant Resolution Conjecture may also hold for more general crepant birational transformations. They also suggest that Ruan's original Crepant Resolution Conjecture should be modified, by including appropriate "quantum corrections", and that there is no straightforward generalization of either Ruan's original Conjecture or the Cohomological Crepant Resolution Conjecture to the case of crepant partial resolutions. Our methods are based on mirror symmetry for toric orbifolds.Comment: 27 pages. This is a substantially revised and shortened version of my preprint "Wall-Crossings in Toric Gromov-Witten Theory II: Local Examples"; all results contained here are also proved there. To appear in Communications in Mathematical Physic

    Equivalent drawbead performance in deep drawing simulations

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    Drawbeads are applied in the deep drawing process to improve the control of the material flow\ud during the forming operation. In simulations of the deep drawing process these drawbeads can be replaced by\ud an equivalent drawbead model. In this paper the usage of an equivalent drawbead model in the finite element\ud code DiekA is described. The input for this equivalent drawbead model is served by experiments or by a 2D\ud plane strain drawbead simulation. Simulations and experiments of the deep drawing of a rectangular product\ud are performed to test the equivalent drawbead model performance. The overall conclusion reads that a real\ud drawbead geometry can succesfully be replaced by the equivalent drawbead mode

    Einstein's "Zur Elektrodynamik..." (1905) Revisited, with Some Consequences

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    Einstein, in his "Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Korper", gave a physical (operational) meaning to "time" of a remote event in describing "motion" by introducing the concept of "synchronous stationary clocks located at different places". But with regard to "place" in describing motion, he assumed without analysis the concept of a system of co-ordinates. In the present paper, we propose a way of giving physical (operational) meaning to the concepts of "place" and "co-ordinate system", and show how the observer can define both the place and time of a remote event. Following Einstein, we consider another system "in uniform motion of translation relatively to the former". Without assuming "the properties of homogeneity which we attribute to space and time", we show that the definitions of space and time in the two systems are linearly related. We deduce some novel consequences of our approach regarding faster-than-light observers and particles, "one-way" and "two-way" velocities of light, symmetry, the "group property" of inertial reference frames, length contraction and time dilatation, and the "twin paradox". Finally, we point out a flaw in Einstein's argument in the "Electrodynamical Part" of his paper and show that the Lorentz force formula and Einstein's formula for transformation of field quantities are mutually consistent. We show that for faster-than-light bodies, a simple modification of Planck's formula for mass suffices. (Except for the reference to Planck's formula, we restrict ourselves to Physics of 1905.)Comment: 55 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in "Foundations of Physics
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