4 research outputs found

    Unsupervised color texture segmentation based on multi-scale region-level Markov random field models

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    In the field of color texture segmentation, region-level Markov random field model (RMRF) has become a focal problem because of its efficiency in modeling the large-range spatial constraints. However, the RMRF defined on a single scale cannot describe the un-stationary essence of the image, which highly limits its robustness. Hence, by combining wavelet transformation and the RMRF model, we present a multi-scale RMRF (MsRMRF) model in wavelet domainin this paper. In the Bayesian framework, the proposed model seamlessly integrates the multi-scale information stemmed from both the original image and the region-level spatial constraints. Therefore, the new model can accurately describe the characteristics of different kinds of texture. Based on MsRMRF, an unsupervised segmentation algorithm is designed for segmenting color texture images. Both synthetic color texture images and remote sensing images are employed in the comparative experiments, and the experimental results show that the proposed method can obtain more accurate segmentation results than the competitors.This work was financially supported by the Key Technology Projects of Henan province of China under Grant 15210241004, Supported by Program for Changjiang Scholars and Innovative Research Team in University, the Key Technology Projects of Henan Educational Department of China under Grant 16A520036, the Key Technology Projects of Henan Educational Department of China under Grant 16B520001,the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 41001251, Anyang science and technology plan project: Researches on Road Extraction Algorithm based on MRF for High Resolution Remote Sensing Image, and the Research and Cultivation Fund Project of Anyang Normal University under Grant AYNU-KP-B08

    Automated Resolution Selection for Image Segmentation

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    It is well known in image processing in general, and hence in image segmentation in particular, that computational cost increases rapidly with the number and dimensions of the images to be processed. Several fields, such as astronomy, remote sensing, and medical imaging, use very large images, which might also be 3D and/or captured at several frequency bands, all adding to the computational expense. Multiresolution analysis is one method of increasing the efficiency of the segmentation process. One multiresolution approach is the coarse-to-fine segmentation strategy, whereby the segmentation starts at a coarse resolution and is then fine-tuned during subsequent steps. Until now, the starting resolution for segmentation has been selected arbitrarily with no clear selection criteria. The research conducted for this thesis showed that starting from different resolutions for image segmentation results in different accuracies and speeds, even for images from the same dataset. An automated method for resolution selection for an input image would thus be beneficial. This thesis introduces a framework for the selection of the best resolution for image segmentation. First proposed is a measure for defining the best resolution based on user/system criteria, which offers a trade-off between accuracy and time. A learning approach is then described for the selection of the resolution, whereby extracted image features are mapped to the previously determined best resolution. In the learning process, class (i.e., resolution) distribution is imbalanced, making effective learning from the data difficult. A variant of AdaBoost, called RAMOBoost, is therefore used in this research for the learning-based selection of the best resolution for image segmentation. RAMOBoost is designed specifically for learning from imbalanced data. Two sets of features are used: Local Binary Patterns (LBP) and statistical features. Experiments conducted with four datasets using three different segmentation algorithms show that the resolutions selected through learning enable much faster segmentation than the original ones, while retaining at least the original accuracy. For three of the four datasets used, the segmentation results obtained with the proposed framework were significantly better than with the original resolution with respect to both accuracy and time

    An immune-inspired proposal for textured image segmentation using wavelet packet transform

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    Orientador: Yuzo IanoDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de ComputaçãoResumo: Segmentação de texturas é um ponto crucial em muitas aplicações da área de visão computacional e processamento digital de imagens. Muitas são as aplicações que utilizam imagens com texturas, como: sensoriamento remoto, análise de imagens médicas, inspeção industrial, etc. Para análise de texturas, é essencial o uso de um extrator de características capaz de representar bem cada textura presente na imagem. A transformada wavelet packet fornece a caracterização necessária para discriminação de texturas, oferecendo também uma representação multi-escala, ferramenta muito importante na análise de texturas. Outro ponto importante neste trabalho, é o fato da metodologia aqui proposta ser não supervisionada. Para tal, é utilizado o algoritmo de clusterização ARIA, que determina automaticamente o número de clusters presentes no conjunto de dados. A eficiência do método desenvolvido é comprovada aplicando-o em diversas imagens, como: mosaicos de Brodatz, imagens naturais, imagens médicas e outras aplicações.Abstract:Texture segmentation is a crucial aspect in many computer vision and digital image processing applications. Several of these applications use texture images, such as remote sensing, medical image analysis, industrial inspection, etc. For texture analysis, it is essential to use a feature-extractor that can represent precisely each of the textures present in the picture. The wavelet packet transform provides the characteristics required for discrimination of the textures, as well as offering a multi-scale representation, which is a very important tool in texture analysis. Another important aspect in this work is that the proposed methodology is unsupervised. To achieve that, the clustering algorithm ARIA is used, which automatically determines the number of clusters present in the data set. The efficiency of the developed method is clear in the application of the method on several types of images, such as mosaics of Brodatz, natural images, medical images and other applications.MestradoTelecomunicações e TelemáticaMestre em Engenharia Elétric

    A population Monte Carlo approach to estimating parametric bidirectional reflectance distribution functions through Markov random field parameter estimation

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    In this thesis, we propose a method for estimating the parameters of a parametric bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) for an object surface. The method uses a novel Markov Random Field (MRF) formulation on triplets of corner vertex nodes to model the probability of sets of reflectance parameters for arbitrary reflectance models, given probabilistic surface geometry, camera, illumination, and reflectance image information. In this way, the BRDF parameter estimation problem is cast as a MRF parameter estimation problem. We also present a novel method for estimating the MRF parameters, which uses Population Monte Carlo (PMC) sampling to yield a posterior distribution over the parameters of the BRDF. This PMC based method for estimating the posterior distribution on MRF parameters is compared, using synthetic data, to other parameter estimation methods based on Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) and Levenberg-Marquardt nonlinear minimization, where it is found to have better results for convergence to the known correct synthetic data parameter sets than the MCMC based methods, and similar convergence results to the LM method. The posterior distributions on the parametric BRDFs for real surfaces, which are represented as evolved sample sets calculated using a Population Monte Carlo algorithm, can be used as features in other high-level vision material or surface classification methods. A variety of probabilistic distances between these features, including the Kullback-Leibler divergence, the Bhattacharyya distance and the Patrick-Fisher distance is used to test the classifiability of the materials, using the PMC evolved sample sets as features. In our experiments on real data, which comprises 48 material surfaces belonging to 12 classes of material, classification errors are counted by comparing the 1-nearest-neighbour classification results to the known (manually specified) material classes. Other classification error statistics such as WNN (worst nearest neighbour) are also calculated. The symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence, used as a distance measure between the PMC developed sample sets, is the distance measure which gives the best classification results on the real data, when using the 1-nearest neighbour classification method. It is also found that the sets of samples representing the posterior distributions over the MRF parameter spaces are better features for material surface classification than the optimal MRF parameters returned by multiple-seed Levenberg-Marquardt minimization algorithms, which are configured to find the same MRF parameters. The classifiability of the materials is also better when using the entire evolved sample sets (calculated by PMC) as classification features than it is when using only the maximum a-posteriori sample from the PMC evolved sample sets as the feature for each material. It is therefore possible to calculate usable parametric BRDF features for surface classification, using our method