4 research outputs found

    Domain adaptation of synthetic images for wheat head detection

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    Wheat head detection is a core computer vision problem related to plant phenotyping that in recent years has seen increased interest as large-scale datasets have been made available for use in research. In deep learning problems with limited training data, synthetic data have been shown to improve performance by increasing the number of training examples available but have had limited effectiveness due to domain shift. To overcome this, many adversarial approaches such as Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have been proposed as a solution by better aligning the distribution of synthetic data to that of real images through domain augmentation. In this paper, we examine the impacts of performing wheat head detection on the global wheat head challenge dataset using synthetic data to supplement the original dataset. Through our experimentation, we demonstrate the challenges of performing domain augmentation where the target domain is large and diverse. We then present a novel approach to improving scores through using heatmap regression as a support network, and clustering to combat high variation of the target domain

    Accuracy of Hidden Markov Models in Identifying Alterations in Movement Patterns during Biceps-Curl Weight-Lifting Exercise

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    This paper presents a comparison of mathematical and cinematic motion analysis regarding the accuracy of the detection of alterations in the patterns of positional sequence during biceps-curl lifting exercise. Two different methods, one with and one without metric data from the environment, were used to identify the changes. Ten volunteers performed a standing biceps-curl exercise with additional loads. A smartphone recorded their movements in the sagittal plane, providing information on joints and barbell sequential position changes during each lift attempt. An analysis of variance revealed significant differences in joint position (p < 0.05) among executions with three different loads. Hidden Markov models were trained with data from the bi-dimensional coordinates of the joint positional sequence to identify meaningful alteration with load increment. Tests of agreement tests between the results provided by the models with the environmental measurements, as well as those from image coordinates, were performed. The results demonstrated that it is possible to efficiently detect changes in the patterns of positional sequence with and without the necessity of measurement and/or environmental control, reaching an agreement of 86% between each other, and 100% and 86% for each respective method to the results of ANOVA. The method developed in this study illustrates the viability of smartphone camera use for identifying positional adjustments due to the inability to control limbs in an adequate range of motion with increasing load during a lifting task.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    DeepCount: In-Field Automatic Quantification of Wheat Spikes Using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    Crop yield is an essential measure for breeders, researchers and farmers and is comprised of and may be calculated by the number of ears/m2, grains per ear and thousand grain weight. Manual wheat ear counting, required in breeding programmes to evaluate crop yield potential, is labour intensive and expensive; thus, the development of a real-time wheat head counting system would be a significant advancement. In this paper, we propose a computationally efficient system called DeepCount to automatically identify and count the number of wheat spikes in digital images taken under the natural fields conditions. The proposed method tackles wheat spike quantification by segmenting an image into superpixels using Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC), deriving canopy relevant features, and then constructing a rational feature model fed into the deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) classification for semantic segmentation of wheat spikes. As the method is based on a deep learning model, it replaces hand-engineered features required for traditional machine learning methods with more efficient algorithms. The method is tested on digital images taken directly in the field at different stages of ear emergence/maturity (using visually different wheat varieties), with different canopy complexities (achieved through varying nitrogen inputs), and different heights above the canopy under varying environmental conditions. In addition, the proposed technique is compared with a wheat ear counting method based on a previously developed edge detection technique and morphological analysis. The proposed approach is validated with image-based ear counting and ground-based measurements. The results demonstrate that the DeepCount technique has a high level of robustness regardless of variables such as growth stage and weather conditions, hence demonstrating the feasibility of the approach in real scenarios. The system is a leap towards a portable and smartphone assisted wheat ear counting systems, results in reducing the labour involved and is suitable for high-throughput analysis. It may also be adapted to work on RGB images acquired from UAVs

    Estado da arte das técnicas de contagem de elementos específicos em imagens digitais.

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    Contagem de células. Contagem de bactérias e/ou colônias de bactérias. Contagem de árvores. Contagem de pessoas. Contagem de frutas. Contagem de estruturas específicas em amostras de solo. Contagem de colônias de fungos. Contagem de pólen. Contagem de espigas. Contagem de cromossomos. Contagem de ovos de Aedes Aegypti. Contagem de defeitos em madeira. Contagem detos. Contagem de peixes. Contagem de grãos. Contagem de esperma. Contagem de parasitas de malária. Contagem de plâncton. Contagem de larvas. Contagem de lesões causadas por cisticercose. Contagens em ovários. Contagem de pontos fluorescentes em células. Contagem de biscoitos com defeito. Contagem de elementos geológicos extraplanetários. Contagem de sedimentos na urina. Contagem de partículas de amianto. Contagem de trilhas de radição. Contagem de pintas na pele. Contagem de tarugos de aço. Contagem de circuitos impressos. Contagem de fontes de raios gama. Contagem de automóveis. Contagem de rubis em relógios. Contagem de tramas em quadros de pinturas. Contagem de objetos multicoloridos. Contagens gerais. Avaliação de desempenho dos algoritmos.bitstream/item/63197/1/documento120.pd