40,333 research outputs found

    Exploiting multimedia content : a machine learning based approach

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    Advisors: Prof. M Gopal, Prof. Santanu Chaudhury. Date and location of PhD thesis defense: 10 September 2013, Indian Institute of Technology DelhiThis thesis explores use of machine learning for multimedia content management involving single/multiple features, modalities and concepts. We introduce shape based feature for binary patterns and apply it for recognition and retrieval application in single and multiple feature based architecture. The multiple feature based recognition and retrieval frameworks are based on the theory of multiple kernel learning (MKL). A binary pattern recognition framework is presented by combining the binary MKL classifiers using a decision directed acyclic graph. The evaluation is shown for Indian script character recognition, and MPEG7 shape symbol recognition. A word image based document indexing framework is presented using the distance based hashing (DBH) defined on learned pivot centres. We use a new multi-kernel learning scheme using a Genetic Algorithm for developing a kernel DBH based document image retrieval system. The experimental evaluation is presented on document collections of Devanagari, Bengali and English scripts. Next, methods for document retrieval using multi-modal information fusion are presented. Text/Graphics segmentation framework is presented for documents having a complex layout. We present a novel multi-modal document retrieval framework using the segmented regions. The approach is evaluated on English magazine pages. A document script identification framework is presented using decision level aggregation of page, paragraph and word level prediction. Latent Dirichlet Allocation based topic modelling with modified edit distance is introduced for the retrieval of documents having recognition inaccuracies. A multi-modal indexing framework for such documents is presented by a learning based combination of text and image based properties. Experimental results are shown on Devanagari script documents. Finally, we have investigated concept based approaches for multimedia analysis. A multi-modal document retrieval framework is presented by combining the generative and discriminative modelling for exploiting the cross-modal correlation between modalities. The combination is also explored for semantic concept recognition using multi-modal components of the same document, and different documents over a collection. An experimental evaluation of the framework is shown for semantic event detection in sport videos, and semantic labelling of components of multi-modal document images

    "'Who are you?' - Learning person specific classifiers from video"

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    We investigate the problem of automatically labelling faces of characters in TV or movie material with their names, using only weak supervision from automaticallyaligned subtitle and script text. Our previous work (Everingham et al. [8]) demonstrated promising results on the task, but the coverage of the method (proportion of video labelled) and generalization was limited by a restriction to frontal faces and nearest neighbour classification. In this paper we build on that method, extending the coverage greatly by the detection and recognition of characters in profile views. In addition, we make the following contributions: (i) seamless tracking, integration and recognition of profile and frontal detections, and (ii) a character specific multiple kernel classifier which is able to learn the features best able to discriminate between the characters. We report results on seven episodes of the TV series “Buffy the Vampire Slayer”, demonstrating significantly increased coverage and performance with respect to previous methods on this material

    Learning long-range spatial dependencies with horizontal gated-recurrent units

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    Progress in deep learning has spawned great successes in many engineering applications. As a prime example, convolutional neural networks, a type of feedforward neural networks, are now approaching -- and sometimes even surpassing -- human accuracy on a variety of visual recognition tasks. Here, however, we show that these neural networks and their recent extensions struggle in recognition tasks where co-dependent visual features must be detected over long spatial ranges. We introduce the horizontal gated-recurrent unit (hGRU) to learn intrinsic horizontal connections -- both within and across feature columns. We demonstrate that a single hGRU layer matches or outperforms all tested feedforward hierarchical baselines including state-of-the-art architectures which have orders of magnitude more free parameters. We further discuss the biological plausibility of the hGRU in comparison to anatomical data from the visual cortex as well as human behavioral data on a classic contour detection task.Comment: Published at NeurIPS 2018 https://papers.nips.cc/paper/7300-learning-long-range-spatial-dependencies-with-horizontal-gated-recurrent-unit