2 research outputs found

    Aggregating the conceptualisation of movement data better captures real world and simulated animal-environment relationships

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    Habitat selection analysis is a widely applied statistical framework used in spatial ecology. Many of the methods used to generate movement and couple it with the environment are strongly integrated within GIScience. The choice of movement conceptualisation and environmental space can potentially have long-lasting implications on the spatial statistics used to infer movement–environment relationships. The aim of this study was to explore how systematically altering the conceptualisation of movement, environmental space and temporal resolution affects the results of habitat selection analyses using both real-world case studies and a virtual ecologist approach. Model performance and coefficient estimates did not differ between the finest conceptualisations of movement (e.g. vector and move), while substantial differences were found for the more aggregated representations (e.g. segment and area). Only segments modelled the expected movement–environment relationship with increasing linear feature resistance in the virtual ecologist approach and altering the temporal resolution identified inversions in the movement–environment relationship for vectors and moves. The results suggest that spatial statistics employed to investigate movement–environment relationships should advance beyond conceptualising movement as the (relatively) static conceptualisation of vectors and moves and replace these with (more) dynamic aggregations of longer-lasting movement processes such as segments and areal representations

    Testing Time-Geographic Density Estimation for Home Range Analysis Using an Agent-Based Model of Animal Movement

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    Time-geographic density estimation (TGDE) is a method of movement pattern analysis that generates a continuous intensity surface from a set of tracking data. TGDE has recently been proposed as a method of animal home range estimation, where the goal is to delineate the spatial extents that an animal occupies. This paper tests TGDE’s effectiveness as a home range estimator using simulated movement data. First, an agent-based model is used to simulate tracking data under 16 movement scenarios representing a variety of animal life history traits (habitat preferences, homing behaviour, mobility) and habitat configurations (levels of habitat fragmentation). Second, the accuracy of TGDE is evaluated for four temporal sampling frequencies using three adaptive velocity parameters for 30 sample data sets from each scenario. Third, TGDE accuracy is compared to two other common home range estimation methods, kernel density estimation (KDE) and characteristic hull polygons (CHP). The results demonstrate that TGDE is the most effective at estimating core areas, home ranges and total areas at high sampling frequencies, while CHP performs better at low sampling frequencies. KDE was ineffective across all scenarios explored