41 research outputs found

    Password Cracking and Countermeasures in Computer Security: A Survey

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    With the rapid development of internet technologies, social networks, and other related areas, user authentication becomes more and more important to protect the data of the users. Password authentication is one of the widely used methods to achieve authentication for legal users and defense against intruders. There have been many password cracking methods developed during the past years, and people have been designing the countermeasures against password cracking all the time. However, we find that the survey work on the password cracking research has not been done very much. This paper is mainly to give a brief review of the password cracking methods, import technologies of password cracking, and the countermeasures against password cracking that are usually designed at two stages including the password design stage (e.g. user education, dynamic password, use of tokens, computer generations) and after the design (e.g. reactive password checking, proactive password checking, password encryption, access control). The main objective of this work is offering the abecedarian IT security professionals and the common audiences with some knowledge about the computer security and password cracking, and promoting the development of this area.Comment: add copyright to the tables to the original authors, add acknowledgement to helpe

    Graphical Password Scheme Using Cued Click Point and Persuasion with Multiple Images

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    There are three main categories of authentication system – token-based (what you have), biometric-based (who you are) and knowledge-based (what you know). Cued Click Point is a graphical password scheme which is a type of knowledge based authentication. In CCP, user clicks on one point per picture for an arrangement of pictures.CCP gives more prominent security than PassPoints in light of the fact that the quantity of pictures builds the workload for attackers. The proposed system uses persuasion allowing user’s choice to a certain extent while encouraging users towards stronger and less-vulnerable passwords.In the proposed system, the undertaking of choosing less secure passwords (which are simple for attackers to hack) is more monotonous, disheartening users from settling on such decisions.In actuality, this approach makes picking a more secure secret key less weight on clients, it is less demanding to take after the framework's recommendations for a protected password—an element lacking in many systems. CCP is an effective alternative to text-based passwords and other forms of traditional authentication system. Psychological studies have also revealed that human mind can recognize images faster than text and numbers. CCP can be applied to a system front-end which requires high level of security.This paper presents implementation of Cued Click Point (CCP) graphical password which uses persuasion along with multiple images

    Matrix Passwords: A Proposed Methodology of Password Authentication

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    Password reuse and other security issues have become a significant concern to both practitioners and scholars in recent years. These concerns threaten the confidentiality of the information in general and have prompted scholars and practitioners to search for a better way to solve the trade-off between password complexity and one’s ability to remember passwords. Along with previous studies regarding password security and related cognitive psychology theories, we propose a new method of password authentication—Matrix Passwords. By slightly modifying the manner in which traditional passwords are created, Matrix Passwords may significantly reduce the risk of reusing passwords and facilitate the ease of creating passwords that are easy to remember, yet hard to crack


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    Authentication is the step to approve the correctness of an attribute of a individual or entity group. Sensitive information might help in making the authentication. Regularly this encrypted information is processed via wireless network and which need remote authentication for information access process. In the proposed work, a robust authentication technique is performed, which is based on segmentation, symmetric encryption and data hiding. If a user wants to be remotely authenticated, initially user has to select a video. The user’s biometric signal is encrypted using a symmetric encryption method. After encrypted information is vectorized the information hiding process is accomplish using Qualified Significant Wavelet Trees (QSWTs). QSWT is effectively achieve the invisibility and resistance during attacks and stability in data hidden process. Also, the Inverse Discrete Wavelet Transform (IDWT) is applied to extract the hiding data from the stego-object subsequently an appropriate decryption process to recover the biometric image. Experimental results are stated that the proposed method would turnout security virtue and robustness. Triple DES technique is used in the proposed work. This is the technique that is used to encrypt the biometric data into a scrambled format which is difficult to understand by the attackers. It is a very useful and efficient method of encryption because of its tendency to use less data for performing its services

    Koolinoorte harjumused paroolide loomisel ja kasutamisel ning võimalused turvalisemate valikute suunas nügimiseks

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    Tänapäeva infoühiskonnas alustavad lapsed aina nooremana arvuti ja interneti kasutamist, mis pakuvad võimalusi silmaringi arendamiseks ja vaba aja veetmiseks. Kuid lisaks positiivsetele külgedele, ohustavad noori ka erinevad küberriskid. Selleks, et end nende ohtude eest kaitsta, peavad lapsed nendest teadlikud olema ning oskama internetis võimalikult turvaliselt navigeerida. Üheks lihtsamaks lähtepunktiks on tugev parool ning selle turvalisuse hoidmine. Käesolev magistritöö uurib koolinoorte harjumusi paroolide loomisel ning kasutamisel. Selleks on autor läbi viinud küsitluse erinevates Eesti koolides koolides 9-16aastaste õpilasete hulgas. Autori poolt läbi viidud küsitlusest selgus, et koolinoored on enamasti teadlikud ohtudest, mis kaasnevad nõrga parooli kasutamisel. Samuti on neile tuttavad soovitused, milline peaks turvaline salasõna olema. Sellest hoolimata valivad nad tihti siiski nõrga parooli ning ei uuenda seda regulaarselt. Lahendusena pakub autor välja käitumisökonoomika teadmiste abil koolinoorte nügimist turvalisemate valikute suunas. Selleks on analüüsitud erinevaid siiani kasutatud nügimisstrateegiaid ning uuringuid. Samuti on ettepanekuks kasutada ära käitumisökonoomika teadmised ning võimalused koolinoorte teadlikkuse tõstmiseks tugevate paroolide koostamisel ning nende turvalisuse hoidmisel, ja seeläbi muuta selline tegevus harjumuseks aina nooremas eas. Koolinoorte paroolide loomist ning nende turvalisuse hoidmist on uuritud vähe ning Eestis pole senini ühtegi sellekohast uuringut avaldatud. Seega on käesoleva magistritöö üheks ajendiks selle tühimiku täitmine ning sisend edasiste uuringute läbi viimiseks.https://www.ester.ee/record=b5242082*es