11,446 research outputs found

    On the Complexity of Nondeterministically Testable Hypergraph Parameters

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    The paper proves the equivalence of the notions of nondeterministic and deterministic parameter testing for uniform dense hypergraphs of arbitrary order. It generalizes the result previously known only for the case of simple graphs. By a similar method we establish also the equivalence between nondeterministic and deterministic hypergraph property testing, answering the open problem in the area. We introduce a new notion of a cut norm for hypergraphs of higher order, and employ regularity techniques combined with the ultralimit method.Comment: 33 page

    Extremal results in sparse pseudorandom graphs

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    Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma is a fundamental tool in extremal combinatorics. However, the original version is only helpful in studying dense graphs. In the 1990s, Kohayakawa and R\"odl proved an analogue of Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma for sparse graphs as part of a general program toward extending extremal results to sparse graphs. Many of the key applications of Szemer\'edi's regularity lemma use an associated counting lemma. In order to prove extensions of these results which also apply to sparse graphs, it remained a well-known open problem to prove a counting lemma in sparse graphs. The main advance of this paper lies in a new counting lemma, proved following the functional approach of Gowers, which complements the sparse regularity lemma of Kohayakawa and R\"odl, allowing us to count small graphs in regular subgraphs of a sufficiently pseudorandom graph. We use this to prove sparse extensions of several well-known combinatorial theorems, including the removal lemmas for graphs and groups, the Erd\H{o}s-Stone-Simonovits theorem and Ramsey's theorem. These results extend and improve upon a substantial body of previous work.Comment: 70 pages, accepted for publication in Adv. Mat

    Graph removal lemmas

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    The graph removal lemma states that any graph on n vertices with o(n^{v(H)}) copies of a fixed graph H may be made H-free by removing o(n^2) edges. Despite its innocent appearance, this lemma and its extensions have several important consequences in number theory, discrete geometry, graph theory and computer science. In this survey we discuss these lemmas, focusing in particular on recent improvements to their quantitative aspects.Comment: 35 page

    An LpL^p theory of sparse graph convergence I: limits, sparse random graph models, and power law distributions

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    We introduce and develop a theory of limits for sequences of sparse graphs based on LpL^p graphons, which generalizes both the existing L∞L^\infty theory of dense graph limits and its extension by Bollob\'as and Riordan to sparse graphs without dense spots. In doing so, we replace the no dense spots hypothesis with weaker assumptions, which allow us to analyze graphs with power law degree distributions. This gives the first broadly applicable limit theory for sparse graphs with unbounded average degrees. In this paper, we lay the foundations of the LpL^p theory of graphons, characterize convergence, and develop corresponding random graph models, while we prove the equivalence of several alternative metrics in a companion paper.Comment: 44 page

    Multi-Modal Mean-Fields via Cardinality-Based Clamping

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    Mean Field inference is central to statistical physics. It has attracted much interest in the Computer Vision community to efficiently solve problems expressible in terms of large Conditional Random Fields. However, since it models the posterior probability distribution as a product of marginal probabilities, it may fail to properly account for important dependencies between variables. We therefore replace the fully factorized distribution of Mean Field by a weighted mixture of such distributions, that similarly minimizes the KL-Divergence to the true posterior. By introducing two new ideas, namely, conditioning on groups of variables instead of single ones and using a parameter of the conditional random field potentials, that we identify to the temperature in the sense of statistical physics to select such groups, we can perform this minimization efficiently. Our extension of the clamping method proposed in previous works allows us to both produce a more descriptive approximation of the true posterior and, inspired by the diverse MAP paradigms, fit a mixture of Mean Field approximations. We demonstrate that this positively impacts real-world algorithms that initially relied on mean fields.Comment: Submitted for review to CVPR 201
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