619 research outputs found

    Local Lipschitz Filters for Bounded-Range Functions with Applications to Arbitrary Real-Valued Functions

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    We study local filters for the Lipschitz property of real-valued functions f:V[0,r]f: V \to [0,r], where the Lipschitz property is defined with respect to an arbitrary undirected graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E). We give nearly optimal local Lipschitz filters both with respect to 1\ell_1-distance and 0\ell_0-distance. Previous work only considered unbounded-range functions over [n]d[n]^d. Jha and Raskhodnikova (SICOMP `13) gave an algorithm for such functions with lookup complexity exponential in dd, which Awasthi et al. (ACM Trans. Comput. Theory) showed was necessary in this setting. We demonstrate that important applications of local Lipschitz filters can be accomplished with filters for functions with bounded-range. For functions f:[n]d[0,r]f: [n]^d\to [0,r], we circumvent the lower bound and achieve running time (drlogn)O(logr)(d^r\log n)^{O(\log r)} for the 1\ell_1-respecting filter and dO(r)polylog nd^{O(r)}\text{polylog } n for the 0\ell_0-respecting filter. Our local filters provide a novel Lipschitz extension that can be implemented locally. Furthermore, we show that our algorithms have nearly optimal dependence on rr for the domain {0,1}d\{0,1\}^d. In addition, our lower bound resolves an open question of Awasthi et al., removing one of the conditions necessary for their lower bound for general range. We prove our lower bound via a reduction from distribution-free Lipschitz testing and a new technique for proving hardness for {\em adaptive} algorithms. We provide two applications of our local filters to arbitrary real-valued functions. In the first application, we use them in conjunction with the Laplace mechanism for differential privacy and noisy binary search to provide mechanisms for privately releasing outputs of black-box functions, even in the presence of malicious clients. In the second application, we use our local filters to obtain the first nontrivial tolerant tester for the Lipschitz property

    Certified Computation from Unreliable Datasets

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    A wide range of learning tasks require human input in labeling massive data. The collected data though are usually low quality and contain inaccuracies and errors. As a result, modern science and business face the problem of learning from unreliable data sets. In this work, we provide a generic approach that is based on \textit{verification} of only few records of the data set to guarantee high quality learning outcomes for various optimization objectives. Our method, identifies small sets of critical records and verifies their validity. We show that many problems only need poly(1/ε)\text{poly}(1/\varepsilon) verifications, to ensure that the output of the computation is at most a factor of (1±ε)(1 \pm \varepsilon) away from the truth. For any given instance, we provide an \textit{instance optimal} solution that verifies the minimum possible number of records to approximately certify correctness. Then using this instance optimal formulation of the problem we prove our main result: "every function that satisfies some Lipschitz continuity condition can be certified with a small number of verifications". We show that the required Lipschitz continuity condition is satisfied even by some NP-complete problems, which illustrates the generality and importance of this theorem. In case this certification step fails, an invalid record will be identified. Removing these records and repeating until success, guarantees that the result will be accurate and will depend only on the verified records. Surprisingly, as we show, for several computation tasks more efficient methods are possible. These methods always guarantee that the produced result is not affected by the invalid records, since any invalid record that affects the output will be detected and verified