33,447 research outputs found

    Testing timed systems modeled by stream X-machines

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    Stream X-machines have been used to specify real systems where complex data structures. They are a variety of extended finite state machine where a shared memory is used to represent communications between the components of systems. In this paper we introduce an extension of the Stream X-machines formalism in order to specify systems that present temporal requirements. We add time in two different ways. First, we consider that (output) actions take time to be performed. Second, our formalism allows to specify timeouts. Timeouts represent the time a system can wait for the environment to react without changing its internal state. Since timeous affect the set of available actions of the system, a relation focusing on the functional behavior of systems, that is, the actions that they can perform, must explicitly take into account the possible timeouts. In this paper we also propose a formal testing methodology allowing to systematically test a system with respect to a specification. Finally, we introduce a test derivation algorithm. Given a specification, the derived test suite is sound and complete, that is, a system under test successfully passes the test suite if and only if this system conforms to the specification

    Using genetic algorithms to generate test sequences for complex timed systems

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    The generation of test data for state based specifications is a computationally expensive process. This problem is magnified if we consider that time con- straints have to be taken into account to govern the transitions of the studied system. The main goal of this paper is to introduce a complete methodology, sup- ported by tools, that addresses this issue by represent- ing the test data generation problem as an optimisa- tion problem. We use heuristics to generate test cases. In order to assess the suitability of our approach we consider two different case studies: a communication protocol and the scientific application BIPS3D. We give details concerning how the test case generation problem can be presented as a search problem and automated. Genetic algorithms (GAs) and random search are used to generate test data and evaluate the approach. GAs outperform random search and seem to scale well as the problem size increases. It is worth to mention that we use a very simple fitness function that can be eas- ily adapted to be used with other evolutionary search techniques

    One-Chip Solution to Intelligent Robot Control: Implementing Hexapod Subsumption Architecture Using a Contemporary Microprocessor

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    This paper introduces a six-legged autonomous robot managed by a single controller and a software core modeled on subsumption architecture. We begin by discussing the features and capabilities of IsoPod, a new processor for robotics which has enabled a streamlined implementation of our project. We argue that this processor offers a unique set of hardware and software features, making it a practical development platform for robotics in general and for subsumption-based control architectures in particular. Next, we summarize original ideas on subsumption architecture implementation for a six-legged robot, as presented by its inventor Rodney Brooks in 1980s. A comparison is then made to a more recent example of a hexapod control architecture based on subsumption. The merits of both systems are analyzed and a new subsumption architecture layout is formulated as a response. We conclude with some remarks regarding the development of this project as a hint at new potentials for intelligent robot design, opened by a recent development in embedded controller market

    Design, implementation, and testing of advanced virtual coordinate-measuring machines

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    Copyright @ 2011 IEEE. This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Advanced virtual coordinate-measuring machines (CMMs) (AVCMMs) have recently been developed at Brunel University, which provide vivid graphical representation and powerful simulation of CMM operations, together with Monte-Carlo-based uncertainty evaluation. In an integrated virtual environment, the user can plan an inspection strategy for a given task, carry out virtual measurements, and evaluate the uncertainty associated with the measurement results, all without the need of using a physical machine. The obtained estimate of uncertainty can serve as a rapid feedback for the user to optimize the inspection plan in the AVCMM before actual measurements or as an evaluation of the measurement results performed. This paper details the methodology, design, and implementation of the AVCMM system, including CMM modeling, probe contact and collision detection, error modeling and simulation, and uncertainty evaluation. This paper further reports experimental results for the testing of the AVCMM

    Applying Formal Methods to Networking: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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    Despite its great importance, modern network infrastructure is remarkable for the lack of rigor in its engineering. The Internet which began as a research experiment was never designed to handle the users and applications it hosts today. The lack of formalization of the Internet architecture meant limited abstractions and modularity, especially for the control and management planes, thus requiring for every new need a new protocol built from scratch. This led to an unwieldy ossified Internet architecture resistant to any attempts at formal verification, and an Internet culture where expediency and pragmatism are favored over formal correctness. Fortunately, recent work in the space of clean slate Internet design---especially, the software defined networking (SDN) paradigm---offers the Internet community another chance to develop the right kind of architecture and abstractions. This has also led to a great resurgence in interest of applying formal methods to specification, verification, and synthesis of networking protocols and applications. In this paper, we present a self-contained tutorial of the formidable amount of work that has been done in formal methods, and present a survey of its applications to networking.Comment: 30 pages, submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Extending stream X-machines to specify and test systems with timeouts

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    Stream X-machines are a kind of extended finite state machine used to specify real systems where communication between the components is modeled by using a shared memory.In this paper we introduce an extension of the Stream X-machines formalism in order to specify delays/timeouts.The time spent by a system waiting for the environment to react has the capability of affecting the set of available outputs of the system. So, a relation focusing on functional aspects must explicitly take into account the possible timeouts.We also propose a formal testing methodology allowing to systematically test a system with respect to a specification. Finally, we introduce a test derivation algorithm. Given a specification, the derived test suite is sound and complete, that is, a system under test successfully passes the test suite if and only if this system conforms to the specification

    Probabilistic Model-Based Safety Analysis

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    Model-based safety analysis approaches aim at finding critical failure combinations by analysis of models of the whole system (i.e. software, hardware, failure modes and environment). The advantage of these methods compared to traditional approaches is that the analysis of the whole system gives more precise results. Only few model-based approaches have been applied to answer quantitative questions in safety analysis, often limited to analysis of specific failure propagation models, limited types of failure modes or without system dynamics and behavior, as direct quantitative analysis is uses large amounts of computing resources. New achievements in the domain of (probabilistic) model-checking now allow for overcoming this problem. This paper shows how functional models based on synchronous parallel semantics, which can be used for system design, implementation and qualitative safety analysis, can be directly re-used for (model-based) quantitative safety analysis. Accurate modeling of different types of probabilistic failure occurrence is shown as well as accurate interpretation of the results of the analysis. This allows for reliable and expressive assessment of the safety of a system in early design stages