5 research outputs found

    Testing Hereditary Properties of Sequences

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    A hereditary property of a sequence is one that is preserved when restricting to subsequences. We show that there exist hereditary properties of sequences that cannot be tested with sublinear queries, resolving an open question posed by Newman et al. This proof relies crucially on an infinite alphabet, however; for finite alphabets, we observe that any hereditary property can be tested with a constant number of queries

    Every Minor-Closed Property of Sparse Graphs is Testable

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    Suppose GG is a graph with degrees bounded by dd, and one needs to remove more than ϵn\epsilon n of its edges in order to make it planar. We show that in this case the statistics of local neighborhoods around vertices of GG is far from the statistics of local neighborhoods around vertices of any planar graph G′G' with the same degree bound. In fact, a similar result is proved for any minor-closed property of bounded degree graphs. As an immediate corollary of the above result we infer that many well studied graph properties, like being planar, outer-planar, series-parallel, bounded genus, bounded tree-width and several others, are testable with a constant number of queries, where the constant may depend on ϵ\epsilon and dd, but not on the graph size. None of these properties was previously known to be testable even with o(n)o(n) queries