18,351 research outputs found

    Structural changes in exchange rate regimes in Brazil

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    Following a dramatic breakdown of a managed floating regime, Brazil adopted a framework for policy consisting of inflation targeting and floating exchange rates. The country's commitment to this arrangement, however, is often put to dispute. In this paper we revisit the issue of whether Brazil has truly accepted to let its currency float, taking use of cross-currency linear regression models complemented by inferential techniques for evaluating the stability of exchange rate regimes. The results found suggest that Brazil does seem to have shifted towards greater exchange rate flexibility after the abandonment of its dollar-peg. However, after the adoption of inflation targeting the degree of exchange rate flexibility seems to have reduced a little.Structural changes; exchange rate regimes; emerging markets.

    Structural Change in (Economic) Time Series

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    Methods for detecting structural changes, or change points, in time series data are widely used in many fields of science and engineering. This chapter sketches some basic methods for the analysis of structural changes in time series data. The exposition is confined to retrospective methods for univariate time series. Several recent methods for dating structural changes are compared using a time series of oil prices spanning more than 60 years. The methods broadly agree for the first part of the series up to the mid-1980s, for which changes are associated with major historical events, but provide somewhat different solutions thereafter, reflecting a gradual increase in oil prices that is not well described by a step function. As a further illustration, 1990s data on the volatility of the Hang Seng stock market index are reanalyzed.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    Leading Indicators of Inflation for Brazil

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    The goal of this project is to construct leading indicators that anticipate inflation cycle turning points on a real time monitoring basis. As a first step, turning points of the IPCA inflation are determined using a periodic stochastic Markov switching model. These turning points are the event timing that the leading indicators should anticipate. A dynamic factor model is then used to extract common cyclical movements in a set of variables that display predictive content for inflation. The leading indicators are designed to serve as practical tools to assist real-time monitoring of monetary policy on a month-to-month basis. Thus, the indicators are built and ranked according to their out-of-sample forecasting performance. The leading indicators are found to be an informative tool for signaling future phases of the inflation cycle out-of-sample, even in real time when only preliminary and unrevised data are available.

    A De Facto Asian-Currency Unit Bloc in East Asia: It Has Been There but We Did Not Look for It

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    Pegging in a coordinated way to a regional basket currency is considered by many as optimal for east-Asian countries. By contrast, according to existing empirical studies, these countries have most often relied on non-cooperative United States dollar or G3 pegs. We show for the first time that by the late 1990s, with some reversals, a majority of east-Asian countries had already moved, de facto, away from the dollar peg and started targeting a basket, including east-Asian currencies (an “Asian Currency Unit”). Common-shock or market-based interpretations of such moves are ruled out since we document that, with few exceptions, countries in the region have in reality stuck to fixed exchange rates. We obtain such results using a Markov-switching estimation benchmarked against Bai-Perron structural break tests for the synthesis model of Frankel and Wei (2007), which augments the inference about currency weights in a basket with the weight on exchange-market pressure. In order to measure the latter, the forward positions of central banks in the foreign exchange market are taken into account.asian currency unit; east asian currencies; exchange rate regimes

    Estimation of De Facto Flexibility Parameter and Basket Weights in Evolving Exchange Rate Regimes

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    A new technique for estimating countries' de facto exchange rate regimes synthesizes two approaches. One approach estimates the implicit de facto basket weights in an OLS regression of the local currency value rate against major currency values. Here the hypothesis is a basket peg with little flexibility. The second estimates the de facto degree of exchange rate flexibility by observing how exchange market pressure is allowed to show up. Here the hypothesis is an anchor to the dollar or some other single major currency, but with a possibly substantial degree of exchange rate flexibility around that anchor. It is important to have available a technique that can cover both dimensions: inferring anchor weights and the flexibility parameter. We test the synthesis technique on a variety of fixers, floaters, and basket peggers. We find that real world data demand a statistical technique that allows parameters and regimes to shift frequently. Accordingly we here take the next step in estimation of de facto exchange rate regimes: endogenous estimation of parameter breakpoints, following Bai and Perron.

    Did the Bundesbank React to Stock Price Movements?

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    In this paper, we investigate the relationship between stock returns and short-term interest rates. Identification of the stock return-interest rate relation is solved by using a new technique that relies on the heteroskedasticity of shocks to stock market returns. We suggest some improvements to the identification technique and its justification, as well as providing some new findings. In particular, we ask whether the Bundesbank, prior to the European Central Bank taking responsibility for monetary policy in 1999, reacted systematically to stock price movements. In contrast to the results for the US, our empirical findings for the 1985 - 1998 period show a positive, but statistically insignificant, parameter for the relationship between German stock returns and short-term interest rates at the daily frequency. The same result is found at the monthly frequency. Nevertheless, the confidence bands are wide enough that we cannot entirely exclude the possibility of a reaction at lower frequencies. The results are extremely robust to alternative methods used to identify changes in heteroskedasticity. The evidence is, therefore, inconsistent with the hypothesis of a systematic reaction of the Bundesbank to every wiggle in German stock prices. Both the historical and institutional evidence are supportive of this conclusion. -- In diesem Diskussionspapier untersuchen wir den Zusammenhang zwischen Aktienkursveränderungen und Veränderungen der kurzfristigen Zinssätze. Die ökonometrische Identifikation dieses Zusammenhangs erfolgt mit Hilfe eines neuen Verfahrens, das die Heteroskedastie von Aktienkursveränderungen ausnutzt. Wir schlagen einige Verbesserungen und Rechtfertigungen zu diesem Verfahren vor und liefern neue empirische Befunde. Im Vordergrund der Betrachtungen steht die Frage, ob die Bundesbank vor der Übernahme der geldpolitischen Entscheidungen durch die Europäische Zentralbank im Jahre 1999 systematisch auf Veränderungen der Aktienkurse reagiert hat. Im Unterschied zu den verfügbaren Ergebnissen für die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, finden wir auf Basis von Tagesdaten zwar einen positiven, aber statistisch nicht signifikanten Parameter für die Reaktion des kurzfristigen Zinssatzes auf Änderungen des Aktienkurses. Auf der Grundlage von Monatsdaten ist der Parameter ebenfalls positiv und statistisch insignifikant. Die Konfidenzintervalle sind aber sehr breit, so dass eine Reaktion auf der niedrigeren Frequenz nicht völlig ausgeschlossen werden kann. Die empirischen Resultate sind sehr robust gegenüber unterschiedlichen Modellspezifikationen. Die empirische Evidenz widerspricht somit der These einer systematischen Reaktion der Bundesbank auf jede Bewegung am Aktienmarkt, was durch die historischen und institutionellen Gegebenheiten gestützt wird.

    The financial stress index: identification of systemic risk conditions

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    This paper develops a financial stress index for the United States, the Cleveland Financial Stress Index (CFSI), which provides a continuous signal of financial stress and broad coverage of the areas that could indicate it. The index is based on daily public-market data collected from four sectors of the fi nancial markets—the credit, foreign exchange, equity, and interbank markets. A dynamic weighting method is employed to capture changes in the relative importance of these four sectors as they occur. In addition, the design of the index allows the origin of the stress to be identified. We compare the CFSI to alternative indexes, using a detailed benchmarking methodology, and show how the CFSI can be applied to systemic stress monitoring and early warning system design. To that end, we investigate alternative stress-signaling thresholds and frequency regimes and then establish optimal frequencies for filtering out market noise and idiosyncratic episodes. Finally, we quantify a powerful CFSI-based rating system that assigns a probability of systemic stress to ranges of CFSI outcomes.Systemic risk ; Risk assessment

    Asia confronts the impossible trinity

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    In this paper, we examine capital account openness and exchange rate exibility in 11 Asian countries. Asia has made slow progress on de jure capital account openness, but has made much more progress on de facto capital account openness. While there is a slow pace of increase in exchange rate exibility, most Asian countries continue to have largely inexible exchange rates. This combination { of moving forward with de facto capital account integration without bringing in exchange rate exibility { has lead to procyclicality of monetary policy when capital ows are procyclical. The paper emphasises the case for a consistent monetary policy framework.capital account openness, impossible trinity, exchange rate