4 research outputs found

    Current Sensing Completion Detection in Single-Rail Asynchronous Systems

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    In this article, an alternative approach to detecting the computation completion of combinatorial blocks in asynchronous digital systems is presented. The proposed methodology is based on well-known phenomenon that occurs in digital systems fabricated in CMOS technology. Such logic circuits exhibit significantly higher current consumption during the signal transitions than in the idle state. Duration of these current peaks correlates very well with the actual computation time of the combinatorial block. Hence, this fact can be exploited for separation of the computation activity from static state. The paper presents fundamental background of addressed alternative completion detection and its implementation in single-rail encoded asynchronous systems, the proposed current sensing circuitry, achieved simulation results as well as the comparison to the state-of-the-art methods of completion detection. The presented method promises the enhancement of the performance of an asynchronous circuit, and under certain circumstances it also reduces the silicon area requirements of the completion detection block

    Deductive Fault Simulation Technique for Asynchronous Circuits

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    Fault simulator for acpASC needs to deal with hazards, oscillations and races. The simplest algorithm for simulating faults is the serial fault simulation technique which was successfully used for the acpASC. Faster fault simulation techniques, for example deductive fault simulation, was previously used for the combinational and synchronous sequential circuits only. In this paper a deductive fault simulator for the stuck-at faults of acSI acpASC is presented. An algorithm for the propagation of the fault lists is proposed which can deal with the complex gates of the acpASC. The implemented deductive fault simulator was tested using acSI benchmark circuits. The experimental results show significant reduction of the computation time and negligible increase of the memory requirements in comparison with the serial fault simulation technique

    Alternative Timing in Digital Logic

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    Abstract For many decades using a system clock has been the go-to method of timing circuits. CPUs in particular have been at least partially defined by the speed of their clock. As technology moves forward, this is proving more and more problematic. At first, clock rates increased as transistor sized reduced. Now, transistor sizes still go down while clock rates remain stable. As a result, the focus has shifted to trying to do more with each cycle. A greater emphasis has been placed on efficiency, because less power draw in each cycle means either less battery drain for mobile devices or more things that can be done within power limitations for circuits with a less transient power supply. To that end, I propose that alternative timing schemes have as yet untapped potential and warrant further industry focus and research. To demonstrate this, various methods of timing are discussed and analyzed, and a demonstration is provided for techniques that have no available statistics. What follows is an examination of existing and new ideas in circuit timing, with a focus on microprocessors. The first method discussed involves eliminating the clock entirely. The resulting asynchronous circuits are a well studied and discussed idea, which was dismissed previously as being not worth the cost. The progress of processor design in the last few years indicates a renewed study of asynchronous circuits is warranted. The other option explored is when the clock becomes aperiodic. If this elastic clock is one whose width can change from cycle to cycle, instructions with varying worst case timing can control the clock to run a system closer to average case time. This method has not received the same attention as asynchronous circuits, so some new ideas are proposed and demonstrated for generating and utilizing elastic clocks. Tests were run on a custom CPU design to prove the elastic clock design viable. The single-cycle processor was implemented with 45nm technology, and simulated using NanoSim. ii The results show that while the average power increases, the total energy required to execute the test program decreases. The savings are enough to offset the power overhead the new components require. The area overhead is 3% or less; better, if used in more complex designs. Given the complexity of typical pipeline CPUs, the area and power savings of a single-cycle design combined with the throughput improvement shown by the test makes this an interesting alternative for low power applications. Other uses of this technology are discussed and logically analyzed. iii Acknowledgment

    Test Quality Analysis and Improvement for an Embedded Asynchronous FIFO

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    Embedded First-InFirst-Out (FIFO) memories are increasingly used in many IC designs.We have created a new full-custom embedded FIFO module withasynchronous read and write clocks, which is at least a factor twosmaller and also faster than SRAM-based and standard-cell-basedcounterparts. The detection qualities of the FIFO test for bothhard and weak resistive shorts and opens have been analyzed by anIFA-like method based on analog simulation. The defect coverage ofthe initial FIFO test for shorts in the bit-cell matrix has beenimproved by inclusion of an additional data background andlow-voltage testing; for low-resistant shorts, 100% defect coverageis obtained. The defect coverage for opens has been improved by anew test procedure which includes waitingperiods