10,969 research outputs found

    An efficient rounding boundary test for pow(x,y) in double precision

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    18 pagesThe correct rounding of the function pow: (x,y) -> x^y is currently based on Ziv's iterative approximation process. In order to ensure its termination, cases when x^y falls on a rounding boundary must be filtered out. Such rounding boundaries are floating-point numbers and midpoints between two consecutive floating-point numbers. Detecting rounding boundaries for pow is a difficult problem. Previous approaches use repeated square root extraction followed by repeated square and multiply. This article presents a new rounding boundary test for pow in double precision which resumes to a few comparisons with pre-computed constants. These constants are deduced from worst cases for the Table Maker's Dilemma, searched over a small subset of the input domain. This is a novel use of such worst-case bounds. The resulting algorithm has been designed for a fast-on-average correctly rounded implementation of pow, considering the scarcity of rounding boundary cases. It does not stall average computations for rounding boundary detection. The article includes its correction proof and experimental results

    Optimistic Parallelization of Floating-Point Accumulation

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    Floating-point arithmetic is notoriously non-associative due to the limited precision representation which demands intermediate values be rounded to fit in the available precision. The resulting cyclic dependency in floating-point accumulation inhibits parallelization of the computation, including efficient use of pipelining. In practice, however, we observe that floating-point operations are "mostly" associative. This observation can be exploited to parallelize floating-point accumulation using a form of optimistic concurrency. In this scheme, we first compute an optimistic associative approximation to the sum and then relax the computation by iteratively propagating errors until the correct sum is obtained. We map this computation to a network of 16 statically-scheduled, pipelined, double-precision floating-point adders on the Virtex-4 LX160 (-12) device where each floating-point adder runs at 296 MHz and has a pipeline depth of 10. On this 16 PE design, we demonstrate an average speedup of 6Ă— with randomly generated data and 3-7Ă— with summations extracted from Conjugate Gradient benchmarks

    Development and Verification of a Flight Stack for a High-Altitude Glider in Ada/SPARK 2014

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    SPARK 2014 is a modern programming language and a new state-of-the-art tool set for development and verification of high-integrity software. In this paper, we explore the capabilities and limitations of its latest version in the context of building a flight stack for a high-altitude unmanned glider. Towards that, we deliberately applied static analysis early and continuously during implementation, to give verification the possibility to steer the software design. In this process we have identified several limitations and pitfalls of software design and verification in SPARK, for which we give workarounds and protective actions to avoid them. Finally, we give design recommendations that have proven effective for verification, and summarize our experiences with this new language

    Formal study of plane Delaunay triangulation

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    This article presents the formal proof of correctness for a plane Delaunay triangulation algorithm. It consists in repeating a sequence of edge flippings from an initial triangulation until the Delaunay property is achieved. To describe triangulations, we rely on a combinatorial hypermap specification framework we have been developing for years. We embed hypermaps in the plane by attaching coordinates to elements in a consistent way. We then describe what are legal and illegal Delaunay edges and a flipping operation which we show preserves hypermap, triangulation, and embedding invariants. To prove the termination of the algorithm, we use a generic approach expressing that any non-cyclic relation is well-founded when working on a finite set

    Subtropical Real Root Finding

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    We describe a new incomplete but terminating method for real root finding for large multivariate polynomials. We take an abstract view of the polynomial as the set of exponent vectors associated with sign information on the coefficients. Then we employ linear programming to heuristically find roots. There is a specialized variant for roots with exclusively positive coordinates, which is of considerable interest for applications in chemistry and systems biology. An implementation of our method combining the computer algebra system Reduce with the linear programming solver Gurobi has been successfully applied to input data originating from established mathematical models used in these areas. We have solved several hundred problems with up to more than 800000 monomials in up to 10 variables with degrees up to 12. Our method has failed due to its incompleteness in less than 8 percent of the cases
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