4 research outputs found

    Terahertz Pulse Shaping Using Diffractive Surfaces

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    Recent advances in deep learning have been providing non-intuitive solutions to various inverse problems in optics. At the intersection of machine learning and optics, diffractive networks merge wave-optics with deep learning to design task-specific elements to all-optically perform various tasks such as object classification and machine vision. Here, we present a diffractive network, which is used to shape an arbitrary broadband pulse into a desired optical waveform, forming a compact pulse engineering system. We experimentally demonstrate the synthesis of square pulses with different temporal-widths by manufacturing passive diffractive layers that collectively control both the spectral amplitude and the phase of an input terahertz pulse. Our results constitute the first demonstration of direct pulse shaping in terahertz spectrum, where a complex-valued spectral modulation function directly acts on terahertz frequencies. Furthermore, a Lego-like physical transfer learning approach is presented to illustrate pulse-width tunability by replacing part of an existing network with newly trained diffractive layers, demonstrating its modularity. This learning-based diffractive pulse engineering framework can find broad applications in e.g., communications, ultra-fast imaging and spectroscopy.Comment: 27 pages, 6 figure

    Ensemble learning of diffractive optical networks

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    A plethora of research advances have emerged in the fields of optics and photonics that benefit from harnessing the power of machine learning. Specifically, there has been a revival of interest in optical computing hardware, due to its potential advantages for machine learning tasks in terms of parallelization, power efficiency and computation speed. Diffractive Deep Neural Networks (D2NNs) form such an optical computing framework, which benefits from deep learning-based design of successive diffractive layers to all-optically process information as the input light diffracts through these passive layers. D2NNs have demonstrated success in various tasks, including e.g., object classification, spectral-encoding of information, optical pulse shaping and imaging, among others. Here, we significantly improve the inference performance of diffractive optical networks using feature engineering and ensemble learning. After independently training a total of 1252 D2NNs that were diversely engineered with a variety of passive input filters, we applied a pruning algorithm to select an optimized ensemble of D2NNs that collectively improve their image classification accuracy. Through this pruning, we numerically demonstrated that ensembles of N=14 and N=30 D2NNs achieve blind testing accuracies of 61.14% and 62.13%, respectively, on the classification of CIFAR-10 test images, providing an inference improvement of >16% compared to the average performance of the individual D2NNs within each ensemble. These results constitute the highest inference accuracies achieved to date by any diffractive optical neural network design on the same dataset and might provide a significant leapfrog to extend the application space of diffractive optical image classification and machine vision systems.Comment: 22 Pages, 4 Figures, 1 Tabl