3 research outputs found

    Feature Based Registration of Brain Mr Image

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    ABSTRACT Medical image processing is a difficult problem. Not only a registration algorithm needs to capture both large and small scale image deformations, it also has to deal with global and local intensity variations. Two main problems occurs during the registration process of non rigid image. First, the correspondence problem occurs between the template and the subject image due to variation in the voxel intensity level. Second, in the presence of bias field the occurrence of interference and noise will make the image sensitive to rotation variation. To avoid these problems and to calculate efficiently a new feature based registration of non rigid brain MR image using Uniform Pattern of Spherical Region Descriptor is proposed in this paper. The proposed method is based on a new image feature called Uniform Pattern of Spherical Region Descriptor. This uses two features namely Uniform pattern of spherical descriptor and Uniform pattern of gradient descriptor to extract geometric features from input images and to identify first order and second order voxel wise anatomical information. The MRF labeling frame work and the α-expansion algorithm are used to maximize the energy function. The defected region in the image is accurately identified by Normalized correlation method. The input image for evaluation is taken from the database Brain web and internet Brain Segmentation Repository respectively. The performance can be evaluated using Back propagation networks

    Tensor scale-based image registration

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    Tsd: A Shape Descriptor Based On A Distribution Of Tensor Scale Local Orientation

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    We present tensor scale descriptor (TSD) - a shape descriptor for content-based image retrieval, registration, and analysis. TSD exploits the notion of local structure thickness, orientation, and anisotropy as represented by the largest ellipse centered at each image pixel and within the same homogeneous region. The proposed method uses the normalized histogram of the local orientation (the angle of the ellipse) at regions of high anisotropy and thickness within a certain interval It is shown that TSD is invariant to rotation and to some reasonable level of scale changes. Experimental results with a fish database are presented to illustrate and validate the method. © 2005 IEEE.2005139146Abbasi, S., Mokhtarian, F., Kittler, J., Enhancing CSS-based Shape Retrieval for Objects with Shallow Concavities (2000) Image and Vision Computing, 18 (3), pp. 199-211. , FebruaryArica, N., Vural, F.T.Y., A Perceptual Shape Descriptor (2002) Proceedings of the International Conference on Pattern Recognition, pp. 375-378. , Madison, Wisconsin, USAArica, N., Vural, F.T.Y., BAS: A Perceptual Shape Descriptor Based on the Beam Angle Statistics (2003) Pattern Recognition Letters, pp. 1627-1639. , 249-10, JuneBelongie, S., Malik, J., Puzicha, J., Shape Matching and Object Recognition Using Shape Contexts (2002) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 24 (24), pp. 509-522Canny, J., A computational approach to edge detection (1986) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 8 (6), pp. 679-698Chuang, G., Kuo, C.-C., Wavelet Descriptor of Planar Curves: Theory and Applications (1996) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 5 (1), pp. 56-70Torres, R.D.S., Falcão, A.X., Costa, L.D.F., A Graph-based Approach for Multiscale Shape Analysis (2004) Pattern Recognition, 37 (6), pp. 1163-1174. , JuneTorres, R.D.S., Picado, E.M., Falcão, A.X., Costa, L.D.F., Effective Image Retrieval by Shape Saliences (2003) Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing, pp. 49-55. , São Carlos, SP, Brazil, Octoberdi Zeno, S., A note on the gradient of a multi-image (1986) Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing, 33 (1), pp. 166-125Dudani, S.A., Breeding, K.J., McGhee, R.B., Aircraft Identification by Moment Invariants (1977) IEEE Transactions on Computers, 26 (1), pp. 39-45. , JanuaryElder, J.H., Zucker, S.W., Local scale control for edge detection and blur estimation (1998) IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 20 (7), pp. 699-716Gonzalez, R.C., Woods, R.E., (1992) Digital Image Processing, , Addison-Wesley, Reading, MA, USAHall, E.L., (1979) Computer Image Processing and Recognition, , New York, NY: Academic PressM. 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