47 research outputs found

    Early soft and flexible fusion of electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging via double coupled matrix tensor factorization for multisubject group analysis

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    Data fusion refers to the joint analysis of multiple datasets that provide different (e.g., complementary) views of the same task. In general, it can extract more information than separate analyses can. Jointly analyzing electroencephalography (EEG) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) measurements has been proved to be highly beneficial to the study of the brain function, mainly because these neuroimaging modalities have complementary spatiotemporal resolution: EEG offers good temporal resolution while fMRI is better in its spatial resolution. The EEG–fMRI fusion methods that have been reported so far ignore the underlying multiway nature of the data in at least one of the modalities and/or rely on very strong assumptions concerning the relation of the respective datasets. For example, in multisubject analysis, it is commonly assumed that the hemodynamic response function is a priori known for all subjects and/or the coupling across corresponding modes is assumed to be exact (hard). In this article, these two limitations are overcome by adopting tensor models for both modalities and by following soft and flexible coupling approaches to implement the multimodal fusion. The obtained results are compared against those of parallel independent component analysis and hard coupling alternatives, with both synthetic and real data (epilepsy and visual oddball paradigm). Our results demonstrate the clear advantage of using soft and flexible coupled tensor decompositions in scenarios that do not conform with the hard coupling assumption

    Unraveling Diagnostic Biomarkers of Schizophrenia Through Structure-Revealing Fusion of Multi-Modal Neuroimaging Data

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    Fusing complementary information from different modalities can lead to the discovery of more accurate diagnostic biomarkers for psychiatric disorders. However, biomarker discovery through data fusion is challenging since it requires extracting interpretable and reproducible patterns from data sets, consisting of shared/unshared patterns and of different orders. For example, multi-channel electroencephalography (EEG) signals from multiple subjects can be represented as a third-order tensor with modes: subject, time, and channel, while functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data may be in the form of subject by voxel matrices. Traditional data fusion methods rearrange higher-order tensors, such as EEG, as matrices to use matrix factorization-based approaches. In contrast, fusion methods based on coupled matrix and tensor factorizations (CMTF) exploit the potential multi-way structure of higher-order tensors. The CMTF approach has been shown to capture underlying patterns more accurately without imposing strong constraints on the latent neural patterns, i.e., biomarkers. In this paper, EEG, fMRI, and structural MRI (sMRI) data collected during an auditory oddball task (AOD) from a group of subjects consisting of patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls, are arranged as matrices and higher-order tensors coupled along the subject mode, and jointly analyzed using structure-revealing CMTF methods [also known as advanced CMTF (ACMTF)] focusing on unique identification of underlying patterns in the presence of shared/unshared patterns. We demonstrate that joint analysis of the EEG tensor and fMRI matrix using ACMTF reveals significant and biologically meaningful components in terms of differentiating between patients with schizophrenia and healthy controls while also providing spatial patterns with high resolution and improving the clustering performance compared to the analysis of only the EEG tensor. We also show that these patterns are reproducible, and study reproducibility for different model parameters. In comparison to the joint independent component analysis (jICA) data fusion approach, ACMTF provides easier interpretation of EEG data by revealing a single summary map of the topography for each component. Furthermore, fusion of sMRI data with EEG and fMRI through an ACMTF model provides structural patterns; however, we also show that when fusing data sets from multiple modalities, hence of very different nature, preprocessing plays a crucial role

    Improved Coupled Tensor Factorization with Its Applications in Health Data Analysis

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    © 2019 Qing Wu et al. Coupled matrix and tensor factorizations have been successfully used in many data fusion scenarios where datasets are assumed to be exactly coupled. However, in the real world, not all the datasets share the same factor matrices, which makes joint analysis of multiple heterogeneous sources challenging. For this reason, approximate coupling or partial coupling is widely used in real-world data fusion, with exact coupling as a special case of these techniques. However, to fully address the challenge of tensor factorization, in this paper, we propose two improved coupled tensor factorization methods: one for approximately coupled datasets and the other for partially coupled datasets. A series of experiments using both simulated data and three real-world datasets demonstrate the improved accuracy of these approaches over existing baselines. In particular, when experiments on MRI data is conducted, the performance of our method is improved even by 12.47% in terms of accuracy compared with traditional methods

    Multimodal Data Fusion: An Overview of Methods, Challenges and Prospects

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    International audienceIn various disciplines, information about the same phenomenon can be acquired from different types of detectors, at different conditions, in multiple experiments or subjects, among others. We use the term "modality" for each such acquisition framework. Due to the rich characteristics of natural phenomena, it is rare that a single modality provides complete knowledge of the phenomenon of interest. The increasing availability of several modalities reporting on the same system introduces new degrees of freedom, which raise questions beyond those related to exploiting each modality separately. As we argue, many of these questions, or "challenges" , are common to multiple domains. This paper deals with two key questions: "why we need data fusion" and "how we perform it". The first question is motivated by numerous examples in science and technology, followed by a mathematical framework that showcases some of the benefits that data fusion provides. In order to address the second question, "diversity" is introduced as a key concept, and a number of data-driven solutions based on matrix and tensor decompositions are discussed, emphasizing how they account for diversity across the datasets. The aim of this paper is to provide the reader, regardless of his or her community of origin, with a taste of the vastness of the field, the prospects and opportunities that it holds

    Accurate skull modeling for EEG source imaging

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