8 research outputs found

    Multidimensional Tie Strength and Economic Development

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    The strength of social relations has been shown to affect an individual’s access to opportunities. To date, however, the correspondence between tie strength and population’s economic prospects has not been quantified, largely because of the inability to operationalise strength based on Granovetter’s classic theory. Our work departed from the premise that tie strength is a unidimensional construct (typically operationalized with frequency or volume of contact), and used instead a validated model of ten fundamental dimensions of social relationships grounded in the literature of social psychology. We built state-of-the-art NLP tools to infer the presence of these dimensions from textual communication, and analyzed a large conversation network of 630K geo-referenced Reddit users across the entire US connected by 12.8M social ties created over the span of 7 years. We found that unidimensional tie strength is only weakly correlated with economic opportunities ([Formula: see text] ), while multidimensional constructs are highly correlated ([Formula: see text] ). In particular, economic opportunities are associated to the combination of: (i) knowledge ties, which bridge geographically distant groups, facilitating the knowledge dissemination across communities; and (ii) social support ties, which knit geographically close communities together, and represent dependable sources of social and emotional support. These results point to the importance of developing high-quality measures of tie strength in network theory

    Get Out of the Nest! Drivers of Social Influence in the #TwitterMigration to Mastodon

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    The migration of Twitter users to Mastodon following Elon Musk's acquisition presents a unique opportunity to study collective behavior and gain insights into the drivers of coordinated behavior in online media. We analyzed the social network and the public conversations of about 75,000 migrated users and observed that the temporal trace of their migrations is compatible with a phenomenon of social influence, as described by a compartmental epidemic model of information diffusion. Drawing from prior research on behavioral change, we delved into the factors that account for variations across different Twitter communities in the effectiveness of the spreading of the influence to migrate. Communities in which the influence process unfolded more rapidly exhibit lower density of social connections, higher levels of signaled commitment to migrating, and more emphasis on shared identity and exchange of factual knowledge in the community discussion. These factors account collectively for 57% of the variance in the observed data. Our results highlight the joint importance of network structure, commitment, and psycho-linguistic aspects of social interactions in describing grassroots collective action, and contribute to deepen our understanding of the mechanisms driving processes of behavior change of online groups

    The language of opinion change on social media under the lens of communicative action

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    Which messages are more effective at inducing a change of opinion in the listener? We approach this question within the frame of Habermas’ theory of communicative action, which posits that the illocutionary intent of the message (its pragmatic meaning) is the key. Thanks to recent advances in natural language processing, we are able to operationalize this theory by extracting the latent social dimensions of a message, namely archetypes of social intent of language, that come from social exchange theory. We identify key ingredients to opinion change by looking at more than 46k posts and more than 3.5M comments on Reddit’s r/ChangeMyView, a debate forum where people try to change each other’s opinion and explicitly mark opinion-changing comments with a special flag called delta. Comments that express no intent are about 77% less likely to change the mind of the recipient, compared to comments that convey at least one social dimension. Among the various social dimensions, the ones that are most likely to produce an opinion change are knowledge, similarity, and trust, which resonates with Habermas’ theory of communicative action. We also find other new important dimensions, such as appeals to power or empathetic expressions of support. Finally, in line with theories of constructive conflict, yet contrary to the popular characterization of conflict as the bane of modern social media, our findings show that voicing conflict in the context of a structured public debate can promote integration, especially when it is used to counter another conflictive stance. By leveraging recent advances in natural language processing, our work provides an empirical framework for Habermas’ theory, finds concrete examples of its effects in the wild, and suggests its possible extension with a more faceted understanding of intent interpreted as social dimensions of language

    Making Online Communities 'Better': A Taxonomy of Community Values on Reddit

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    Many researchers studying online social communities seek to make such communities better. However, understanding what 'better' means is challenging, due to the divergent opinions of community members, and the multitude of possible community values which often conflict with one another. Community members' own values for their communities are not well understood, and how these values align with one another is an open question. Previous research has mostly focused on specific and comparatively well-defined harms within online communities, such as harassment, rule-breaking, and misinformation. In this work, we ask 39 community members on reddit to describe their values for their communities. We gather 301 responses in members' own words, spanning 125 unique communities, and use iterative categorization to produce a taxonomy of 29 different community values across 9 major categories. We find that members value a broad range of topics ranging from technical features to the diversity of the community, and most frequently prioritize content quality. We identify important understudied topics such as content quality and community size, highlight where values conflict with one another, and call for research into governance methods for communities that protect vulnerable members.Comment: 26 pages, 3 figure

    How epidemic psychology works on Twitter: evolution of responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in the U.S.

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    Disruptions resulting from an epidemic might often appear to amount to chaos but, in reality, can be understood in a systematic way through the lens of "epidemic psychology". According to Philip Strong, the founder of the sociological study of epidemic infectious diseases, not only is an epidemic biological; there is also the potential for three psycho-social epidemics: of fear, moralization, and action. This work empirically tests Strong's model at scale by studying the use of language of 122M tweets related to the COVID-19 pandemic posted in the U.S. during the whole year of 2020. On Twitter, we identified three distinct phases. Each of them is characterized by different regimes of the three psycho-social epidemics. In the refusal phase, users refused to accept reality despite the increasing number of deaths in other countries. In the anger phase (started after the announcement of the first death in the country), users' fear translated into anger about the looming feeling that things were about to change. Finally, in the acceptance phase, which began after the authorities imposed physical-distancing measures, users settled into a "new normal" for their daily activities. Overall, refusal of accepting reality gradually died off as the year went on, while acceptance increasingly took hold. During 2020, as cases surged in waves, so did anger, re-emerging cyclically at each wave. Our real-time operationalization of Strong's model is designed in a way that makes it possible to embed epidemic psychology into real-time models (e.g., epidemiological and mobility models).Comment: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications. 24 pages, 7 figures, 4 table

    Personality Dysfunction Manifest in Words : Understanding Personality Pathology Using Computational Language Analysis

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    Personality disorders (PDs) are some of the most prevalent and high-risk mental health conditions, and yet remain poorly understood. Today, the development of new technologies means that there are advanced tools that can be used to improve our understanding and treatment of PD. One promising tool – indeed, the focus of this thesis – is computational language analysis. By looking at patterns in how people with personality pathology use words, it is possible to gain access into their constellation of thinking, feelings, and behaviours. To date, however, there has been little research at the intersection of verbal behaviour and personality pathology. Accordingly, the central goal of this thesis is to demonstrate how PD can be better understood through the analysis of natural language. This thesis presents three research articles, comprising four empirical studies, that each leverage computational language analysis to better understand personality pathology. Each paper focuses on a distinct core feature of PD, while incorporating language analysis methods: Paper 1 (Study 1) focuses on interpersonal dysfunction; Paper 2 (Studies 2 and 3) focuses on emotion dysregulation; and Paper 3 (Study 4) focuses on behavioural dysregulation (i.e., engagement in suicidality and deliberate self-harm). Findings from this research have generated better understanding of fundamental features of PD, including insight into characterising dimensions of social dysfunction (Paper 1), maladaptive emotion processes that may contribute to emotion dysregulation (Paper 2), and psychosocial dynamics relating to suicidality and deliberate self-harm (Paper 3) in PD. Such theoretical knowledge subsequently has important implications for clinical practice, particularly regarding the potential to inform psychological therapy. More broadly, this research highlights how language can provide implicit and unobtrusive insight into the personality and psychological processes that underlie personality pathology at a large-scale, using an individualised, naturalistic approach