5 research outputs found

    Incremental Sampling-based Algorithm for Minimum-violation Motion Planning

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    This paper studies the problem of control strategy synthesis for dynamical systems with differential constraints to fulfill a given reachability goal while satisfying a set of safety rules. Particular attention is devoted to goals that become feasible only if a subset of the safety rules are violated. The proposed algorithm computes a control law, that minimizes the level of unsafety while the desired goal is guaranteed to be reached. This problem is motivated by an autonomous car navigating an urban environment while following rules of the road such as "always travel in right lane'' and "do not change lanes frequently''. Ideas behind sampling based motion-planning algorithms, such as Probabilistic Road Maps (PRMs) and Rapidly-exploring Random Trees (RRTs), are employed to incrementally construct a finite concretization of the dynamics as a durational Kripke structure. In conjunction with this, a weighted finite automaton that captures the safety rules is used in order to find an optimal trajectory that minimizes the violation of safety rules. We prove that the proposed algorithm guarantees asymptotic optimality, i.e., almost-sure convergence to optimal solutions. We present results of simulation experiments and an implementation on an autonomous urban mobility-on-demand system.Comment: 8 pages, final version submitted to CDC '1

    Simulation and mathematical notation of alarms unit for computer assisted resuscitation algorithm

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    The Computer Assisted Resuscitation Algorithm [CARA] is a system that is used to drive a high output infusion pump used for infusing saline into patients suffering from conditions that lead to hypotension. The infusion pump infuses saline at a particular rate into the patient depending on the blood pressure of the patient. The alarms unit of CARA was simulated for the infusion pump in which the occurrence of alarms depends on the various criteria the infusion pump encounters when saline is being infused into patients. Various criteria may vary from an air bubble in the line to varying high and low blood pressure. Using the alarms finite state machine already provided simulation of the alarms unit was done. The alarms finite state machine was constructed by using the requirements [2] provided by WRAIR [Walter Reed Army Institute of Research]. A mathematical specification was written which relates the English language description of the alarms unit and the alarms finite state machine. The Design Oriented Verification and Evaluation [DOVE] tool [5] was used to prove that the extended finite state machine satisfies the mathematical specification. The simulation of the alarms unit was done as per the requirements [2] and extended finite state machines were created according to the code of the simulation. Safety properties and linear temporal logic for these safety properties were also written

    An automata-based automatic verification environment

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    With the continuing growth of computer systems including safety-critical computer control systems, the need for reliable tools to help construct, analyze, and verify such systems also continues to grow. The basic motivation of this work is to build such a formal verification environment for computer-based systems. An example of such a tool is the Design Oriented Verification and Evaluation (DOVE) created by Australian Defense Science and Technology Organization. One of the advantages of DOVE is that it combines ease of use provided by a graphical user interface for describing specifications in the form of extended state machines with the rigor of proving linear temporal logic properties in a robust theorem prover, Isabelle which was developed at Cambridge University, UK, and TU Munich, Germany. A different class of examples is that of model checkers, such as SPIN and SMV. In this work, we describe our technique to increase the utility of DOVE by extending it with the capability to build systems by specifying components. This added utility is demonstrated with a concrete example from a real project to study aspects of the control unit for an infusion pump being built at the Walter Reid Army Institute of Research. Secondly, we provide a formulation of linear temporal logic (LTL) in the theorem prover Isabelle. Next, we present a formalization of a variation of the algorithm for translating LTL into Büchi automata. The original translation algorithm is presented in Gerth et al and is the basis of model checkers such as SPIN. We also provide a formal proof of the termination and correctness of this algorithm. All definitions and proofs have been done fully formally within the generic theorem prover Isabelle, which guarantees the rigor of our work and the reliability of the results obtained. Finally, we introduce the automata theoretic framework for automatic verification as our future works

    Formal Methods for Autonomous Systems

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    Formal methods refer to rigorous, mathematical approaches to system development and have played a key role in establishing the correctness of safety-critical systems. The main building blocks of formal methods are models and specifications, which are analogous to behaviors and requirements in system design and give us the means to verify and synthesize system behaviors with formal guarantees. This monograph provides a survey of the current state of the art on applications of formal methods in the autonomous systems domain. We consider correct-by-construction synthesis under various formulations, including closed systems, reactive, and probabilistic settings. Beyond synthesizing systems in known environments, we address the concept of uncertainty and bound the behavior of systems that employ learning using formal methods. Further, we examine the synthesis of systems with monitoring, a mitigation technique for ensuring that once a system deviates from expected behavior, it knows a way of returning to normalcy. We also show how to overcome some limitations of formal methods themselves with learning. We conclude with future directions for formal methods in reinforcement learning, uncertainty, privacy, explainability of formal methods, and regulation and certification

    Temporal debugging for concurrent systems

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    Abstract. Temporal logic is often used as the specification formalism for the automatic verification of finite state systems. The automatic temporal verification of a system is a procedure that returns a yes/no answer, and in the latter case also provides a counterexample. In this paper we suggest a new application for temporal logic, as a way of assisting the debugging of a concurrent or a sequential program. We employ temporal logic over finite sequences as a constraint formalism that is used to control the way we step through the states of the debugged system. Using such temporal specification and various search strategies, we are able to traverse the executions of the system and obtain important intuitive information about its behaviors. We describe an implementation of these ideas as a debugging tool. 1 Introduction Temporal logic is a specification formalism that is often used to express properties of software and hardware systems. Model checking techniques allow us to check a finite state description of a system against its temporal specification, and provide a counter example in case the property does not hold. In this paper we suggest to extend the use of a temporal specification, and use temporal logic for interactively controlling the debugging of systems. We allow specifying temporal properties of finite sequences. A debugger is enriched with the ability to progress from one step to another via a finite sequence of states that satisfy a temporal property