3 research outputs found

    Reasoning with Temporal Properties over Axioms of DL-Lite

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    Recently, a lot of research has combined description logics (DLs) of the DL-Lite family with temporal formalisms. Such logics are proposed to be used for situation recognition and temporalized ontology-based data access. In this report, we consider DL-Lite-LTL, in which axioms formulated in a member of the DL-Lite family are combined using the operators of propositional linear-time temporal logic (LTL). We consider the satisfiability problem of this logic in the presence of so-called rigid symbols whose interpretation does not change over time. In contrast to more expressive temporalized DLs, the computational complexity of this problem is the same as for LTL, even w.r.t. rigid symbols

    News Analytics for Financial Decision Support

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    This PhD thesis contributes to the newly emerged, growing body of scientific work on the use of News Analytics in Finance. Regarded as the next significant development in Automated Trading, News Analytics extends trading algorithms to incorporate information extracted from textual messages, by translating it into actionable, valuable knowledge. The thesis addresses one main theme: the incorporation of news into trading algorithms. This relates to three main tasks: i) the extraction of the information contained in news, ii) the representation of the information contained in news, and iii) the aggregation of this information into actionable knowledge. We validate our approach by designing and implementing three semantic systems: a system for the computational content analysis of European Central Bank statements, a system for incorporating news in stock trading strategies, and a time-aware system for trading based on analyst recommendations. The approach we choose for addressing these tasks is an interdisciplinary one. For the extraction of information from news we rely on approaches borrowed from Computer Science and Linguistics. The representation of the information contained in news is realized by using, and extending, the state-of-the-art in Semantic Web technology. We do this by bringing together insights from Logics, Metaphysics, and Computational Semantics. The aggregation of information is done by using techniques and results from Computational Intelligence and Financ

    Temporal conceptual modelling with DL-Lite

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    Conceptual modelling formalisms such as the Entity-Relationship model (ER) and Unified Modelling Language (UML) have become a de facto standard in database design by providing visual means to describe application domains in a declarative and reusable way. On the other hand, both ER and UML turned ou