11 research outputs found

    Generative Adversarial Networks for Video-to-Video Domain Adaptation

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    Endoscopic videos from multicentres often have different imaging conditions, e.g., color and illumination, which make the models trained on one domain usually fail to generalize well to another. Domain adaptation is one of the potential solutions to address the problem. However, few of existing works focused on the translation of video-based data. In this work, we propose a novel generative adversarial network (GAN), namely VideoGAN, to transfer the video-based data across different domains. As the frames of a video may have similar content and imaging conditions, the proposed VideoGAN has an X-shape generator to preserve the intra-video consistency during translation. Furthermore, a loss function, namely color histogram loss, is proposed to tune the color distribution of each translated frame. Two colonoscopic datasets from different centres, i.e., CVC-Clinic and ETIS-Larib, are adopted to evaluate the performance of domain adaptation of our VideoGAN. Experimental results demonstrate that the adapted colonoscopic video generated by our VideoGAN can significantly boost the segmentation accuracy, i.e., an improvement of 5%, of colorectal polyps on multicentre datasets. As our VideoGAN is a general network architecture, we also evaluate its performance with the CamVid driving video dataset on the cloudy-to-sunny translation task. Comprehensive experiments show that the domain gap could be substantially narrowed down by our VideoGAN.Comment: Accepted by AAAI 202

    Adversarial Bipartite Graph Learning for Video Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation techniques, which focus on adapting models between distributionally different domains, are rarely explored in the video recognition area due to the significant spatial and temporal shifts across the source (i.e. training) and target (i.e. test) domains. As such, recent works on visual domain adaptation which leverage adversarial learning to unify the source and target video representations and strengthen the feature transferability are not highly effective on the videos. To overcome this limitation, in this paper, we learn a domain-agnostic video classifier instead of learning domain-invariant representations, and propose an Adversarial Bipartite Graph (ABG) learning framework which directly models the source-target interactions with a network topology of the bipartite graph. Specifically, the source and target frames are sampled as heterogeneous vertexes while the edges connecting two types of nodes measure the affinity among them. Through message-passing, each vertex aggregates the features from its heterogeneous neighbors, forcing the features coming from the same class to be mixed evenly. Explicitly exposing the video classifier to such cross-domain representations at the training and test stages makes our model less biased to the labeled source data, which in-turn results in achieving a better generalization on the target domain. To further enhance the model capacity and testify the robustness of the proposed architecture on difficult transfer tasks, we extend our model to work in a semi-supervised setting using an additional video-level bipartite graph. Extensive experiments conducted on four benchmarks evidence the effectiveness of the proposed approach over the SOTA methods on the task of video recognition.Comment: Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '20

    PALMAR: Towards Adaptive Multi-inhabitant Activity Recognition in Point-Cloud Technology

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    With the advancement of deep neural networks and computer vision-based Human Activity Recognition, employment of Point-Cloud Data technologies (LiDAR, mmWave) has seen a lot interests due to its privacy preserving nature. Given the high promise of accurate PCD technologies, we develop, PALMAR, a multiple-inhabitant activity recognition system by employing efficient signal processing and novel machine learning techniques to track individual person towards developing an adaptive multi-inhabitant tracking and HAR system. More specifically, we propose (i) a voxelized feature representation-based real-time PCD fine-tuning method, (ii) efficient clustering (DBSCAN and BIRCH), Adaptive Order Hidden Markov Model based multi-person tracking and crossover ambiguity reduction techniques and (iii) novel adaptive deep learning-based domain adaptation technique to improve the accuracy of HAR in presence of data scarcity and diversity (device, location and population diversity). We experimentally evaluate our framework and systems using (i) a real-time PCD collected by three devices (3D LiDAR and 79 GHz mmWave) from 6 participants, (ii) one publicly available 3D LiDAR activity data (28 participants) and (iii) an embedded hardware prototype system which provided promising HAR performances in multi-inhabitants (96%) scenario with a 63% improvement of multi-person tracking than state-of-art framework without losing significant system performances in the edge computing device.Comment: Accepted in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications 202

    Domain Adaptation for Time Series Forecasting via Attention Sharing

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    Recent years have witnessed deep neural networks gaining increasing popularity in the field of time series forecasting. A primary reason of their success is their ability to effectively capture complex temporal dynamics across multiple related time series. However, the advantages of these deep forecasters only start to emerge in the presence of a sufficient amount of data. This poses a challenge for typical forecasting problems in practice, where one either has a small number of time series, or limited observations per time series, or both. To cope with the issue of data scarcity, we propose a novel domain adaptation framework, Domain Adaptation Forecaster (DAF), that leverages the statistical strengths from another relevant domain with abundant data samples (source) to improve the performance on the domain of interest with limited data (target). In particular, we propose an attention-based shared module with a domain discriminator across domains as well as private modules for individual domains. This allows us to jointly train the source and target domains by generating domain-invariant latent features while retraining domain-specific features. Extensive experiments on various domains demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art baselines on synthetic and real-world datasets.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    Overcoming Label Noise for Source-free Unsupervised Video Domain Adaptation

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    Despite the progress seen in classification methods, current approaches for handling videos with distribution shifts in source and target domains remain source-dependent as they require access to the source data during the adaptation stage. In this paper, we present a self-training based source-free video domain adaptation approach to address this challenge by bridging the gap between the source and the target domains. We use the source pre-trained model to generate pseudo-labels for the target domain samples, which are inevitably noisy. Thus, we treat the problem of source-free video domain adaptation as learning from noisy labels and argue that the samples with correct pseudo-labels can help us in adaptation. To this end, we leverage the cross-entropy loss as an indicator of the correctness of the pseudo-labels and use the resulting small-loss samples from the target domain for fine-tuning the model. We further enhance the adaptation performance by implementing a teacher-student framework, in which the teacher, which is updated gradually, produces reliable pseudo-labels. Meanwhile, the student undergoes fine-tuning on the target domain videos using these generated pseudo-labels to improve its performance. Extensive experimental evaluations show that our methods, termed as CleanAdapt, CleanAdapt + TS, achieve state-of-the-art results, outperforming the existing approaches on various open datasets. Our source code is publicly available at https://avijit9.github.io/CleanAdapt.Comment: Extended version of our ICVGIP pape

    Adversarial Cross-Domain Action Recognition with Co-Attention

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    Action recognition has been a widely studied topic with a heavy focus on supervised learning involving sufficient labeled videos. However, the problem of cross-domain action recognition, where training and testing videos are drawn from different underlying distributions, remains largely under-explored. Previous methods directly employ techniques for cross-domain image recognition, which tend to suffer from the severe temporal misalignment problem. This paper proposes a Temporal Co-attention Network (TCoN), which matches the distributions of temporally aligned action features between source and target domains using a novel cross-domain co-attention mechanism. Experimental results on three cross-domain action recognition datasets demonstrate that TCoN improves both previous single-domain and cross-domain methods significantly under the cross-domain setting.Comment: AAAI 202