3 research outputs found

    Spatiotemporal analysis of extreme heat events in Indianapolis and Philadelphia for the years 2010 and 2011

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Over the past two decades, northern parts of the United States have experienced extreme heat conditions. Some of the notable heat wave impacts have occurred in Chicago in 1995 with over 600 reported deaths and in Philadelphia in 1993 with over 180 reported deaths. The distribution of extreme heat events in Indianapolis has varied since the year 2000. The Urban Heat Island effect has caused the temperatures to rise unusually high during the summer months. Although the number of reported deaths in Indianapolis is smaller when compared to Chicago and Philadelphia, the heat wave in the year 2010 affected primarily the vulnerable population comprised of the elderly and the lower socio-economic groups. Studying the spatial distribution of high temperatures in the vulnerable areas helps determine not only the extent of the heat affected areas, but also to devise strategies and methods to plan, mitigate, and tackle extreme heat. In addition, examining spatial patterns of vulnerability can aid in development of a heat warning system to alert the populations at risk during extreme heat events. This study focuses on the qualitative and quantitative methods used to measure extreme heat events. Land surface temperatures obtained from the Landsat TM images provide useful means by which the spatial distribution of temperatures can be studied in relation to the temporal changes and socioeconomic vulnerability. The percentile method used, helps to determine the vulnerable areas and their extents. The maximum temperatures measured using LST conversion of the original digital number values of the Landsat TM images is reliable in terms of identifying the heat-affected regions


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    Modeling landslide susceptibility usually does not include multi temporal factors, e.g. rainfall, especially for medium scale. Landslide occurrences in Cameron Highlands, in particular, and in Peninsular Malaysia, in general, tend to increase during the peak times of monsoonal rainfall. Due to the lack of high spatial resolution of rainfall data, Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI), soil wetness, and LST (Land Surface Temperature) were selected as replacement of multi temporal rainfall data. This research investigated their roles in landslide susceptibility modeling. In doing so, four Landsat 7 Enhanced Multi Temporal Plus (ETM+) images acquired during two peak times of rainy and dry seasons were used to derive multi temporal NDVI, soil wetness, and LST. Topographic, geology, and soil maps were used to derive ‘static’ factors namely slope, slope aspect, curvature, elevation, road network, river/lake, lithology, soil geology lineament maps. Landslide map was used to derive weighting system based on spatial relationship between landslide occurrences and landslide factor using bivariate statistical method. A non-statistical weighting system was also used for comparison purpose. Different scenarios of data processing were applied to allow evaluation on the roles of multi temporal factors in landslide susceptibility modeling in terms of the accuracy of the landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs), the appropriate weighting system of the models, the applicability of the model, the ability to confirm the relation between landslide occurrences and rainfall. The results show that the average accuracy of LSMs produced by the developed models with inclusion of multi temporal factors is 49.1% on the overall. Addition of LST tends to improve the accuracy of LSMs. NDVI can be a suitable replacement for rainfall data since it can explain the relation between landslides occurrences and rainfall cycle. Statistical-based weighting system produced more accurate LSMs than non-statistical-based one and is applicable for landslide susceptibility modeling elsewhere. Significant causative factors were proven to produce more accurate LSMs


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    Modeling landslide susceptibility usually does not include multi temporal factors, e.g. rainfall, especially for medium scale. Landslide occurrences in Cameron Highlands, in particular, and in Peninsular Malaysia, in general, tend to increase during the peak times of monsoonal rainfall. Due to the lack of high spatial resolution of rainfall data, Normalized Different Vegetation Index (NDVI), soil wetness, and LST (Land Surface Temperature) were selected as replacement of multi temporal rainfall data. This research investigated their roles in landslide susceptibility modeling. In doing so, four Landsat 7 Enhanced Multi Temporal Plus (ETM+) images acquired during two peak times of rainy and dry seasons were used to derive multi temporal NDVI, soil wetness, and LST. Topographic, geology, and soil maps were used to derive ‘static’ factors namely slope, slope aspect, curvature, elevation, road network, river/lake, lithology, soil geology lineament maps. Landslide map was used to derive weighting system based on spatial relationship between landslide occurrences and landslide factor using bivariate statistical method. A non-statistical weighting system was also used for comparison purpose. Different scenarios of data processing were applied to allow evaluation on the roles of multi temporal factors in landslide susceptibility modeling in terms of the accuracy of the landslide susceptibility maps (LSMs), the appropriate weighting system of the models, the applicability of the model, the ability to confirm the relation between landslide occurrences and rainfall. The results show that the average accuracy of LSMs produced by the developed models with inclusion of multi temporal factors is 49.1% on the overall. Addition of LST tends to improve the accuracy of LSMs. NDVI can be a suitable replacement for rainfall data since it can explain the relation between landslides occurrences and rainfall cycle. Statistical-based weighting system produced more accurate LSMs than non-statistical-based one and is applicable for landslide susceptibility modeling elsewhere. Significant causative factors were proven to produce more accurate LSMs