5 research outputs found

    Estimating demand elasticities of fixed telephony in Brazil

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    This paper provides estimates of the elasticities of demand for the Brazilian basic plan of local fixed telephony using a cointegration model. We find a long-run price elasticity of –0.24, and an income elasticity of 0.18. These figures are line with other countries' estimates.

    Demand for fixed and mobile telephony: An application of artificial neural networks.

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    Cataloging goods or services as \\\"extensions of human senses like vision, hearing or touch\\\" shows the importance of the role they play in our lives; as well as the development they have reached driven by human needs; it shows a dynamic and important market. Mobile or cell phone services is the trigger of these expressions, in addition to further topic of commentary, research and concern of the scientific community and international agencies such as The World Economic Forum at Davos. With this investigation we analyzed this market, wherein demand and supply of services and equipment take an active part, striving to meet the users’ growing needs and desires. We sought to analyze, specifically, the demand for fixed and mobile telephony, trying to elucidate a particular situation and an immediate and uncertain future, especially for the participant who bears the consequences, fixed telephony. To this end, we propose the application of innovative techniques, such as the Artificial Neural Networks, which will assist us in this regard.Artificial neural networks, demand, fixed telephony, mobile telephony

    Estimating demand elasticities of fixed telephony in Brazil

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    This paper provides estimates of the elasticities of demand for the Brazilian basic plan of local fixed telephony using a cointegration model. We find a long-run price elasticity of –0.24, and an income elasticity of 0.18. These figures are line with other countries’ estimates

    Estimating demand elasticities of fixed telephony in Brazil

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    This paper provides estimates of the elasticities of demand for the Brazilian basic plan of local fixed telephony using a cointegration model. We find a long-run price elasticity of –0.24, and an income elasticity of 0.18. These figures are line with other countries’ estimates

    Elasticidades da demanda em telefonia fixa

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-econmico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em EconomiaO objetivo central deste trabalho é estimar as elasticidades da demanda do Plano Båsico da telefonia fixa local, utilizando um modelo de cointegração. Também são mostrados aspectos tarifårios e modelos teóricos da demanda por telefonia. Os resultados encontrados são aderentes com a teoria econÎmica, bem como a estudos realizados em outros países e indicam a baixa elasticidade-preço da demanda por telefonia fixa local