9 research outputs found

    Technology diffusion in communication networks

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    The deployment of new technologies in the Internet is notoriously difficult, as evidence by the myriad of well-developed networking technologies that still have not seen widespread adoption (e.g., secure routing, IPv6, etc.) A key hurdle is the fact that the Internet lacks a centralized authority that can mandate the deployment of a new technology. Instead, the Internet consists of thousands of nodes, each controlled by an autonomous, profit-seeking firm, that will deploy a new networking technology only if it obtains sufficient local utility by doing so. For the technologies we study here, local utility depends on the set of nodes that can be reached by traversing paths consisting only of nodes that have already deployed the new technology. To understand technology diffusion in the Internet, we propose a new model inspired by work on the spread of influence in social networks. Unlike traditional models, where a node's utility depends only its immediate neighbors, in our model, a node can be influenced by the actions of remote nodes. Specifically, we assume node v activates (i.e. deploys the new technology) when it is adjacent to a sufficiently large connected component in the subgraph induced by the set of active nodes; namely, of size exceeding node v's threshold value \theta(v). We are interested in the problem of choosing the right seedset of nodes to activate initially, so that the rest of the nodes in the network have sufficient local utility to follow suit. We take the graph and thresholds values as input to our problem. We show that our problem is both NP-hard and does not admit an (1-o(1) ln|V| approximation on general graphs. Then, we restrict our study to technology diffusion problems where (a) maximum distance between any pair of nodes in the graph is r, and (b) there are at most \ell possible threshold values. Our set of restrictions is quite natural, given that (a) the Internet graph has constant diameter, and (b) the fact that limiting the granularity of the threshold values makes sense given the difficulty in obtaining empirical data that parameterizes deployment costs and benefits. We present algorithm that obtains a solution with guaranteed approximation rate of O(r^2 \ell \log|V|) which is asymptotically optimal, given our hardness results. Our approximation algorithm is a linear-programming relaxation of an 0-1 integer program along with a novel randomized rounding scheme.National Science Foundation (S-1017907, CCF-0915922

    Approximate Deadline-Scheduling with Precedence Constraints

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    We consider the classic problem of scheduling a set of n jobs non-preemptively on a single machine. Each job j has non-negative processing time, weight, and deadline, and a feasible schedule needs to be consistent with chain-like precedence constraints. The goal is to compute a feasible schedule that minimizes the sum of penalties of late jobs. Lenstra and Rinnoy Kan [Annals of Disc. Math., 1977] in their seminal work introduced this problem and showed that it is strongly NP-hard, even when all processing times and weights are 1. We study the approximability of the problem and our main result is an O(log k)-approximation algorithm for instances with k distinct job deadlines

    Better Approximation Algorithms for Technology Diffusion

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    Node-Weighted Prize Collecting Steiner Tree and Applications

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    The Steiner Tree problem has appeared in the Karp's list of the first 21 NP-hard problems and is well known as one of the most fundamental problems in Network Design area. We study the Node-Weighted version of the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree problem. In this problem, we are given a simple graph with a cost and penalty value associated with each node. Our goal is to find a subtree T of the graph minimizing the cost of the nodes in T plus penalty of the nodes not in T. By a reduction from set cover problem it can be easily shown that the problem cannot be approximated in polynomial time within factor of (1-o(1))ln n unless NP has quasi-polynomial time algorithms, where n is the number of vertices of the graph. Moss and Rabani claimed an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the problem using a Primal-Dual approach in their STOC'01 paper \cite{moss2001}. We show that their algorithm is incorrect by providing a counter example in which there is an O(n) gap between the dual solution constructed by their algorithm and the optimal solution. Further, evidence is given that their algorithm probably does not have a simple fix. We propose a new algorithm which is more involved and introduces novel ideas in primal dual approach for network design problems. Also, our algorithm is a Lagrangian Multiplier Preserving algorithm and we show how this property can be utilized to design an O(log n)-approximation algorithm for the Node-Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem using the Lagrangian Relaxation method. We also show an application of the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem in designing algorithm with better approximation factor for Technology Diffusion problem, a problem proposed by Goldberg and Liu in \cite{goldberg2012} (SODA 2013). In Technology Diffusion, we are given a graph G and a threshold θ(v) associated with each vertex v and we are seeking a set of initial nodes called the seed set. Technology Diffusion is a dynamic process defined over time in which each vertex is either active or inactive. The vertices in the seed set are initially activated and each other vertex v gets activated whenever there are at least θ(v) active nodes connected to v through other active nodes. The Technology Diffusion problem asks to find the minimum seed set activating all nodes. Goldberg and Liu gave an O(rllog n)-approximation algorithm for the problem where r and l are the diameter of G and the number of distinct threshold values, respectively. We improve the approximation factor to O(min{r,l}log n) by establishing a close connection between the problem and the Node Weighted Quota Steiner Tree problem