5 research outputs found

    Honeypot Allocation for Cyber Deception in Dynamic Tactical Networks: A Game Theoretic Approach

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    Honeypots play a crucial role in implementing various cyber deception techniques as they possess the capability to divert attackers away from valuable assets. Careful strategic placement of honeypots in networks should consider not only network aspects but also attackers' preferences. The allocation of honeypots in tactical networks under network mobility is of great interest. To achieve this objective, we present a game-theoretic approach that generates optimal honeypot allocation strategies within an attack/defense scenario. Our proposed approach takes into consideration the changes in network connectivity. In particular, we introduce a two-player dynamic game model that explicitly incorporates the future state evolution resulting from changes in network connectivity. The defender's objective is twofold: to maximize the likelihood of the attacker hitting a honeypot and to minimize the cost associated with deception and reconfiguration due to changes in network topology. We present an iterative algorithm to find Nash equilibrium strategies and analyze the scalability of the algorithm. Finally, we validate our approach and present numerical results based on simulations, demonstrating that our game model successfully enhances network security. Additionally, we have proposed additional enhancements to improve the scalability of the proposed approach.Comment: This paper accepted in 14th International Conference on Decision and Game Theory for Security, GameSec 202

    To Deceive or not Deceive: Unveiling The Adoption Determinants Of Defensive Cyber Deception in Norwegian Organizations

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    Due to the prevailing threat landscape in Norway, it is imperative for organizations to safe- guard their infrastructures against cyber threats. One of the technologies that is advan- tageous against these threats is defensive cyber deception, which is an approach in cyber security that aims to be proactive, to interact with the attackers, trick them, deceive them and use this to the defenders advantage. This type of technology can help organizations defend against sophisticated threat actors that are able to avoid more traditional defensive mechanisms, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). In order to aid the adoption of defensive cyber deception in Norway, we asked the question: "What affects the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations in Nor- way?". To answer this question, we utilized the Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) Framework to identity what factors affect an organization’s adoption of defensive cyber deception. Through our use of the framework, we identified eighteen different factors which affect an organization’s adoption of defensive cyber deception. These factors are the product of the empirical data analysis from eight different semi-structured interview with individuals from six different organizations in Norway. The main theoretical implications of our research is the introduction of a TOE model for defensive cyber deception, focusing specifically on organizations in Norway as well as contributing with a maturity estimate model for defensive cyber deception. For the practical implications of our research, we have identified seven different benefits that defensive cyber deception provides. We are also con- tributing to raising the awareness of defensive cyber deception in Norwegian research and we hope that our TOE model can aid organizations that are considering adopting the tech- nology. We hope that these implications and contributions can act as a spark for both the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations as well as the start of a new wave for the cyber security researchers within Norway. Keywords: Cyber Security, Defensive Cyber Deception, TOE Framework, Adoptio

    To Deceive or not Deceive: Unveiling The Adoption Determinants Of Defensive Cyber Deception in Norwegian Organizations

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    Due to the prevailing threat landscape in Norway, it is imperative for organizations to safeguard their infrastructures against cyber threats. One of the technologies that is advantageous against these threats is defensive cyber deception, which is an approach in cyber security that aims to be proactive, to interact with the attackers, trick them, deceive them and use this to the defenders advantage. This type of technology can help organizations defend against sophisticated threat actors that are able to avoid more traditional defensive mechanisms, such as Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS) or Intrusion Prevention Systems (IPS). In order to aid the adoption of defensive cyber deception in Norway, we asked the question: "What affects the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations in Norway?". To answer this question, we utilized the Technology, Organization, and Environment (TOE) Framework to identity what factors affect an organization's adoption of defensive cyber deception. Through our use of the framework, we identified eighteen different factors which affect an organization's adoption of defensive cyber deception. These factors are the product of the empirical data analysis from eight different semi-structured interview with individuals from six different organizations in Norway. The main theoretical implications of our research is the introduction of a TOE model for defensive cyber deception, focusing specifically on organizations in Norway as well as contributing with a maturity estimate model for defensive cyber deception. For the practical implications of our research, we have identified seven different benefits that defensive cyber deception provides. We are also contributing to raising the awareness of defensive cyber deception in Norwegian research and we hope that our TOE model can aid organizations that are considering adopting the technology. We hope that these implications and contributions can act as a spark for both the adoption of defensive cyber deception in organizations as well as the start of a new wave for the cyber security researchers within Norway. Keywords: Cyber Security, Defensive Cyber Deception, TOE Framework, Adoptio

    A Linux-based Deception System

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    Durante años de carrera, el estudiante del grado de ingeniería informática se cultiva con una gran cantidad de información e intenta progresar en su capacidad de trabajo, individual y colectivo, en el ámbito de las tecnologías informáticas. Sin embargo, esto no es suficiente. En la sociedad actual existen una serie de cuestiones realmente demandadas, como la seguridad informática, que el estudiante, al terminar el grado, desconoce casi completamente. El objetivo de este trabajo es introducirse, aunque sea de forma mínima, en el mundo de la ciberseguridad. En este sentido se ha desarrollado una aplicación que se comporta como un sistema de engaño, en inglés Deception System. Esta aplicación ha sido desarrollada en el sistema operativo Linux y su funcionamiento es muy sencillo: detecta y monitoriza toda la actividad posible de un usuario que hace el papel de atacante en el sistema. Tanto los procesos de monitorización como los registros que contienen la actividad del intruso han sido ocultados, de tal forma que nadie excepto el administrador puede acceder a ellos. Asimismo, toda la información que se recolecta es enviada, mediante una conexión cifrada, a un ordenador central que hace el papel de cerebro del sistema de engaño. Este ordenador central simplemente muestra la información que recibe en tiempo real de la actividad del intruso, pudiendo trazar los movimientos del mismo. Así pues, por un lado, el sistema registra cierta información en una zona oculta del disco y, por otro, envía otros datos al centro de mando. La plataforma de engaño es invisible, o por lo menos difícil de detectar, para el usuario intruso

    Proactive cybersecurity tailoring through deception techniques

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    Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de ComputadoresUma abordagem proativa à cibersegurança pode complementar uma postura reativa ajudando as empresas a lidar com incidentes de segurança em fases iniciais. As organizações podem proteger-se ativamente contra a assimetria inerente à guerra cibernética através do uso de técnicas proativas, como por exemplo a ciber deception. A implantação intencional de artefactos enganosos para construir uma infraestrutura que permite a investigação em tempo real dos padrões e abordagens de um atacante sem comprometer a rede principal da organização é o propósito da deception cibernética. Esta metodologia pode revelar vulnerabilidades por descobrir, conhecidas como vulnerabilidades de dia-zero, sem interferir com as atividades de rotina da organização. Além disso, permite às empresas a extração de informações vitais sobre o atacante que, de outra forma, seriam difíceis de adquirir. No entanto, colocar estes conceitos em prática em circunstâncias reais constitui problemas de grande ordem. Este estudo propõe uma arquitetura para um sistema informático de deception, que culmina numa implementação que implanta e adapta dinamicamente uma rede enganosa através do uso de técnicas de redes definidas por software e de virtualização de rede. A rede ilusora é uma rede de ativos virtuais com uma topologia e especificações pré-planeadas, coincidentes com uma estratégia de deception. O sistema pode rastrear e avaliar a atividade do atacante através da monitorização contínua dos artefactos da rede. O refinamento em tempo real do plano de deception pode exigir alterações na topologia e nos artefactos da rede, possíveis devido às capacidades de modificação dinâmica das redes definidas por software. As organizações podem maximizar as suas capacidades de deception ao combinar estes processos com componentes avançados de deteção e classificação de ataques informáticos. A eficácia da solução proposta é avaliada usando vários casos de estudo que demonstram a sua utilidade.A proactive approach to cybersecurity can supplement a reactive posture by helping businesses to handle security incidents in the early phases of an attack. Organizations can actively protect against the inherent asymmetry of cyber warfare by using proactive techniques such as cyber deception. The intentional deployment of misleading artifacts to construct an infrastructure that allows real-time investigation of an attacker's patterns and approaches without compromising the organization's principal network is what cyber deception entails. This method can reveal previously undiscovered vulnerabilities, referred to as zero-day vulnerabilities, without interfering with routine corporate activities. Furthermore, it enables enterprises to collect vital information about the attacker that would otherwise be difficult to access. However, putting such concepts into practice in real-world circumstances involves major problems. This study proposes an architecture for a deceptive system, culminating in an implementation that deploys and dynamically customizes a deception grid using Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and network virtualization techniques. The deception grid is a network of virtual assets with a topology and specifications that are pre-planned to coincide with a deception strategy. The system can trace and evaluate the attacker's activity by continuously monitoring the artifacts within the deception grid. Real-time refinement of the deception plan may necessitate changes to the grid's topology and artifacts, which can be assisted by software-defined networking's dynamic modification capabilities. Organizations can maximize their deception capabilities by merging these processes with advanced cyber-attack detection and classification components. The effectiveness of the given solution is assessed using numerous use cases that demonstrate its utility.N/