82,292 research outputs found

    Lagrangian relaxation-based multi-threaded discrete gate sizer

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    In integrated circuit design gate sizing is one of the key optimization techniques which is repeatedly invoked to trade-off delays for area and/or power of the gates during logic design and physical design stages. With increasing design sizes of a million gates and larger, discrete gate sizes and non-convex delay models the gate sizing algorithms that were designed for continuous sizes and convex delay models are slow and timing inaccurate. Of the several published discrete gate sizing algorithms, recent works have shown that Lagrangian relaxation based gate sizers have produced designs with the lowest power on average with high timing accuracy. But they are also very slow due to a large number of expensive timing updates spread across hundreds of iterations of solving the Lagrangian sub-problem. In this thesis we present a Lagrangian relaxation based multi-threaded discrete gate sizer for fast timing and power reduction by swapping the gate sizes and the threshold voltages. We developed two parallelization enabling techniques to reduce the runtime of Lagrangian sub-problem solver, namely, mutual exclusion edge (MEE) assignment and directed acyclic graph (DAG) based netlist traversal. MEEs are dummy edges assigned to reduce computational dependencies among gates sharing one or more common fan-ins. DAG based netlist traversal facilitates simultaneous resizing of gates belonging to different topological levels. We designed a Lagrange multiplier update framework that enables rapid convergence of the timing recovery and power recovery algorithms. To reduce the runtime of timing updates, we proposed a simple and fast-to-compute effective capacitance model and several mechanisms to calibrate the timing models to improve their accuracy. Compared to the state-of-the-art gate sizer, our proposed gate sizer is on average 15x faster and the optimized designs have only 1.7\% higher power. In digital synchronous designs simultaneous gate sizing and clock skew scheduling provides significantly more power saving. We extend the gate sizer to simultaneously schedule the clock skew. It can achieve an average of 18.8\% more reduction in power with only 20\% increase in the runtime

    Boolean Satisfiability in Electronic Design Automation

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    Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) is often used as the underlying model for a significant and increasing number of applications in Electronic Design Automation (EDA) as well as in many other fields of Computer Science and Engineering. In recent years, new and efficient algorithms for SAT have been developed, allowing much larger problem instances to be solved. SAT “packages” are currently expected to have an impact on EDA applications similar to that of BDD packages since their introduction more than a decade ago. This tutorial paper is aimed at introducing the EDA professional to the Boolean satisfiability problem. Specifically, we highlight the use of SAT models to formulate a number of EDA problems in such diverse areas as test pattern generation, circuit delay computation, logic optimization, combinational equivalence checking, bounded model checking and functional test vector generation, among others. In addition, we provide an overview of the algorithmic techniques commonly used for solving SAT, including those that have seen widespread use in specific EDA applications. We categorize these algorithmic techniques, indicating which have been shown to be best suited for which tasks

    Understanding the complexity of #SAT using knowledge compilation

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    Two main techniques have been used so far to solve the #P-hard problem #SAT. The first one, used in practice, is based on an extension of DPLL for model counting called exhaustive DPLL. The second approach, more theoretical, exploits the structure of the input to compute the number of satisfying assignments by usually using a dynamic programming scheme on a decomposition of the formula. In this paper, we make a first step toward the separation of these two techniques by exhibiting a family of formulas that can be solved in polynomial time with the first technique but needs an exponential time with the second one. We show this by observing that both techniques implicitely construct a very specific boolean circuit equivalent to the input formula. We then show that every beta-acyclic formula can be represented by a polynomial size circuit corresponding to the first method and exhibit a family of beta-acyclic formulas which cannot be represented by polynomial size circuits corresponding to the second method. This result shed a new light on the complexity of #SAT and related problems on beta-acyclic formulas. As a byproduct, we give new handy tools to design algorithms on beta-acyclic hypergraphs

    Analysis of Quantum Entanglement in Quantum Programs using Stabilizer Formalism

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    Quantum entanglement plays an important role in quantum computation and communication. It is necessary for many protocols and computations, but causes unexpected disturbance of computational states. Hence, static analysis of quantum entanglement in quantum programs is necessary. Several papers studied the problem. They decided qubits were entangled if multiple qubits unitary gates are applied to them, and some refined this reasoning using information about the state of each separated qubit. However, they do not care about the fact that unitary gate undoes entanglement and that measurement may separate multiple qubits. In this paper, we extend prior work using stabilizer formalism. It refines reasoning about separability of quantum variables in quantum programs.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2015, arXiv:1511.0118

    Flight Gate Assignment with a Quantum Annealer

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    Optimal flight gate assignment is a highly relevant optimization problem from airport management. Among others, an important goal is the minimization of the total transit time of the passengers. The corresponding objective function is quadratic in the binary decision variables encoding the flight-to-gate assignment. Hence, it is a quadratic assignment problem being hard to solve in general. In this work we investigate the solvability of this problem with a D-Wave quantum annealer. These machines are optimizers for quadratic unconstrained optimization problems (QUBO). Therefore the flight gate assignment problem seems to be well suited for these machines. We use real world data from a mid-sized German airport as well as simulation based data to extract typical instances small enough to be amenable to the D-Wave machine. In order to mitigate precision problems, we employ bin packing on the passenger numbers to reduce the precision requirements of the extracted instances. We find that, for the instances we investigated, the bin packing has little effect on the solution quality. Hence, we were able to solve small problem instances extracted from real data with the D-Wave 2000Q quantum annealer.Comment: Updated figure

    LOT: Logic Optimization with Testability - new transformations for logic synthesis

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    A new approach to optimize multilevel logic circuits is introduced. Given a multilevel circuit, the synthesis method optimizes its area while simultaneously enhancing its random pattern testability. The method is based on structural transformations at the gate level. New transformations involving EX-OR gates as well as Reed–Muller expansions have been introduced in the synthesis of multilevel circuits. This method is augmented with transformations that specifically enhance random-pattern testability while reducing the area. Testability enhancement is an integral part of our synthesis methodology. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology not only can achieve lower area than other similar tools, but that it achieves better testability compared to available testability enhancement tools such as tstfx. Specifically for ISCAS-85 benchmark circuits, it was observed that EX-OR gate-based transformations successfully contributed toward generating smaller circuits compared to other state-of-the-art logic optimization tools

    Neural-network dedicated processor for solving competitive assignment problems

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    A neural-network processor for solving first-order competitive assignment problems consists of a matrix of N x M processing units, each of which corresponds to the pairing of a first number of elements of (R sub i) with a second number of elements (C sub j), wherein limits of the first number are programmed in row control superneurons, and limits of the second number are programmed in column superneurons as MIN and MAX values. The cost (weight) W sub ij of the pairings is programmed separately into each PU. For each row and column of PU's, a dedicated constraint superneuron insures that the number of active neurons within the associated row or column fall within a specified range. Annealing is provided by gradually increasing the PU gain for each row and column or increasing positive feedback to each PU, the latter being effective to increase hysteresis of each PU or by combining both of these techniques