1,867 research outputs found

    A probabilistic interpretation of set-membership filtering: application to polynomial systems through polytopic bounding

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    Set-membership estimation is usually formulated in the context of set-valued calculus and no probabilistic calculations are necessary. In this paper, we show that set-membership estimation can be equivalently formulated in the probabilistic setting by employing sets of probability measures. Inference in set-membership estimation is thus carried out by computing expectations with respect to the updated set of probability measures P as in the probabilistic case. In particular, it is shown that inference can be performed by solving a particular semi-infinite linear programming problem, which is a special case of the truncated moment problem in which only the zero-th order moment is known (i.e., the support). By writing the dual of the above semi-infinite linear programming problem, it is shown that, if the nonlinearities in the measurement and process equations are polynomial and if the bounding sets for initial state, process and measurement noises are described by polynomial inequalities, then an approximation of this semi-infinite linear programming problem can efficiently be obtained by using the theory of sum-of-squares polynomial optimization. We then derive a smart greedy procedure to compute a polytopic outer-approximation of the true membership-set, by computing the minimum-volume polytope that outer-bounds the set that includes all the means computed with respect to P

    Eigenvalue Distributions of Reduced Density Matrices

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    Given a random quantum state of multiple distinguishable or indistinguishable particles, we provide an effective method, rooted in symplectic geometry, to compute the joint probability distribution of the eigenvalues of its one-body reduced density matrices. As a corollary, by taking the distribution's support, which is a convex moment polytope, we recover a complete solution to the one-body quantum marginal problem. We obtain the probability distribution by reducing to the corresponding distribution of diagonal entries (i.e., to the quantitative version of a classical marginal problem), which is then determined algorithmically. This reduction applies more generally to symplectic geometry, relating invariant measures for the coadjoint action of a compact Lie group to their projections onto a Cartan subalgebra, and can also be quantized to provide an efficient algorithm for computing bounded height Kronecker and plethysm coefficients.Comment: 51 pages, 7 figure
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