3,966 research outputs found

    Simple and explicit bounds for multi-server queues with 1/(1βˆ’Ο)1/(1 - \rho) (and sometimes better) scaling

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    We consider the FCFS GI/GI/nGI/GI/n queue, and prove the first simple and explicit bounds that scale as 11βˆ’Ο\frac{1}{1-\rho} (and sometimes better). Here ρ\rho denotes the corresponding traffic intensity. Conceptually, our results can be viewed as a multi-server analogue of Kingman's bound. Our main results are bounds for the tail of the steady-state queue length and the steady-state probability of delay. The strength of our bounds (e.g. in the form of tail decay rate) is a function of how many moments of the inter-arrival and service distributions are assumed finite. More formally, suppose that the inter-arrival and service times (distributed as random variables AA and SS respectively) have finite rrth moment for some r>2.r > 2. Let ΞΌA\mu_A (respectively ΞΌS\mu_S) denote 1E[A]\frac{1}{\mathbb{E}[A]} (respectively 1E[S]\frac{1}{\mathbb{E}[S]}). Then our bounds (also for higher moments) are simple and explicit functions of E[(AΞΌA)r],E[(SΞΌS)r],r\mathbb{E}\big[(A \mu_A)^r\big], \mathbb{E}\big[(S \mu_S)^r\big], r, and 11βˆ’Ο\frac{1}{1-\rho} only. Our bounds scale gracefully even when the number of servers grows large and the traffic intensity converges to unity simultaneously, as in the Halfin-Whitt scaling regime. Some of our bounds scale better than 11βˆ’Ο\frac{1}{1-\rho} in certain asymptotic regimes. More precisely, they scale as 11βˆ’Ο\frac{1}{1-\rho} multiplied by an inverse polynomial in n(1βˆ’Ο)2.n(1 - \rho)^2. These results formalize the intuition that bounds should be tighter in light traffic as well as certain heavy-traffic regimes (e.g. with ρ\rho fixed and nn large). In these same asymptotic regimes we also prove bounds for the tail of the steady-state number in service. Our main proofs proceed by explicitly analyzing the bounding process which arises in the stochastic comparison bounds of amarnik and Goldberg for multi-server queues. Along the way we derive several novel results for suprema of random walks and pooled renewal processes which may be of independent interest. We also prove several additional bounds using drift arguments (which have much smaller pre-factors), and make several conjectures which would imply further related bounds and generalizations

    Large deviations analysis for the M/H2/n+MM/H_2/n + M queue in the Halfin-Whitt regime

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    We consider the FCFS M/H2/n+MM/H_2/n + M queue in the Halfin-Whitt heavy traffic regime. It is known that the normalized sequence of steady-state queue length distributions is tight and converges weakly to a limiting random variable W. However, those works only describe W implicitly as the invariant measure of a complicated diffusion. Although it was proven by Gamarnik and Stolyar that the tail of W is sub-Gaussian, the actual value of lim⁑xβ†’βˆžxβˆ’2log⁑(P(W>x))\lim_{x \rightarrow \infty}x^{-2}\log(P(W >x)) was left open. In subsequent work, Dai and He conjectured an explicit form for this exponent, which was insensitive to the higher moments of the service distribution. We explicitly compute the true large deviations exponent for W when the abandonment rate is less than the minimum service rate, the first such result for non-Markovian queues with abandonments. Interestingly, our results resolve the conjecture of Dai and He in the negative. Our main approach is to extend the stochastic comparison framework of Gamarnik and Goldberg to the setting of abandonments, requiring several novel and non-trivial contributions. Our approach sheds light on several novel ways to think about multi-server queues with abandonments in the Halfin-Whitt regime, which should hold in considerable generality and provide new tools for analyzing these systems

    An MDP decomposition approach for traffic control at isolated signalized intersections

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    This article presents a novel approach for the dynamic control of a signalized intersection. At the intersection, there is a number of arrival flows of cars, each having a single queue (lane). The set of all flows is partitioned into disjoint combinations of nonconflicting flows that will receive green together. The dynamic control of the traffic lights is based on the numbers of cars waiting in the queues. The problem concerning when to switch (and which combination to serve next) is modeled as a Markovian decision process in discrete time. For large intersections (i.e., intersections with a large number of flows), the number of states becomes tremendously large, prohibiting straightforward optimization using value iteration or policy iteration. Starting from an optimal (or nearly optimal) fixed-cycle strategy, a one-step policy improvement is proposed that is easy to compute and is shown to give a close to optimal strategy for the dynamic proble

    Many-server queues with customer abandonment: numerical analysis of their diffusion models

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    We use multidimensional diffusion processes to approximate the dynamics of a queue served by many parallel servers. The queue is served in the first-in-first-out (FIFO) order and the customers waiting in queue may abandon the system without service. Two diffusion models are proposed in this paper. They differ in how the patience time distribution is built into them. The first diffusion model uses the patience time density at zero and the second one uses the entire patience time distribution. To analyze these diffusion models, we develop a numerical algorithm for computing the stationary distribution of such a diffusion process. A crucial part of the algorithm is to choose an appropriate reference density. Using a conjecture on the tail behavior of a limit queue length process, we propose a systematic approach to constructing a reference density. With the proposed reference density, the algorithm is shown to converge quickly in numerical experiments. These experiments also show that the diffusion models are good approximations for many-server queues, sometimes for queues with as few as twenty servers

    Stationary Distribution Convergence of the Offered Waiting Processes for GI/GI/1+GI Queues in Heavy Traffic

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    A result of Ward and Glynn (2005) asserts that the sequence of scaled offered waiting time processes of the GI/GI/1+GIGI/GI/1+GI queue converges weakly to a reflected Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process (ROU) in the positive real line, as the traffic intensity approaches one. As a consequence, the stationary distribution of a ROU process, which is a truncated normal, should approximate the scaled stationary distribution of the offered waiting time in a GI/GI/1+GIGI/GI/1+GI queue; however, no such result has been proved. We prove the aforementioned convergence, and the convergence of the moments, in heavy traffic, thus resolving a question left open in Ward and Glynn (2005). In comparison to Kingman's classical result in Kingman (1961) showing that an exponential distribution approximates the scaled stationary offered waiting time distribution in a GI/GI/1GI/GI/1 queue in heavy traffic, our result confirms that the addition of customer abandonment has a non-trivial effect on the queue stationary behavior.Comment: 29 page
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