6 research outputs found

    Strategi Membangun Kemampuan Logis Matematis Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    Mathematical logical abilities are really needed, one of which is in solving complex problems that students will face, for this reason they need to be trained, studied and conveyed to students. This research method is qualitative descriptive research with a literature study approach from various book sources, journal articles and other relevant sources. The research results showed that mathematical logical abilities can be trained through methods, media, and mathematical problems in the form of questions in the form of educational games, computational thinking (CT) questions, and puzzles because they are related to students' ability to solve problems by drawing conclusions through logical reasoning. The practical benefits of students studying CT are improving problem solving abilities, improving logical thinking and analytical abilities. The advantage of students learning educational games, puzzles and HOTS questions is that they train and develop students' abilities to think logically, critically and creatively

    Auf dem Weg zu einer gendergerechten Informatikdidaktik. Einstellungen und Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen auf verschiedenen Stufen des schweizerischen Bildungssystems. Abschlussbericht des Projektes GenUIT

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    Das Institut Unternehmensentwicklung (INU) der Berner Fachhochschule für Wirtschaft, das Institut Vorschulstufe und Primarstufe und das Institut Sekundarstufe 1 der PH Bern haben gemeinsam ein Projekt zur Untersuchung und Weiterentwicklung der Genderkompetenz der Lehrpersonen im Informatikunterricht durchgeführt. Das Projekt wurde teilweise durch projektgebundene Beiträge des SBFI gefördert. In der Schweiz entscheiden sich – auch im Vergleich zu anderen Ländern –wenig Frauen für technik- und informatiknahe Berufe (ICT, Information and Communication Technologies), auch wenn sie Talent oder Fähigkeiten für diese Ausbildungen und Berufe mitbringen würden. Durch den Lehrplan 21 wird Informatik auf allen Stufen der obligatorischen Schulen als fächerübergreifendes Modul eingeführt. In diesem Ausbildungsgefäss sollen Schüler*innen jene Kompetenzen erwerben, die sie auf die Digitalisierung der Gesellschaft vorbereiten. Die Pädagogischen Hochschulen sind beauftragt, Lehrpersonen für diese neuen Schwerpunkte auszubilden. Ein besonderer Fokus ist unseres Erachtens darauf zu richten, dass über die Schulausbildung der «Digital Gender Gap», d.h. das Fehlen von Frauen in ICT Ausbildungen und das geringe Interesse von Frauen an ICT-Berufen, bereits zu einem möglichst frühen Zeitpunkt und über alle Bildungsstufen adressiert und problematisiert werden kann. Damit dies gelingt, benötigen die Schulen informatik- und genderkompetente Lehrpersonen, die realistische und motivierende Einblicke in ICT geben können. Im Moment existiert jedoch wenig Wissen darüber, welche Einstellungen, Stereotype und Kompetenzen zu Informatik, Gender, Digitalisierung und den neu geforderten Digital Skills Lehrer*innen haben. Im Forschungsprojekt interessierte uns daher, welche Vorstellungen über das Fach Informatik, sowie über den Beruf der Informatikerin bzw. des Informatikers bei Lehrpersonen auf den verschiedenen Stufen des Bildungssystems anzutreffen sind. Über die Bildungsetappen werden Effekte der Verstärkung und der Rückkoppelung von Einstellungen und Fachverständnissen rekonstruiert sowie geschlechterstereotypisierende Haltungen gegenüber Informatik erfasst. Im Projekt wird die Ausbildung der Lehrpersonen hinsichtlich genderkompetentem Informatik- Unterricht evaluiert. Weiter werden Grundlagen und Materialien erarbeitet, die dazu beitragen sollen, Lehrpersonen für die Thematik zu sensibilisieren

    A framework for creating educational virtual escape rooms to teach computational thinking

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    Dissertation (MCom (Informatics))--University of Pretoria, 2022.Due to the looming Fourth Industrial Revolution, massive changes in occupations are predicted that will require a new set of skills from the next generation. As a result, educational systems are struggling to equip students with the right skills to thrive in the future. The Institute for the Future identified Computational Thinking as one of the essential skills that will be critical for success in the future workplace. Although there is no clear definition for computational thinking, many researchers have come to accept Wing’s definition as an approach to solving problems, designing systems, and understanding human behavior by drawing on concepts fundamental to computer science. However, integrating computational thinking into the curriculum remains an educational challenge. Escape room games could potentially aid in the development of computational thinking skills because they immerse learners in a narrative-based, problem-solving scenario. Nicholson defines an escape room as a live-action adventure game in which players find themselves locked in a room, or series of rooms, from which they must escape within a limited amount of time. This research study aims to illustrate a virtual escape room for teaching of computational thinking, reflect on its usefulness as a teaching tool, offer guidance on where to make improvements, and present a framework that educators can use to create their own virtual escape rooms. This research followed a Design-Based Research methodology that consisted of three iterative cycles. During the cycles, participants were given a pre-test before the virtual escape room and a post-test after the virtual escape room. Although the findings do not show a significant difference between the pre-test and post-test results, participants indicated that the experience with the escape room increased their motivation to learn more about computational thinking. This paper recommends that virtual escape rooms be investigated further since they could provide significant insight for learners in computational thinkingInformaticsMCom (Informatics)Unrestricte

    Contribución de un juego educativo de ordenador al desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento computacional en estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria en la ciudad de Lima

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    En un mundo cada vez más digitalizado desarrollar habilidades de pensamiento computacional (PC) en los estudiantes es un reto para los educadores. Los pedagogos utilizan los juegos educativos como herramienta de motivación y enseñanza para los educandos. En este contexto surge la pregunta de investigación: ¿Cuáles son las habilidades de PC que un juego educativo de ordenador (JEO) contribuye a desarrollar en estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria de la ciudad de Lima? El objetivo general fue establecer si el juego educativo de ordenador “Mariquita” contribuye a desarrollar las habilidades de pensamiento computacional de los estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria de la ciudad de Lima; y como objetivos específicos identificar si el JEO contribuye a desarrollar las siguientes habilidades: abstracción, pensamiento lógico, pensamiento iterativo, diseñar algoritmos y depuración de errores en estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria de la ciudad de Lima. La investigación es de enfoque cualitativo, su diseño es no experimental, de nivel descriptivo simple y por su finalidad es de tipo aplicada. Para la recolección de datos relacionados a las categorías se administró la técnica de la observación y como instrumento una guía de observación, el cual fue aplicado a ocho estudiantes de 4to grado de secundaria con el propósito de conocer cuáles son las habilidades de PC que contribuye a desarrollar un JEO en ellos. Se concluye que el JEO motiva a los estudiantes y favorece el desarrollo de las habilidades de PC planteadas.In an increasingly digitized world, developing computational thinking (CT) skills in students is a challenge for educators. Pedagogues use educational games as a motivational and teaching tool for learners. In this context, the research question arises: What are the CT skills that an educational computer game (ECG) helps to develop in 4th grade high school students in the city of Lima? The general objective was to establish whether the educational computer game "Mariquita" contributes to the development of computational thinking skills in 4th grade secondary school students in the city of Lima; and as specific objectives, to identify if the ECG contributes to the development of the following skills: abstraction, logical thinking, iterative thinking, designing algorithms and debugging in 4th grade high school students in the city of Lima. The research has a qualitative approach, its design is non-experimental, of a simple descriptive level and, due to its purpose, it is of an applied type. For the collection of data related to the categories, the observation technique was administered and an observation guide was used as an instrument, which was applied to eight 4th grade high school students with the purpose of knowing what CT skills contribute. to develop a ECG in them. It is concluded that the ECG motivates students and favors the development of PC skills raised


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    Thesis (PhD (Information Technology))--University of Pretoria, 2022.In recent years, many countries in the developed world, have introduced computational thinking (CT) teaching in compulsory education, with few developing nations following. The introduction to teaching CT brought many challenges for teachers because these computing skills were not part of their initial teacher training and were less understood. Several professional development programmes have been developed to train teachers on the new CT content, but few studies have investigated the preparation of primary school teachers to teach CT and the impact of this training on the teachers’ understanding of CT concepts and self-efficacy in a developing country context. The main objective of this study was to develop a Professional Development for Primary School Teachers for the CT (PD4PCT) framework that can be used by training providers and researchers to integrate CT into teachers’ professional development programmes. Constructionism was a pedagogical framework for this interpretive study and the conceptual frameworks of Desimone and three existing professional development CT frameworks (3C, CTTD and ADAPPTER). Different data collection methods were used for a single interpretive case study to investigate the impact of a professional development programme on primary school teachers (n = 14), their CT knowledge, beliefs and attitudes and self-efficacy of CT using a participatory design approach. Data was collected through a literature review, pre- and postquestionnaires, semi-structured interviews, and self-reporting journals. Expert reviewers validated the framework through an online questionnaire. The study’s findings indicated that teachers who participated in the professional development programme have considerably increased their CT knowledge, their beliefs and attitudes towards CT altered for the better, and they had a substantial rise in confidence to teach CT. Overall, the results indicate that most teachers can design lesson plans and activities incorporating algorithms, decomposition, and pattern recognition concepts but abstraction and debugging to a lesser extent. Subject matter knowledge of teachers influences the integration plans for certain CT topics. To address the challenges teachers face in integrating CT into classrooms, the framework assists in identifying the components that must be considered to develop iii an effective professional development programme for teachers. The context of the school plays a vital role and should be considered as a first step in designing a teacher's professional development intervention. School leadership should support teachers with a collaborative environment where teachers can share CT knowledge and teaching strategies with others.InformaticsPhD (Information Technology)Unrestricte