21 research outputs found

    Cryptography from tensor problems

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    We describe a new proposal for a trap-door one-way function. The new proposal belongs to the "multivariate quadratic" family but the trap-door is different from existing methods, and is simpler

    Key distribution system and attribute-based encryption

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    I propose the new key distribution system and attribute-based encryption scheme on non-commutative ring where the complexity required for enciphering and deciphering is small. As in this system encryption keys and decryption keys involve the attributes of each user, the system is adaptive for cloud computing systems. The security of this system is based on the complexity for solving the multivariate algebraic equations of high degree over finite field, that is, one of NP complete problems. So this system is immune from the Gröbner basis attacks. The key size of this system becomes to be small enough to handle

    Solving Polynomial Systems over Finite Fields: Improved Analysis of the Hybrid Approach

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    International audienceThe Polynomial System Solving (PoSSo) problem is a fundamental NP-Hard problem in computer algebra. Among others, PoSSo have applications in area such as coding theory and cryptology. Typically, the security of multivariate public-key schemes (MPKC) such as the UOV cryptosystem of Kipnis, Shamir and Patarin is directly related to the hardness of PoSSo over finite fields. The goal of this paper is to further understand the influence of finite fields on the hardness of PoSSo. To this end, we consider the so-called hybrid approach. This is a polynomial system solving method dedicated to finite fields proposed by Bettale, Faugère and Perret (Journal of Mathematical Cryptography, 2009). The idea is to combine exhaustive search with Gröbner bases. The efficiency of the hybrid approach is related to the choice of a trade-off between the two meth- ods. We propose here an improved complexity analysis dedicated to quadratic systems. Whilst the principle of the hybrid approach is simple, its careful analysis leads to rather surprising and somehow unexpected results. We prove that the optimal trade-off (i.e. num- ber of variables to be fixed) allowing to minimize the complexity is achieved by fixing a number of variables proportional to the number of variables of the system considered, denoted n. Under some nat- ural algebraic assumption, we show that the asymptotic complexity of the hybrid approach is 2^{n(3.31−3.62 log_2(q))} , where q is the size of the field (under the condition in particular that log(q) 2). We have been able to quantify the gain provided by the hybrid approach compared to a direct Gröbner basis method. For quadratic systems, we show (assuming a natural algebraic as- sumption) that this gain is exponential in the number of variables. Asymptotically, the gain is 2^{1.49 n} when both n and q grow to infinity and log(q) << n

    Total Break of the l-IC Signature Scheme

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    The original publication is available at www.springerlink.comInternational audienceIn this paper, we describe efficient forgery and full-key recovery attacks on the l-IC- signature scheme recently proposed at PKC 2007. This cryptosystem is a multivariate scheme based on a new internal quadratic primitive which avoids some drawbacks of previous multivariate schemes: the scheme is extremely fast since it requires one exponentiation in a finite field of medium size and the public key is shorter than in many multivariate signature schemes. Our attacks rely on the recent cryptanalytic tool developed by Dubois et al. against the SFLASH signature scheme. However, the final stage of the attacks require the use of Grobner basis techniques to conclude to actually forge a signature (resp. to recover the secret key). For the forgery attack, this is due to the fact that Patarin's attack is much more difficult to mount against l-IC. The key recovery attack is also very efficient since it is faster to recover equivalent secret keys than to forge

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption with Isotropic Elements

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    In previous work I proposed a fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping which has the weak point in the enciphering function. In this paper I propose the fully homomorphic encryption scheme with non-zero isotropic octonions. I improve the previous scheme by adopting the non-zero isotropic octonions so that the “m and -m attack” is not useful because in proposed scheme many ciphertexts exist where the plaintext m is not zero and the norm is zero. The improved scheme is based on multivariate algebraic equations with high degree or too many variables while the almost all multivariate cryptosystems proposed until now are based on the quadratic equations avoiding the explosion of the coefficients. The improved scheme is against the Gröbner basis attack

    Fully homomorphic public-key encryption with small ciphertext size

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    In previous work I proposed a fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping which has the large size of ciphertext. This tme I propose the fully homomorphic public-key encryption scheme on non-associative octonion ring over finite field with the small size of ciphertext. In this scheme the size of ciphertext is one-third of the size in the scheme proposed before. Because proposed scheme adopts the medium text with zero norm, it is immune from the “p and -p attack”. As the proposed scheme is based on computational difficulty to solve the multivariate algebraic equations of high degree, it is immune from the Gröbner basis attack, the differential attack, rank attack and so on

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption without bootstrapping

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    Gentry’s bootstrapping technique is the most famous method of obtaining fully homomorphic encryption. In this paper I propose a new fully homomorphic encryption scheme on non-associative octonion ring over finite field without bootstrapping technique. The security of the proposed fully homomorphic encryption scheme is based on computational difficulty to solve the multivariate algebraic equations of high degree while the almost all multivariate cryptosystems proposed until now are based on the quadratic equations avoiding the explosion of the coefficients. Because proposed fully homomorphic encryption scheme is based on multivariate algebraic equations with high degree or too many variables, it is against the Gröbner basis attack, the differential attack, rank attack and so on. The key size of this system and complexity for enciphering/deciphering become to be small enough to handle

    Kryptowochenende 2006 - Workshop über Kryptographie

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    Das Kryptowochenende ist eine Aktivität der Fachgruppe Angewandte Kryptologie in der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) mit dem Ziel, Nachwuchswissenschaftlern, etablierten Forschern und Praktikern auf dem Gebiet der Kryptologie und Computersicherheit die Möglichkeit zu bieten, Kontakte über die eigene Universität hinaus zu knüpfen und sich mit Kollegen aus dem Fachgebiet auszutauschen. Die Vorträge decken ein breites Spektrum ab, von noch laufenden Projekten bis zu abgeschlossenen Forschungsarbeiten, die zeitnah auch auf Konferenzen publiziert wurden bzw. werden sollen. Das erste Kryptowochenende hat stattgefunden vom 01.-02. Juli 2006 im Tagungszentrum der Universität Mannheim im Kloster Bronnbach. Die Beiträge zu diesem Workshop sind im vorliegenden Tagungsband zusammengefasst

    Fully Homomorphic Encryption on Octonion Ring

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    In previous work(2015/474 in Cryptology ePrint Archive), I proposed a fully homomorphic encryption without bootstrapping which has the weak point in the enciphering function. In this paper I propose the improved fully homomorphic encryption scheme on non-associative octonion ring over finite field without bootstrapping technique. I improve the previous scheme by (1) adopting the enciphering function such that it is difficult to express simply by using the matrices and (2) constructing the composition of the plaintext p with two sub-plaintexts u and v. The improved scheme is immune from the “p and -p attack”. The improved scheme is based on multivariate algebraic equations with high degree or too many variables while the almost all multivariate cryptosystems proposed until now are based on the quadratic equations avoiding the explosion of the coefficients. The improved scheme is against the Gröbner basis attack. The key size of this scheme and complexity for enciphering /deciphering become to be small enough to handle