5 research outputs found


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    Society鈥檚 participation in public information management by using collaborative tools has allowed to define efficient models for retrieving and managing data. Public and private institutions have received important feedback of their management with this kind of information. Nevertheless, a quantitative evaluation of the acceptance of the management of felony acts by using socially-enhanced information management systems has been not found in the literature. The objective of this paper is to show the acceptance of web application technologies of georeferencing felonies by citizens. A web application prototype has been implemented and its use has been validated with the participation of 122 college students who were victims of felonies. The quantification of the results was carried out by using the technology acceptance model. Results were interpreted after completing a Kendall鈥檚 Tau-b correlation. A significantly positive correlation among the technology acceptance criteria was found.La participaci贸n de la sociedad a trav茅s del uso de herramientas colaborativas ha permitido implementar modelos eficientes de recuperaci贸n y de gesti贸n de informaci贸n p煤blica. Instituciones p煤blicas y privadas han recibido retroalimentaci贸n importante de su gesti贸n con este tipo de informaci贸n. Sin embargo, no se ha encontrado ning煤n estudio sobre la cuantificaci贸n de la aceptaci贸n de las herramientas de software que gestionen informaci贸n de delitos georreferenciados desde un enfoque colaborativo por parte del ciudadano. El objetivo de este trabajo es validar la aceptaci贸n tecnol贸gica de aplicaciones que georreferencien delitos. Se ha implementado un prototipo web para georreferenciar los datos proporcionados por las v铆ctimas de actos delictivos. El prototipo de la aplicaci贸n fue validado por un grupo de 122 estudiantes universitarios que fueron v铆ctimas directa o indirectamente de alg煤n delito, a trav茅s del Modelo de Aceptaci贸n de Tecnolog铆a. Los resultados se interpretaron con la ayuda del an谩lisis de correlaci贸n de Kendall Tau-b donde se obtuvieron valores de correlaci贸n positiva altamente significativos


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    Society鈥檚 participation in public information management by using collaborative tools has allowed to define efficient models for retrieving and managing data. Public and private institutions have received important feedback of their management with this kind of information. Nevertheless, a quantitative evaluation of the acceptance of the management of felony acts by using socially-enhanced information management systems has been not found in the literature. The objective of this paper is to show the acceptance of web application technologies of georeferencing felonies by citizens. A web application prototype has been implemented and its use has been validated with the participation of 122 college students who were victims of felonies. The quantification of the results was carried out by using the technology acceptance model. Results were interpreted after completing a Kendall鈥檚 Tau-b correlation. A significantly positive correlation among the technology acceptance criteria was found.La participaci贸n de la sociedad a trav茅s del uso de herramientas colaborativas ha permitido implementar modelos eficientes de recuperaci贸n y de gesti贸n de informaci贸n p煤blica. Instituciones p煤blicas y privadas han recibido retroalimentaci贸n importante de su gesti贸n con este tipo de informaci贸n. Sin embargo, no se ha encontrado ning煤n estudio sobre la cuantificaci贸n de la aceptaci贸n de las herramientas de software que gestionen informaci贸n de delitos georreferenciados desde un enfoque colaborativo por parte del ciudadano. El objetivo de este trabajo es validar la aceptaci贸n tecnol贸gica de aplicaciones que georreferencien delitos. Se ha implementado un prototipo web para georreferenciar los datos proporcionados por las v铆ctimas de actos delictivos. El prototipo de la aplicaci贸n fue validado por un grupo de 122 estudiantes universitarios que fueron v铆ctimas directa o indirectamente de alg煤n delito, a trav茅s del Modelo de Aceptaci贸n de Tecnolog铆a. Los resultados se interpretaron con la ayuda del an谩lisis de correlaci贸n de Kendall Tau-b donde se obtuvieron valores de correlaci贸n positiva altamente significativos

    Adaptive P Control and Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Controller with Expert System Implementation for Robotic Manipulator Application

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    This study aims to develop an expert system implementation of P controller and fuzzy logic controller to address issues related to improper control input estimation, which can arise from incorrect gain values or unsuitable rule-based designs. The research focuses on improving the control input adaptation by using an expert system to resolve the adjustment issues of the P controller and fuzzy logic controller. The methodology involves designing an expert system that captures error signals within the system and adjusts the gain to enhance the control input estimation from the main controller. In this study, the P controller and fuzzy logic controller were regulated, and the system was tested using step input signals with small values and larger than the saturation limit defined in the design. The PID controller used CHR tuning to least overshoot, determining the system's gain. The tests were conducted using different step input values and saturation limits, providing a comprehensive analysis of the controller's performance. The results demonstrated that the adaptive fuzzy logic controller performed well in terms of %OS and settling time values in system control, followed by the fuzzy logic controller, adaptive P controller, and P controller. The adaptive P controller showed similar control capabilities during input saturation, as long as it did not exceed 100% of the designed rule base. The study emphasizes the importance of incorporating expert systems into control input estimation in the main controller to enhance the system efficiency compared to the original system, and further improvements can be achieved if the main processing system already possesses adequate control ability. This research contributes to the development of more intelligent control systems by integrating expert systems with P controllers and fuzzy logic controllers, addressing the limitations of traditional control systems and improving their overall performance

    Sound Classification Using Convolutional Neural Network and Tensor Deep Stacking Network

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    In every aspect of human life, sound plays an important role. From personal security to critical surveillance, sound is a key element to develop the automated systems for these fields. Few systems are already in the market, but their efficiency is a point of concern for their implementation in real-life scenarios. The learning capabilities of the deep learning architectures can be used to develop the sound classification systems to overcome efficiency issues of the traditional systems. Our aim, in this paper, is to use the deep learning networks for classifying the environmental sounds based on the generated spectrograms of these sounds. We used the spectrogram images of environmental sounds to train the convolutional neural network (CNN) and the tensor deep stacking network (TDSN). We used two datasets for our experiment: ESC-10 and ESC-50. Both systems were trained on these datasets, and the achieved accuracy was 77% and 49% in CNN and 56% in TDSN trained on the ESC-10. From this experiment, it is concluded that the proposed approach for sound classification using the spectrogram images of sounds can be efficiently used to develop the sound classification and recognition systems

    Designing a Comprehensive Internet Banking Website Usability Model

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    Nowadays Due to the increasing advances in technology in the banking industry and changes in the expectations of bank customers, especially the desire to eliminate unnecessary face-to-face Services and the need to receive 24-hour banking services, virtual portals, especially Internet banking websites have been welcomed. According to many experts success of websites is closely related to their degree of usability, so ease of use can act as a powerful leverage to attract customers to a bank that has a more usable website. In this study, after a comprehensive review of the literature, interviews with 41 experts in this field and then by a qualitative method of theme analysis, a comprehensive model of internet banking website was presented. In this model, usability is affected by two groups of external dimensions and internal dimensions, which in case of compatibility with users' expectations, the website is evaluated as usable and as a result, user satisfaction is achieved. Due to the wide range of customers of commercial banks, in addition to traditional segmentation, it is recommended that intelligent segmentation of target users done to improve the usability of Internet banking websites