166,901 research outputs found

    SemEval-2016 task 5 : aspect based sentiment analysis

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    International audienceThis paper describes the SemEval 2016 shared task on Aspect Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA), a continuation of the respective tasks of 2014 and 2015. In its third year, the task provided 19 training and 20 testing datasets for 8 languages and 7 domains, as well as a common evaluation procedure. From these datasets, 25 were for sentence-level and 14 for text-level ABSA; the latter was introduced for the first time as a subtask in SemEval. The task attracted 245 submissions from 29 teams

    Bilingually motivated domain-adapted word segmentation for statistical machine translation

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    We introduce a word segmentation approach to languages where word boundaries are not orthographically marked, with application to Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PB-SMT). Instead of using manually segmented monolingual domain-specific corpora to train segmenters, we make use of bilingual corpora and statistical word alignment techniques. First of all, our approach is adapted for the specific translation task at hand by taking the corresponding source (target) language into account. Secondly, this approach does not rely on manually segmented training data so that it can be automatically adapted for different domains. We evaluate the performance of our segmentation approach on PB-SMT tasks from two domains and demonstrate that our approach scores consistently among the best results across different data conditions

    Towards Formal Interaction-Based Models of Grid Computing Infrastructures

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    Grid computing (GC) systems are large-scale virtual machines, built upon a massive pool of resources (processing time, storage, software) that often span multiple distributed domains. Concurrent users interact with the grid by adding new tasks; the grid is expected to assign resources to tasks in a fair, trustworthy way. These distinctive features of GC systems make their specification and verification a challenging issue. Although prior works have proposed formal approaches to the specification of GC systems, a precise account of the interaction model which underlies resource sharing has not been yet proposed. In this paper, we describe ongoing work aimed at filling in this gap. Our approach relies on (higher-order) process calculi: these core languages for concurrency offer a compositional framework in which GC systems can be precisely described and potentially reasoned about.Comment: In Proceedings DCM 2013, arXiv:1403.768

    Program Synthesis using Natural Language

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    Interacting with computers is a ubiquitous activity for millions of people. Repetitive or specialized tasks often require creation of small, often one-off, programs. End-users struggle with learning and using the myriad of domain-specific languages (DSLs) to effectively accomplish these tasks. We present a general framework for constructing program synthesizers that take natural language (NL) inputs and produce expressions in a target DSL. The framework takes as input a DSL definition and training data consisting of NL/DSL pairs. From these it constructs a synthesizer by learning optimal weights and classifiers (using NLP features) that rank the outputs of a keyword-programming based translation. We applied our framework to three domains: repetitive text editing, an intelligent tutoring system, and flight information queries. On 1200+ English descriptions, the respective synthesizers rank the desired program as the top-1 and top-3 for 80% and 90% descriptions respectively

    LLM Augmented LLMs: Expanding Capabilities through Composition

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    Foundational models with billions of parameters which have been trained on large corpora of data have demonstrated non-trivial skills in a variety of domains. However, due to their monolithic structure, it is challenging and expensive to augment them or impart new skills. On the other hand, due to their adaptation abilities, several new instances of these models are being trained towards new domains and tasks. In this work, we study the problem of efficient and practical composition of existing foundation models with more specific models to enable newer capabilities. To this end, we propose CALM -- Composition to Augment Language Models -- which introduces cross-attention between models to compose their representations and enable new capabilities. Salient features of CALM are: (i) Scales up LLMs on new tasks by 're-using' existing LLMs along with a few additional parameters and data, (ii) Existing model weights are kept intact, and hence preserves existing capabilities, and (iii) Applies to diverse domains and settings. We illustrate that augmenting PaLM2-S with a smaller model trained on low-resource languages results in an absolute improvement of up to 13\% on tasks like translation into English and arithmetic reasoning for low-resource languages. Similarly, when PaLM2-S is augmented with a code-specific model, we see a relative improvement of 40\% over the base model for code generation and explanation tasks -- on-par with fully fine-tuned counterparts.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures, 8 table
