6 research outputs found

    ETS (Efficient, Transparent, and Secured) Self-healing Service for Pervasive Computing Applications

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    To ensure smooth functioning of numerous handheld devices anywhere anytime, the importance of self-healing mechanism cannot be overlooked. Incorporation of efficient fault detection and recovery in device itself is the quest for long but there is no existing self-healing scheme for devices running in pervasive computing environments that can be claimed as the ultimate solution. Moreover, the highest degree of transparency, security and privacy attainability should also be maintained. ETS Self-healing service, an integral part of our developing middleware named MARKS (Middleware Adaptability for Resource discovery, Knowledge usability, and Self-healing), holds promise for offering all of those functionalities

    A survey on engineering approaches for self-adaptive systems (extended version)

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    The complexity of information systems is increasing in recent years, leading to increased effort for maintenance and configuration. Self-adaptive systems (SASs) address this issue. Due to new computing trends, such as pervasive computing, miniaturization of IT leads to mobile devices with the emerging need for context adaptation. Therefore, it is beneficial that devices are able to adapt context. Hence, we propose to extend the definition of SASs and include context adaptation. This paper presents a taxonomy of self-adaptation and a survey on engineering SASs. Based on the taxonomy and the survey, we motivate a new perspective on SAS including context adaptation

    A roadmap towards sustainable self-aware service systems

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    Autonomous Architectural Assembly And Adaptation

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    An increasingly common solution for systems which are deployed in unpredictable or dangerous environments is to provide the system with an autonomous or selfmanaging capability. This capability permits the software of the system to adapt to the environmental conditions encountered at runtime by deciding what changes need to be made to the system’s behaviour in order to continue meeting the requirements imposed by the designer. The chief advantage of this approach comes from a reduced reliance on the brittle assumptions made at design time. In this work, we describe mechanisms for adapting the software architecture of a system using a declarative expression of the functional requirements (derived from goals), structural constraints and preferences over the space of non-functional properties possessed by the components of the system. The declarative approach places this work in contrast to existing schemes which require more fine-grained, often procedural, specifications of how to perform adaptations. Our algorithm for assembling and re-assembling configurations chooses between solutions that meet both the functional requirements and the structural constraints by comparing the non-functional properties of the selected components against the designer’s preferences between, for example, a high-performance or a highly reliable solution. In addition to the centralised algorithm, we show how the approach can be applied to a distributed system with no central or master node that is aware of the full space of solutions. We use a gossip protocol as a mechanism by which peer nodes can propose what they think the component configuration is (or should be). Gossip ensures that the nodes will reach agreement on a solution, and will do so in a logarithmic number of steps. This latter property ensures the approach can scale to very large systems. Finally, the work is validated on a number of case studies

    HUC-HISF: A Hybrid Intelligent Security Framework for Human-centric Ubiquitous Computing

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    制度:新 ; 報告番号:乙2336号 ; 学位の種類:博士(人間科学) ; 授与年月日:2012/1/18 ; 早大学位記番号:新584