7 research outputs found


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    Codes can be represented by edge-labeled directed graphs called trellises, which are used in decoding with the Viterbi algorithm. We will first examine the well-known product construction for trellises and present an algorithm for recovering the factors of a given trellis. To maximize efficiency, trellises that are minimal in a certain sense are desired. It was shown by Koetter and Vardy that one can produce all minimal tail-biting trellises for a code by looking at a special set of generators for a code. These generators along with a set of spans comprise what is called a characteristic pair, and we will discuss how to determine the number of these pairs for a given code. Finally, we will look at trellis dualization, in which a trellis for a code is used to produce a trellis representing the dual code. The first method we discuss comes naturally with the known BCJR construction. The second, introduced by Forney, is a very general procedure that works for many different types of graphs and is based on dualizing the edge set in a natural way. We call this construction the local dual, and we show the necessary conditions needed for these two different procedures to result in the same dual trellis

    Codes on Graphs: Observability, Controllability, and Local Reducibility

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    Original manuscript: August 30, 2012This paper investigates properties of realizations of linear or group codes on general graphs that lead to local reducibility. Trimness and properness are dual properties of constraint codes. A linear or group realization with a constraint code that is not both trim and proper is locally reducible. A linear or group realization on a finite cycle-free graph is minimal if and only if every local constraint code is trim and proper. A realization is called observable if there is a one-to-one correspondence between codewords and configurations, and controllable if it has independent constraints. A linear or group realization is observable if and only if its dual is controllable. A simple counting test for controllability is given. An unobservable or uncontrollable realization is locally reducible. Parity-check realizations are controllable if and only if they have independent parity checks. In an uncontrollable tail-biting trellis realization, the behavior partitions into disconnected sub-behaviors, but this property does not hold for nontrellis realizations. On a general graph, the support of an unobservable configuration is a generalized cycle

    Codes on Graphs and More

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    Modern communication systems strive to achieve reliable and efficient information transmission and storage with affordable complexity. Hence, efficient low-complexity channel codes providing low probabilities for erroneous receptions are needed. Interpreting codes as graphs and graphs as codes opens new perspectives for constructing such channel codes. Low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are one of the most recent examples of codes defined on graphs, providing a better bit error probability than other block codes, given the same decoding complexity. After an introduction to coding theory, different graphical representations for channel codes are reviewed. Based on ideas from graph theory, new algorithms are introduced to iteratively search for LDPC block codes with large girth and to determine their minimum distance. In particular, new LDPC block codes of different rates and with girth up to 24 are presented. Woven convolutional codes are introduced as a generalization of graph-based codes and an asymptotic bound on their free distance, namely, the Costello lower bound, is proven. Moreover, promising examples of woven convolutional codes are given, including a rate 5/20 code with overall constraint length 67 and free distance 120. The remaining part of this dissertation focuses on basic properties of convolutional codes. First, a recurrent equation to determine a closed form expression of the exact decoding bit error probability for convolutional codes is presented. The obtained closed form expression is evaluated for various realizations of encoders, including rate 1/2 and 2/3 encoders, of as many as 16 states. Moreover, MacWilliams-type identities are revisited and a recursion for sequences of spectra of truncated as well as tailbitten convolutional codes and their duals is derived. Finally, the dissertation is concluded with exhaustive searches for convolutional codes of various rates with either optimum free distance or optimum distance profile, extending previously published results