1,482 research outputs found

    Relative quasimaps and mirror formulae

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    We construct and study the theory of relative quasimaps in genus zero, in the spirit of A. Gathmann. When XX is a smooth toric variety and YY is a very ample hypersurface in XX we produce a virtual class on the moduli space of relative quasimaps to (X,Y)(X,Y) which can be used to define relative quasimap invariants of the pair. We obtain a recursion formula which expresses each relative invariant in terms of invariants of lower tangency, and apply this formula to derive a quantum Lefschetz theorem for quasimaps, expressing the restricted quasimap invariants of YY in terms of those of XX. Finally, we show that the relative II-function of Fan-Tseng-You coincides with a natural generating function for relative quasimap invariants, providing mirror-symmetric motivation for the theory.Comment: 32 pages, 1 figure; comments welcome. v2: added a stronger version of the quantum Lefschetz theorem. v3: additional section exploring applications to relative mirror symmetry; new title and introductio

    Topological recursion relations from Pixton's formula

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    For any genus g \leq 26, and for n \leq 3 in all genus, we prove that every degree-g polynomial in the psi-classes on Mbar_{g,n} can be expressed as a sum of tautological classes supported on the boundary with no kappa-classes. Such equations, which we refer to as topological recursion relations, can be used to deduce universal equations for the Gromov-Witten invariants of any target.Comment: 17 page

    The local Gromov-Witten theory of CP^1 and integrable hierarchies

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    In this paper we begin the study of the relationship between the local Gromov-Witten theory of Calabi-Yau rank two bundles over the projective line and the theory of integrable hierarchies. We first of all construct explicitly, in a large number of cases, the Hamiltonian dispersionless hierarchies that govern the full descendent genus zero theory. Our main tool is the application of Dubrovin's formalism, based on associativity equations, to the known results on the genus zero theory from local mirror symmetry and localization. The hierarchies we find are apparently new, with the exception of the resolved conifold O(-1) + O(-1) -> P1 in the equivariantly Calabi-Yau case. For this example the relevant dispersionless system turns out to be related to the long-wave limit of the Ablowitz-Ladik lattice. This identification provides us with a complete procedure to reconstruct the dispersive hierarchy which should conjecturally be related to the higher genus theory of the resolved conifold. We give a complete proof of this conjecture for genus g<=1; our methods are based on establishing, analogously to the case of KdV, a "quasi-triviality" property for the Ablowitz-Ladik hierarchy at the leading order of the dispersive expansion. We furthermore provide compelling evidence in favour of the resolved conifold/Ablowitz-Ladik correspondence at higher genus by testing it successfully in the primary sector for g=2.Comment: 30 pages; v2: an issue involving constant maps contributions is pointed out in Sec. 3.3-3.4 and is now taken into account in the proofs of Thm 1.3-1.4, whose statements are unchanged. Several typos, formulae, notational inconsistencies have been fixed. v3: typos fixed, minor textual changes, version to appear on Comm. Math. Phy
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