3 research outputs found

    Still a Lot to Lose: The Role of Controlled Vocabulary in Keyword Searching

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    In their 2005 study, Gross and Taylor found that more than a third of records retrieved by keyword searches would be lost without subject headings. A review of the literature since then shows that numerous studies, in various disciplines, have found that a quarter to a third of records returned in a keyword search would be lost without controlled vocabulary. Other writers, though, have continued to suggest that controlled vocabulary be discontinued. Addressing criticisms of the Gross/Taylor study, this study replicates the search process in the same online catalog, but after the addition of automated enriched metadata such as tables of contents and summaries. The proportion of results that would be lost remains high

    Identifying experts and authoritative documents in social bookmarking systems

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    Social bookmarking systems allow people to create pointers to Web resources in a shared, Web-based environment. These services allow users to add free-text labels, or “tags”, to their bookmarks as a way to organize resources for later recall. Ease-of-use, low cognitive barriers, and a lack of controlled vocabulary have allowed social bookmaking systems to grow exponentially over time. However, these same characteristics also raise concerns. Tags lack the formality of traditional classificatory metadata and suffer from the same vocabulary problems as full-text search engines. It is unclear how many valuable resources are untagged or tagged with noisy, irrelevant tags. With few restrictions to entry, annotation spamming adds noise to public social bookmarking systems. Furthermore, many algorithms for discovering semantic relations among tags do not scale to the Web. Recognizing these problems, we develop a novel graph-based Expert and Authoritative Resource Location (EARL) algorithm to find the most authoritative documents and expert users on a given topic in a social bookmarking system. In EARL’s first phase, we reduce noise in a Delicious dataset by isolating a smaller sub-network of “candidate experts”, users whose tagging behavior shows potential domain and classification expertise. In the second phase, a HITS-based graph analysis is performed on the candidate experts’ data to rank the top experts and authoritative documents by topic. To identify topics of interest in Delicious, we develop a distributed method to find subsets of frequently co-occurring tags shared by many candidate experts. We evaluated EARL’s ability to locate authoritative resources and domain experts in Delicious by conducting two independent experiments. The first experiment relies on human judges’ n-point scale ratings of resources suggested by three graph-based algorithms and Google. The second experiment evaluated the proposed approach’s ability to identify classification expertise through human judges’ n-point scale ratings of classification terms versus expert-generated data

    Generation of Classificatory Metadata for Web Resources using Social Tags

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    With the increasing popularity of social tagging systems, the potential for using social tags as a source of metadata is being explored. Social tagging systems can simplify the involvement of a large number of users and improve the metadata generation process, especially for semantic metadata. This research aims to find a method to categorize web resources using social tags as metadata. In this research, social tagging systems are a mechanism to allow non-professional catalogers to participate in metadata generation. Because social tags are not from a controlled vocabulary, there are issues that have to be addressed in finding quality terms to represent the content of a resource. This research examines ways to deal with those issues to obtain a set of tags representing the resource from the tags provided by users.Two measurements that measure the importance of a tag are introduced. Annotation Dominance (AD) is a measurement of how much a tag term is agreed to by users. Another is Cross Resources Annotation Discrimination (CRAD), a measurement to discriminate tags in the collection. It is designed to remove tags that are used broadly or narrowly in the collection. Further, the study suggests a process to identify and to manage compound tags. The research aims to select important annotations (meta-terms) and remove meaningless ones (noise) from the tag set. This study, therefore, suggests two main measurements for getting a subset of tags with classification potential. To evaluate the proposed approach to find classificatory metadata candidates, we rely on users' relevance judgments comparing suggested tag terms and expert metadata terms. Human judges rate how relevant each term is on an n-point scale based on the relevance of each of the terms for the given resource