5 research outputs found

    Strong Normalization of a Typed Lambda Calculus for Intuitionistic Bounded Linear-time Temporal Logic

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    Linear-time temporal logics (LTLs) are known to be useful for verifying concurrent systems, and a simple natural deduction framework for LTLs has been required to obtain a good computational interpretation. In this paper, a typed -calculus B[l] with a Curry-Howard correspondence is introduced for an in-tuitionistic bounded linear-time temporal logic B[l], of which the time domain is bounded by a fixed positive integer l. The strong normalization theorem for B[l] is proved as a main result. The base logic B[l] is defined as a Gentzen-type sequent calculus, and despite the restriction on the time domain, B[l] can derive almost all the typical temporal axioms of LTLs. The proposed frame-work allows us to obtain a uniform and simple proof-theoretical treatment of both natural deduction and sequent calculus, i.e., the equivalence between them, the cut-elimination theorem, the decidability theorem, the Curry-Howard correspondence and the strong normalization theorem can be obtained uniformly

    Constructive Hybrid Games

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    Hybrid games are models which combine discrete, continuous, and adversarial dynamics. Game logic enables proving (classical) existence of winning strategies. We introduce constructive differential game logic (CdGL) for hybrid games, where proofs that a player can win the game correspond to computable winning strategies. This is the logical foundation for synthesis of correct control and monitoring code for safety-critical cyber-physical systems. Our contributions include novel static and dynamic semantics as well as soundness and consistency.Comment: 60 pages, preprint, under revie

    Constructive Game Logic

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    Game Logic is an excellent setting to study proofs-about-programs via the interpretation of those proofs as programs, because constructive proofs for games correspond to effective winning strategies to follow in response to the opponent's actions. We thus develop Constructive Game Logic which extends Parikh's Game Logic (GL) with constructivity and with first-order programs a la Pratt's first-order dynamic logic (DL). Our major contributions include: 1) a novel realizability semantics capturing the adversarial dynamics of games, 2) a natural deduction calculus and operational semantics describing the computational meaning of strategies via proof-terms, and 3) theoretical results including soundness of the proof calculus w.r.t. realizability semantics, progress and preservation of the operational semantics of proofs, and Existence Properties on support of the extraction of computational artifacts from game proofs. Together, these results provide the most general account of a Curry-Howard interpretation for any program logic to date, and the first at all for Game Logic.Comment: 74 pages, extended preprint for ESO

    Model and Proof Theory of Constructive ALC, Constructive Description Logics

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    Description logics (DLs) represent a widely studied logical formalism with a significant impact in the field of knowledge representation and the Semantic Web. However, they are equipped with a classical descriptive semantics that is characterised by a platonic notion of truth, being insufficiently expressive to deal with evolving and incomplete information, as from data streams or ongoing processes. Such partially determined and incomplete knowledge can be expressed by relying on a constructive semantics. This thesis investigates the model and proof theory of a constructive variant of the basic description logic ALC, called cALC. The semantic dimension of constructive DLs is investigated by replacing the classical binary truth interpretation of ALC with a constructive notion of truth. This semantic characterisation is crucial to represent applications with partial information adequately, and to achieve both consistency under abstraction as well as robustness under refinement, and on the other hand is compatible with the Curry-Howard isomorphism in order to form the cornerstone for a DL-based type theory. The proof theory of cALC is investigated by giving a sound and complete Hilbert-style axiomatisation, a Gentzen-style sequent calculus and a labelled tableau calculus showing finite model property and decidability. Moreover, cALC can be strengthened towards normal intuitionistic modal logics and classical ALC in terms of sound and complete extensions and hereby forms a starting point for the systematic investigation of a constructive correspondence theory.Beschreibungslogiken (BLen) stellen einen vieluntersuchten logischen Formalismus dar, der den Bereich der WissensreprĂ€sentation und das Semantic Web signifikant geprĂ€gt hat. Allerdings basieren BLen meist auf einer klassischen deskriptiven Semantik, die gekennzeichnet ist durch einen idealisierten Wahrheitsbegriff nach Platons Ideenlehre, weshalb diese unzureichend ausdrucksstark sind, um in Entwicklung befindliches und unvollstĂ€ndiges Wissen zu reprĂ€sentieren, wie es beispielsweise durch Datenströme oder fortlaufende Prozesse generiert wird. Derartiges partiell festgelegtes und unvollstĂ€ndiges Wissen lĂ€sst sich auf der Basis einer konstruktiven Semantik ausdrĂŒcken. Diese Arbeit untersucht die Model- und Beweistheorie einer konstruktiven Variante der Basis-BL ALC, die im Folgenden als cALC bezeichnet wird. Die Semantik dieser konstruktiven Beschreibungslogik resultiert daraus, die traditionelle zweiwertige Interpretation logischer Aussagen des Systems ALC durch einen konstruktiven Wahrheitsbegriff zu ersetzen. Eine derartige Interpretation ist die Voraussetzung dafĂŒr, um einerseits Anwendungen mit partiellem Wissen angemessen zu reprĂ€sentieren, und sowohl die Konsistenz logischer Aussagen unter Abstraktion als auch ihre Robustheit unter Verfeinerung zu gewĂ€hrleisten, und andererseits um den Grundstein fĂŒr eine Beschreibungslogik-basierte Typentheorie gemĂ€ĂŸ dem Curry-Howard Isomorphismus zu legen. Die Ergebnisse der Untersuchung der Beweistheorie von cALC umfassen eine vollstĂ€ndige und korrekte Hilbert Axiomatisierung, einen Gentzen SequenzenkalkĂŒl, und ein semantisches TableaukalkĂŒl, sowie Beweise zur endlichen Modelleigenschaft und Entscheidbarkeit. DarĂŒber hinaus kann cALC zu normaler intuitionistischer Modallogik und klassischem ALC durch vollstĂ€ndige und korrekte Erweiterungen ausgebaut werden, und bildet damit einen Startpunkt fĂŒr die systematische Untersuchung einer konstruktiven Korrespondenztheorie