4 research outputs found

    TRECVid 2006 experiments at Dublin City University

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    In this paper we describe our retrieval system and experiments performed for the automatic search task in TRECVid 2006. We submitted the following six automatic runs: ā€¢ F A 1 DCU-Base 6: Baseline run using only ASR/MT text features. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-TextVisual 2: Run using text and visual features. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-TextVisMotion 5: Run using text, visual, and motion features. ā€¢ F B 2 DCU-Visual-LSCOM 3: Text and visual features combined with concept detectors. ā€¢ F B 2 DCU-LSCOM-Filters 4: Text, visual, and motion features with concept detectors. ā€¢ F B 2 DCU-LSCOM-2 1: Text, visual, motion, and concept detectors with negative concepts. The experiments were designed both to study the addition of motion features and separately constructed models for semantic concepts, to runs using only textual and visual features, as well as to establish a baseline for the manually-assisted search runs performed within the collaborative K-Space project and described in the corresponding TRECVid 2006 notebook paper. The results of the experiments indicate that the performance of automatic search can be improved with suitable concept models. This, however, is very topic-dependent and the questions of when to include such models and which concept models should be included, remain unanswered. Secondly, using motion features did not lead to performance improvement in our experiments. Finally, it was observed that our text features, despite displaying a rather poor performance overall, may still be useful even for generic search topics

    TRECVid 2007 experiments at Dublin City University

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    In this paper we describe our retrieval system and experiments performed for the automatic search task in TRECVid 2007. We submitted the following six automatic runs: ā€¢ F A 1 DCU-TextOnly6: Baseline run using only ASR/MT text features. ā€¢ F A 1 DCU-ImgBaseline4: Baseline visual expert only run, no ASR/MT used. Made use of query-time generation of retrieval expert coefficients for fusion. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-ImgOnlyEnt5: Automatic generation of retrieval expert coefficients for fusion at index time. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-imgOnlyEntHigh3: Combination of coefficient generation which combined the coefficients generated by the query-time approach, and the index-time approach, with greater weight given to the index-time coefficient. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-imgOnlyEntAuto2: As above, except that greater weight is given to the query-time coefficient that was generated. ā€¢ F A 2 DCU-autoMixed1: Query-time expert coefficient generation that used both visual and text experts

    The Effectiveness of Concept Based Search for Video Retrieval

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    In this paper we investigate how a small number of high-level concepts\ud derived for video shots, such as Sport. Face.Indoor. etc., can be used effectively for ad hoc search in video material. We will answer the following questions: 1) Can we automatically construct concept queries from ordinary text queries? 2) What is the best way to combine evidence from single concept detectors into final search results? We evaluated algorithms for automatic concept query formulation using WordNet based concept extraction, and we evaluated algorithms for fast, on-line combination of concepts. Experimental results on data from the TREC Video 2005 workshop and 25 test users show the following. 1) Automatic query formulation through WordNet based concept extraction can achieve comparable results to user created query concepts and 2) Combination methods that take neighboring shots into account outperform more simple combination methods

    Evaluating novice and expert users on handheld video retrieval systems

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    Content-based video retrieval systems have been widely associated with desktop environments that are largely complex in nature, targeting expert users and often require complex queries. Due to this complexity, interaction with these systems can be a challenge for regular ā€noviceā€ users. In recent years, a shift can be observed from this traditional desktop environment to that of handheld devices, which requires a different approach to interacting with the user. In this paper, we evaluate the performance of a handheld content-based video retrieval system on both expert and novice users. We show that with this type of device, a simple and intuitive interface, which incorporates the principles of content-based systems, though hidden from the user, attains the same accuracy for both novice and desktop users when faced with complex information retrieval tasks. We describe an experiment which utilises the Apple iPad as our handheld medium in which both a group of experts and novice users run the interactive experiments from the 2010 TRECVid Known-Item Search task. The results indicate that a carefully defined interface can equalise the performance of both novice and expert users