17 research outputs found

    A task category space for user-centric comparative multimedia search evaluations

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    In the last decade, user-centric video search competitions have facilitated the evolution of interactive video search systems. So far, these competitions focused on a small number of search task categories, with few attempts to change task category configurations. Based on our extensive experience with interactive video search contests, we have analyzed the spectrum of possible task categories and propose a list of individual axes that define a large space of possible task categories. Using this concept of category space, new user-centric video search competitions can be designed to benchmark video search systems from different perspectives. We further analyse the three task categories considered so far at the Video Browser Showdown and discuss possible (but sometimes challenging) shifts within the task category spac

    A task category space for user-centric comparative multimedia search evaluations

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    In the last decade, user-centric video search competitions have facilitated the evolution of interactive video search systems. So far, these competitions focused on a small number of search task categories, with few attempts to change task category configurations. Based on our extensive experience with interactive video search contests, we have analyzed the spectrum of possible task categories and propose a list of individual axes that define a large space of possible task categories. Using this concept of category space, new user-centric video search competitions can be designed to benchmark video search systems from different perspectives. We further analyse the three task categories considered so far at the Video Browser Showdown and discuss possible (but sometimes challenging) shifts within the task category spac

    Finding Semantically Related Videos in Closed Collections

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    Modern newsroom tools offer advanced functionality for automatic and semi-automatic content collection from the web and social media sources to accompany news stories. However, the content collected in this way often tends to be unstructured and may include irrelevant items. An important step in the verification process is to organize this content, both with respect to what it shows, and with respect to its origin. This chapter presents our efforts in this direction, which resulted in two components. One aims to detect semantic concepts in video shots, to help annotation and organization of content collections. We implement a system based on deep learning, featuring a number of advances and adaptations of existing algorithms to increase performance for the task. The other component aims to detect logos in videos in order to identify their provenance. We present our progress from a keypoint-based detection system to a system based on deep learning

    A Framework for Information Accessibility in Large Video Repositories

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    International audienceOnline videos are a medium of choice for young adults to access or receive information, and recent work has highlighted that it is a particularly effective medium for adults with intellectual disability, by its visual nature. Reflecting on a case study presenting fieldwork observations of how adults with intellectual disability engage with videos on the Youtube platform, we propose a framework to define and evaluate the accessibility of such large video repositories, from an informational perspective. The proposed framework nuances the concept of information accessibility from that of the accessibility of information access interfaces themselves (generally catered for under web accessibility guidelines), or that of the documents (generally covered in general accessibility guidelines). It also includes a notion of search (or browsing) accessibility, which reflects the ability to reach the document containing the information. In the context of large information repositories, this concept goes beyond how the documents are organized into how automated processes (browsing or searching) can support users. In addition to the framework we also detail specifics of document accessibility for videos. The framework suggests a multi-dimensional approach to information accessibility evaluation which includes both cognitive and sensory aspects. This framework can serve as a basis for practitioners when designing video information repositories accessible to people with intellectual disability, and extends on the information presentation guidelines such as suggested by the WCAG. Publication rights licensed to ACM. ACM acknowledges that this contribution was authored or co-authored by an employee, contractor or affiliate of a national government. As such, the Government retains a nonexclusive, royalty-free right to publish or reproduce this article, or to allow others to do so, for Government purposes only

    Automatic generation of natural language descriptions of visual data: describing images and videos using recurrent and self-attentive models

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    Humans are faced with a constant flow of visual stimuli, e.g., from the environment or when looking at social media. In contrast, visually-impaired people are often incapable to perceive and process this advantageous and beneficial information that could help maneuver them through everyday situations and activities. However, audible feedback such as natural language can give them the ability to better be aware of their surroundings, thus enabling them to autonomously master everyday's challenges. One possibility to create audible feedback is to produce natural language descriptions for visual data such as still images and then read this text to the person. Moreover, textual descriptions for images can be further utilized for text analysis (e.g., sentiment analysis) and information aggregation. In this work, we investigate different approaches and techniques for the automatic generation of natural language of visual data such as still images and video clips. In particular, we look at language models that generate textual descriptions with recurrent neural networks: First, we present a model that allows to generate image captions for scenes that depict interactions between humans and branded products. Thereby, we focus on the correct identification of the brand name in a multi-task training setting and present two new metrics that allow us to evaluate this requirement. Second, we explore the automatic answering of questions posed for an image. In fact, we propose a model that generates answers from scratch instead of predicting an answer from a limited set of possible answers. In comparison to related works, we are therefore able to generate rare answers, which are not contained in the pool of frequent answers. Third, we review the automatic generation of doctors' reports for chest X-ray images. That is, we introduce a model that can cope with a dataset bias of medical datasets (i.e., abnormal cases are very rare) and generates reports with a hierarchical recurrent model. We also investigate the correlation between the distinctiveness of the report and the score in traditional metrics and find a discrepancy between good scores and accurate reports. Then, we examine self-attentive language models that improve computational efficiency and performance over the recurrent models. Specifically, we utilize the Transformer architecture. First, we expand the automatic description generation to the domain of videos where we present a video-to-text (VTT) model that can easily synchronize audio-visual features. With an extensive experimental exploration, we verify the effectiveness of our video-to-text translation pipeline. Finally, we revisit our recurrent models with this self-attentive approach

    Academic competitions

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    Academic challenges comprise effective means for (i) advancing the state of the art, (ii) putting in the spotlight of a scientific community specific topics and problems, as well as (iii) closing the gap for under represented communities in terms of accessing and participating in the shaping of research fields. Competitions can be traced back for centuries and their achievements have had great influence in our modern world. Recently, they (re)gained popularity, with the overwhelming amounts of data that is being generated in different domains, as well as the need of pushing the barriers of existing methods, and available tools to handle such data. This chapter provides a survey of academic challenges in the context of machine learning and related fields. We review the most influential competitions in the last few years and analyze challenges per area of knowledge. The aims of scientific challenges, their goals, major achievements and expectations for the next few years are reviewed


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