203,474 research outputs found

    Power Allocation for Conventional and Buffer-Aided Link Adaptive Relaying Systems with Energy Harvesting Nodes

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    Energy harvesting (EH) nodes can play an important role in cooperative communication systems which do not have a continuous power supply. In this paper, we consider the optimization of conventional and buffer-aided link adaptive EH relaying systems, where an EH source communicates with the destination via an EH decode-and-forward relay. In conventional relaying, source and relay transmit signals in consecutive time slots whereas in buffer-aided link adaptive relaying, the state of the source-relay and relay-destination channels determines whether the source or the relay is selected for transmission. Our objective is to maximize the system throughput over a finite number of transmission time slots for both relaying protocols. In case of conventional relaying, we propose an offline and several online joint source and relay transmit power allocation schemes. For offline power allocation, we formulate an optimization problem which can be solved optimally. For the online case, we propose a dynamic programming (DP) approach to compute the optimal online transmit power. To alleviate the complexity inherent to DP, we also propose several suboptimal online power allocation schemes. For buffer-aided link adaptive relaying, we show that the joint offline optimization of the source and relay transmit powers along with the link selection results in a mixed integer non-linear program which we solve optimally using the spatial branch-and-bound method. We also propose an efficient online power allocation scheme and a naive online power allocation scheme for buffer-aided link adaptive relaying. Our results show that link adaptive relaying provides performance improvement over conventional relaying at the expense of a higher computational complexity.Comment: Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Return-Map Cryptanalysis Revisited

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    As a powerful cryptanalysis tool, the method of return-map attacks can be used to extract secret messages masked by chaos in secure communication schemes. Recently, a simple defensive mechanism was presented to enhance the security of chaotic parameter modulation schemes against return-map attacks. Two techniques are combined in the proposed defensive mechanism: multistep parameter modulation and alternative driving of two different transmitter variables. This paper re-studies the security of this proposed defensive mechanism against return-map attacks, and points out that the security was much over-estimated in the original publication for both ciphertext-only attack and known/chosen-plaintext attacks. It is found that a deterministic relationship exists between the shape of the return map and the modulated parameter, and that such a relationship can be used to dramatically enhance return-map attacks thereby making them quite easy to break the defensive mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    On Approaching the Ultimate Limits of Photon-Efficient and Bandwidth-Efficient Optical Communication

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    It is well known that ideal free-space optical communication at the quantum limit can have unbounded photon information efficiency (PIE), measured in bits per photon. High PIE comes at a price of low dimensional information efficiency (DIE), measured in bits per spatio-temporal-polarization mode. If only temporal modes are used, then DIE translates directly to bandwidth efficiency. In this paper, the DIE vs. PIE tradeoffs for known modulations and receiver structures are compared to the ultimate quantum limit, and analytic approximations are found in the limit of high PIE. This analysis shows that known structures fall short of the maximum attainable DIE by a factor that increases linearly with PIE for high PIE. The capacity of the Dolinar receiver is derived for binary coherent-state modulations and computed for the case of on-off keying (OOK). The DIE vs. PIE tradeoff for this case is improved only slightly compared to OOK with photon counting. An adaptive rule is derived for an additive local oscillator that maximizes the mutual information between a receiver and a transmitter that selects from a set of coherent states. For binary phase-shift keying (BPSK), this is shown to be equivalent to the operation of the Dolinar receiver. The Dolinar receiver is extended to make adaptive measurements on a coded sequence of coherent state symbols. Information from previous measurements is used to adjust the a priori probabilities of the next symbols. The adaptive Dolinar receiver does not improve the DIE vs. PIE tradeoff compared to independent transmission and Dolinar reception of each symbol.Comment: 10 pages, 8 figures; corrected a typo in equation 3

    Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing

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    There is growing interest in representing image data and feature descriptors using compact binary codes for fast near neighbor search. Although binary codes are motivated by their use as direct indices (addresses) into a hash table, codes longer than 32 bits are not being used as such, as it was thought to be ineffective. We introduce a rigorous way to build multiple hash tables on binary code substrings that enables exact k-nearest neighbor search in Hamming space. The approach is storage efficient and straightforward to implement. Theoretical analysis shows that the algorithm exhibits sub-linear run-time behavior for uniformly distributed codes. Empirical results show dramatic speedups over a linear scan baseline for datasets of up to one billion codes of 64, 128, or 256 bits


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    Drug discovery depends on scientists finding similarity in molecular fingerprints to the drug target. A new way to improve the accuracy of molecular fingerprint folding is presented. The goal is to alleviate a growing challenge due to excessively long fingerprints. This improved method generates a new shorter fingerprint that is more accurate than the basic folded fingerprint. Information gathered during preprocessing is used to determine an optimal attribute order. The most commonly used blocks of bits can then be organized and used to generate a new improved fingerprint for more optimal folding. We thenapply the widely usedTanimoto similarity search algorithm to benchmark our results. We show an improvement in the final results using this method to generate an improved fingerprint when compared against other traditional folding methods