1 research outputs found

    Bearing Based Low Cost Underwater Acoustic Positioning System

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    The Ocean Robotics turned into one of the major fields of research since the exploration of oceans brings many benefits to the human condition. Remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) and Autonomous Surface Vehicles (ASVs) are the common instruments used in this medium, since they prevent human losses and enable more and reliable data for the projects they are inserted in. Most scenarios include support vehicles such as ASVs for monitoring purposes since they are able to use specialized positioning systems such as Global Positioning System (GPS), which are ineffective in underwater environments. This is due to electromagnetic signals used by GPS being attenuated by the medium. As an alternative, acoustic solutions are used. Underwater Acoustic Positioning Systems (UAPSs) have always been an important field of study being used in multiple marine applications. Acoustic fish tracking allows for behavioural and in-situ fish population studies. This process usually involves tagging fishes with acoustic emitters (i.e. tags) and the usage of acoustic receivers. Robotic autonomous vehicles can then be used to carry the acoustic receivers in order to dynamically cover a greater mission area, improving the efficiency of the localization of acoustic sources. An acoustic tag detector was developed to have real-time detection and identification of acoustic signals. A Direction of Arrival (DoA) algorithm was developed from ground up to enable tracking applications. This dissertation presents the improved results of this new system as well as the tests that were made to the DoA algorithm in a simulated environment. Additionally, the position estimation is improved using a Kalman Filter. This work was developed in the context of the MYTAG Portuguese R&D project, addressing the study and characterization of European flounder migrations and to be applied to any target that has a known acoustic signals. One of the objectives of this project is to eventually use an ASV to track a set of flounders, namely with the ROAZ ASV. The use of an unmanned surface vehicle allows for a non-static baseline. In the proposed solution the acoustic signals are tracked with a system composed of three acoustic receivers that are linked to the same computer using a synchronized time source. Not only that but this solution provides two possible methods for the main objective which is to track targets. These methods enable the possibility to estimate the target’s position in the world, while developing a low-cost solution with a newly developed DoA algorithm