28 research outputs found

    Função Sistemas de Informação nas organizações: realidade, desafios e oportunidades do uso de arquiteturas empresariais

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    As tecnologias e sistemas de informação são ferramentas indispensáveis para a sobrevivência e sucesso das organizações, exigindo-se atualmente uma espécie de quadratura do círculo: fazer mais, melhor e mais rápido, com os mesmos ou menos recursos, mas gastando menos. A integração é a nova palavra de ordem e o conceito e modelo de Arquitetura Empresarial emerge de novo. Neste artigo, são abordados vários dos aspetos da realidade atual da função sistemas de informação nas organizações e os desafios e oportunidades que hoje se colocam no uso de Arquiteturas Empresariais

    Exploring the Role of Enterprise Architecture in IS-enabled Ot: An EA Principles Perspective

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    © 2016 IEEE. Although EA principles have received considerable attention in recent years, there is still little known about how EA principles can be used to govern the transformation of the Information Systems enabled organization. In this research-in-progress paper, we communicate our initial step towards answering the sub-question: how do enforcing EA principles contribute to IS-enabled OT? Based on a comprehensive literature review, we initially propose five testable hypotheses and a research model, which is a pre-requisite to developing a data-driven theory for this important area of research. It is anticipated that the ensuing theory will provide a basis for further research studying the impact of EA on IS-enabled OT. The tested research model will also provide guidance to practitioners on how to effectively design and use EA principles in managing transformative changes caused by IS within their organizations and overall industry sectors

    The Cluster Enterprise of Real Property Business

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    Assessing the Complexity of Dynamics in Enterprise Architecture Planning – Lessons from Chaos Theory

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    Enterprise Architecture (EA) models capture the fundamental elements of organizations and their relationships to serve documentation, analysis and planning purposes. As the elements and their relationships change over time, EA planning becomes increasingly complex. An analysis of existing methods shows that the complexity of dynamics is not sufficiently addressed. We argue that a sophisticated understanding of the complexity matter is prerequisite for EA planning method construction. As Chaos Theory (CT) is deployed in natural and social sciences—as well as in different contexts of IS research—to describe and understand the behavior of complex systems over time, we use properties of CT to assess the complexity of dynamics in EA planning and to derive requirements for EA planning methods. Our findings emphasize the importance of initial conditions of the architecture for EA planning and the need to harmonize planning granularities in order to achieve predictable results

    Let’s Get in Touch - Decision Making about Enterprise Architecture Using 3D Visualization in Augmented Reality

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    Making informed decisions about historically grown and often complex business and Information Technology (IT) landscapes can be particularly difficult. Enterprise Architecture Management (EAM) addresses this issue by enabling stakeholders to base their decisions on relevant information about the organization’s current and future Enterprise Architectures (EAs). However, visualization of EA is often confronted with low usefulness perceptions. Informed by the cognitive fit theory (CFT), we argue that decision-makers benefit from interacting with EA visualizations using Augmented Reality (AR), because it enables a consistent task-related mental representation based on the natural use of decision-makers’ visual-spatial abilities. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate ARs suitability for EA-related decision-making. We follow the design science research (DSR) approach to develop and evaluate an AR head-mounted display (HMD) prototype, using the Microsoft HoloLens. Our results suggest that EA-related decision-making can profit from applying AR, but users find the handling of the HMD device cumbersome

    Enterprise Architecture Planning: Analyses of Requirements from Practice and Research

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    Enterprise architecture management (EAM) has become an increasingly important topic in practice due to the growing complexity of organizations and their underlying IT. While there is a strong interest in Enterprise Architecture (EA) modeling, evaluation, and frameworks, a lack of knowledge remains in the research field of EA planning. We conducted a series of expert interviews on the topic of EA planning. From these interviews we were able to extract requirements for EA planning from practice as the foundation of our analyses. Additionally, we conducted a structured literature review to elicit requirements for EA planning from a research perspective. This paper combines the results of both the practitioner interviews and the literature review to emphasize the gaps between the two worlds. As a result, we identified that current research does not adequately address the pressing problems of EA planning in practice